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Very impressive with an incredibly high standard. Would love to see a track plan even a basic one to help get things into proportion.


I love the steam drifter, living in Great Yarmouth we have the last steam drifter restored and still in sea going condition so if you need any detail shots let me know.



Thanks for the comments and offer of pictures.


I believe the steam drifter you are referring to is the Lydia Eva and if so then I have used many of the photos found on line as a basis for this model. Just the running rigging to go and then detailing the deck and she will be finished. This one of those models that I work on, get fed up, put to one side for a while then the inspiration starts again and we are off.


Regarding the track plan, I still can't find where I put it so I think I might carry out a land survey and re-draw it again for inclusion here

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Hi Kevin, what a lovely layout. Every aspect of your modelling looks superb and I agree with Robin, very much in the Pendon mode in it's overall atmosphere.


I really like the shot of the Dairy in the first post. Is it modelled on a prototype?


Glad you like my effort and thanks for the comments.

Pendon obviously provided the nucleus for what I was aiming for and I am very pleased with what I have ended up with. Quite often you have a vision in your minds eye of what you hope it will look like and this can, and is, difficult to actually achieve.

My motto - Model what you see not what you think you should see!

The dairy is completely freelance and came from my furtive imagine using ideas gleaned from the web (actual and modelled) as a starting point.

I'll post some more pictures of the dairy later showing different views or might even take some new ones now I'm the proud owner of a continuous lighting system for photos.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well it certainly looks like how I would want it to look.


In fact it looks magnificent!


I just wish I could imagine something like this in the first place.

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Very Pendon like.I love the trees and would appreciate a tutorial on their construction and materials used.



Pendon was my aim so pleased that people are referring to my layout reminding them of it.


I have written an article on my tree making for another website in their 'how to' section so I will dig it out and see if it can be added. It was written as a Word document so I'm not sure, yet, how to add it to this website. I'll work in it.

Basically I have two types, the background ones which are enhanced Seamoss and then my prime trees for the foreground made from sagebrush armatures (actual plant from the States) and Seamoss sprigs - got the idea from the excellent Country Gate layout I saw once at an exhibition.

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Is the goods shed scratch built or bought?


It's scratch built based on the shed at Shipton-on-Stour. 

Basically the roof is thin card, 3 layers if I recall, built over a former and when the layers are glued together they form a rigid shell. I laid and glued over the top in one formed length the plastic pre-formed corrugated sheeting cut into scale widths. A fiddle but worth the effort as it ended up quite a striking model, the walls are of the same card construction and the brick plinth is brick paper on card. The windows are from LCut Creative (a useful range of windows, doors, etc that I would recommend a look at) and the reason one is to a different design is that I ran out and used whatever I had kicking around - the excuse is that a replacement window was fitted on site and they also used what they had!?!. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.......

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Thanks for the comments and offer of pictures.


I believe the steam drifter you are referring to is the Lydia Eva and if so then I have used many of the photos found on line as a basis for this model. Just the running rigging to go and then detailing the deck and she will be finished. This one of those models that I work on, get fed up, put to one side for a while then the inspiration starts again and we are off.


Regarding the track plan, I still can't find where I put it so I think I might carry out a land survey and re-draw it again for inclusion here

Yes it is the Lydia Eva and a wonderful old ship it is

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This just gets better and better.


And better.


Everything just looks 'right'.


That was my aim to make the scene feel, as you put it, 'right' and as real as I could make it.

Nothing was to look clean, everything is to look used and in some cases washed out and semi-derelict.

I can't list the buildings I have made, scrapped, or repainted, or re-weathered - if it didn't look right to me it wasn't going on the layout which partly explains why I have been working it since 2009.

Some of the early trees got scrapped (and I am talking dozens here....), remade then once I got into the prime trees saga even a selection of those where replaced at the front of the layout.

Even the basic scenery has had makeovers and tweaks as I've had better ideas or techniques.


Anyway thanks for the comments and I will keep adding more pictures from my stock or take even more now I've got this continuous lighting system to use.

That's been an amazing acquisition something I would recommend to all of you as the more defused light you can through on the scene the better quality picture you can take.

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  • RMweb Premium

This is one of the most complete and convincing layouts that I have ever seen. I'm especially impressed by your trees and the realistic, natural looking landscape.

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This is one of the most complete and convincing layouts that I have ever seen. I'm especially impressed by your trees and the realistic, natural looking landscape.


Thanks but I wouldn't say to me it's complete as only today have I been working on signal control wire posts and pulleys - not the wires though as even I bulked at that.

I have a major alteration planned for the field behind Little Muddle station where I want to bring the town around the station so it makes it feel part of the town but that's for another day, still working on the design.


One reason I think I've managed to capture the effect of the countryside is that I designed it first and then metaphorically drove the railway through it rather than the other way round. 

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Well this going to be a bit of an experiment to see what I can place picturewise.

Using my Panasonic TZ-100 I have just taken some distant shots and cropped them to form a hybrid panaromic view.

So apologies if this goes wrong so here they are taken from diferent distances and heights.


The first thing I notice in preview post I can only get half a page width for each picture is there anyway you can do to get a full page width for each picture?


Forgive me for being a bit dim but I have just realised that you can click on each picture and enlarge them to give full width.

So I've answered my own question then by trial and error........!!!!

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This is absolutely beautiful! Why is it my layout looks like this sort of thing in my head but somehow gets lost in translation when it appears on baseboards!!!


To have your own slice of Pendon is a special thing but absolutely fully deserved with the great effort. I can almost hear those birds singing.....


Thanks for sharing,



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I was introduced to this Kevin, by your comments on AndyP's thread.


Only one word for it, two I suppose-a masterpiece.


Makes me wonder what I've been doing all this time!


Makes me too appreciate the more  your "likes".


Kindest regards,

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