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After taking the picture of the bikes I thought I have never seen how high I could get the camera using the Uniloc tripod.


So after rearranging the legs so I could swing the boom vertical this is what I got.




A height of about 1.9m.


It was so high in order to see the viewfinder and to operate the camera I had to stand on a chair!!!!

At your age Kevin ????????? :nono:  :nono:  :scared:  :nono:  :nono:  :scared:  :sungum:

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And they still haven't got that crate off the lorry, one very long chat they are having about it....that's for sure!




Hope whatever is in it doesn't have a shelf life!


Edited by KNP
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Guest mydadstoys

Hi Kevin may I congratulate you on a brilliant layout and some fantastic pictures. With me being new to the forum I am slowly finding my away around and it.:)

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Actually, I meant she'd hooked the Squadron Leader's aircraft.  Hooking the intrepid Squadron Leader himself would be, as Jeremy Kyle sometimes says, a different programme...


Ahhh, now it makes sense...…..!

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  • RMweb Premium

Actually, I meant she'd hooked the Squadron Leader's aircraft.  Hooking the intrepid Squadron Leader himself would be, as Jeremy Kyle sometimes says, a different programme...

Who knows what went on behind closed doors in the Officers Mess after a few dry sherrys. Perhaps that’s why the Colonel is taking pot shots!


All ‘high jinks’ of course, nothing that unsavoury could occur with the ‘Officer Class’ would it? :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, you'd hope that officers were gentlemen and didn't tell tales, and that they had the intellect not to get caught...  And you'd want somebody of a Colonel's rank to be a good enough shot to hit a Sopwith Camel only about 30 feet up in some of the photos.  In any case, if he has been taking pots at the Squadron Leader, it is time he was reminded of the ancient and honourable Code Of Gentlemen that has distinguished them from their inferiors for centuries...


Bros before Hos, Bra!

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  • RMweb Gold

The Squadron Leader is still on his flypast this a couple of shots this time over Little Muddle itself.






I confirm no aircraft where harmed in the taking of these pictures.


Any rumours that have been circulated about the Colonel taking pot shots at low flying objects are entirely without foundation.

The Colonels wife, in an interview with the Little Muddle Gazette reporter, strongly denied these speculations and reiterated the he would not harm a fly - unless of course, it was on the end of his fishing line she added?

She followed up by adding that he was as blind as a bat and had trouble seeing the end of his pipe to light it, only yesterday he had attempted to light it but set fire to the brim of his deerstalker instead.

With a smile she commented, it was quite funny seeing him sitting in the library drawing on a non lit pipe whilst his deerstalker smouldered listening to him promoting the virtues of smoking Old Holborn tobacco!!!

What an excellent overview of Little Muddle!


I was wondering after all that panic if the colonel was having his haircut and moustache waxed while the taxi waited for him outside the gentleman’s hairdressers.

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Kevin, post #3005 shows some really nice dust effects around the rivet heads on the King. What is your recipe for achieving that please?


The majority is Vallejo Roof Dirt and/or Weathered Black done by thin washes then wiped off with a cotton bud as it dries - small areas advisable as this paint dries quickly.

Sometimes, three or four layers can be applied to get the effect I am after.

Another trick is to dampen the surface first then apply the wash as this then tracks around the details (like rivets) almost like an osmosis effect due to the surface tension being broken. 

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Never took to the side cab windows on the King as they where to thick, stood proud of the moulding and couldn't easily be thinned without damaging the glazing.


So this is as fitted




Removed them and using some plastic microstrip I lined the window leaving a bit protruding to form the frame






When dry, sanded smooth, filled any gaps, painted black/grey and finished with a brass paint to look like the frame.




Edited by KNP
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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful job Kevin. IIRR it reminds me of the way E R H (Teddy?)Francis used to fashion bolections on his exquisite plasticard GWR coaches, finishing them off by carving, or sculpting, with a craft knife.


John C.

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King Stephen




Now all I need to do is sort out something for it to pull - or in my case look like it is pulling.

I have a feeling this will become the second loco that will have the motor removed and become a static model...…..oooooh I can here gasps and sharp intakes of breath from here!

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