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Hilux5972's Royal Scotsman Build

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  • RMweb Premium

Just wanting to gauge opinion as to whether I should continue to update this thread. I’m not expecting comments every single time I post, but if I know there are people following then I will continue to update.



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  • RMweb Gold

No personal interest in the coaches, far too modern for me!, but admiring your modelling methods and modifications, pinching ideas as we go along for my own bodging.

Nice to see Brians etches actually being used, very good they are too.

Carry on for me.



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  • RMweb Premium

Definitely interested, even if its just pictures. My bodies are all stripped down just need to get the kit off Brian and crack on (when I get chance).

Hey hey, come on let’s keep it clean please! Seems there is definitely interest, even if just in the methods used so I will carry in posting updates.


Cheers guys

Edited by Hilux5972
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Just wanting to gauge opinion as to whether I should continue to update this thread. I’m not expecting comments every single time I post, but if I know there are people following then I will continue to update.




I am following this thread as well, I keep wanting to get into this and watching someone else's though process and ideas is always helpful.



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  • RMweb Premium

So I have just made an unfortunate realisation. I have been lining up the lower lining with the bottom of the windows. Unfortunately I failed to take into account the etched window frames that still need to go in, which will extend down and cover some of the lining. So it looks as though I’m going to have to remove all the lower body lining and reapply lower down. I suppose the silver lining is I realised before I had sealed the lining with varnish.

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  • 7 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Just a very quick update today. I finally got the etched verandah painted up and fitted to the coach. Looks fantastic. I had to paint it twice. The first time it clogged up the detail so I had to strip it and start again, this time giving it 3-4 very light passes.


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  • RMweb Premium

I painted up the door and seats md a few other details on the verandah. Looks good. I have another first Parlour car on the way for another state car then will just be one more needed. Looking forward to getting this finished soon.


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  • RMweb Premium

More filling and sanding. This is the 3rd lot. Possibly another 1-2 and we should be ready for paint. The good thing about the final 2 State Cars is I only have to fill in the necessary windows, no “cutting and shutting” to contend with!



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  • RMweb Premium

Here is the Spa Car, also showing the new colour I have picked. Much better than the Brown look of the last colour.



And this is State Car No.2. This is the 9th coach, leaving just one more First Parlour to become State Car No.1.


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  • RMweb Premium

So these two pics are to gauge people’s opinions on the new colour. The bottom colour is the new one. The first pic shows the two side by side under normal light, and the bottom shows with camera flash. Which do people think looks better?


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  • RMweb Premium

The beginning of a very long, painful process, probably resulting in temporary loss of vision. Axle ends painted yellow. Springs will be red, and the damper arms (I’m not sure if this is the correct term) will be blue.


Eventually they will look like this:


Can someone give me the correct term for the blue part? Now to have a break and do an oil change on the car to let my eyes recover!

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  • RMweb Premium

And there we have it. Bad eyesight and a shaky hand later, all bogies bar 2 completed. The final First Parlour has been ordered and then I will have the full 10 coach rake.


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