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GWR Branch - Castle Down. Mostly GWR with an odd SR working


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I agree - it means that the engine starts to appeal to the next generation and is truly enjoyed! I know the purists might balk a little bit I don’t think it hurts on occasion and it’s the best way to get younger fans interested. One of the reasons we do it is so that as many people as possible enjoy seeing and riding behind her. I can’t wait!


All the best,



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Started looking at the glazing last night. The Lazer glaze does look really smart, but, it's a tight fit! Almost doesn't need glue it's such a tight fit! Going to be interesting.


How do people do it? Make sure it fits, push it back out and then run a tiny amount of glue (I've got some glue and glaze) and push it back in?

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Hi Scott,


That is exactly how I did it. I used glue and glaze as well although I must admit to cheating with the top tiny wimdows. I just used the glue and glaze which works very well and will go flush if you are careful. A few of the panes required the lightest of passes with a fine abrasive of your choice. Best of luck!


All the best,



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Agreed on the top ones, no way I'm shoving the glass in there, perfect place for glue and glaze windows, which I've done before on much larger windows without issue. 


I know what I'm doing tomorrow :)

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Managed to grab 30mins last night to do a test fit of the first window with the white bar behind. I used a cocktail stick to run some glue and glaze around the frame and pushed it in. I then used some microstrip pushed in from behind on the same glue.




I'm worried the bar might be a little much.. Might need to try and cut the strip in half, but that will leave it very floppy.

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Managed to grab 30mins last night to do a test fit of the first window with the white bar behind. I used a cocktail stick to run some glue and glaze around the frame and pushed it in. I then used some microstrip pushed in from behind on the same glue.




I'm worried the bar might be a little much.. Might need to try and cut the strip in half, but that will leave it very floppy.


I agree with your views that the strip is to thick.

In half will look better otherwise shaping up nicely.....

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There is a whole section on the box, have a flick back and see. Besides, it's in gwr colours, so it's fine.


The signal. Well, that's just to make were the correct one should be, when I get round to purchasing it.

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Manged to find just about enough time to fit the cab windows and the white strips. Very fiddly job, but I think it was worth it.






Now just need to do the rest of the windows and she is very nearly done. 


Thanks to a recommendation from Castle I managed to pickup a copy of GWR Goods Train workings over the weekend. 




Quick flick through with a coffee, some amazing pictures! I need to start digging into this one.


I've also been on the lookout for a 6 wheel Siphon. I felt it was more in keeping with the small branch for my milk delivery. Well like buses two came along at once! One is complete, might need some tlc. The other is a part built kit, so I can have some fun with that!


Must now stop buying stock! I've a couple of boxes of wagons that need some bench time to get them into traffic. Another box of kits that need painting and a few unmade kits.. :)

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The Milk arrived!


The Dean Goods arrived with a empty fish van and also the 6 wheel siphon full of churns for the dairy. 






I was able to run round onto the hill and capture this one too..




The flush glazing has been all but finished in the Autocoach. I thought that was going to be an easy job, I don't think I appreciated that they were individual sections when I ordered them. I was really worried at one point, a very small window shot off and I couldn't find it for a bit!


I bought the B set Windows at the same time. I'm going to leave that project for a little while I think.

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I couldn't work out why my workbench had lots of pots of wheels and plastic sprues everywhere.. So I decided to have a little easter tidy up and found I've a few wagon kits in various stages of build! I got them all on wheels and running, I just need to have a word with the wagon paint shop as they appear to be a little backed up with this lot hanging around!




I think I'm ready to glue the autocoach roof on!!


I used a small amount of t-cut on a cotton bud or 3 to clean up the windows after they had been fitted. I then used some more glue to fix all the ones I'd pushed out while cleaning them! The luggage windows have a small sheet of plastic behind them with the bars drawn on in black permanent marker. I then fitted out the cab control, installed a driver and fitted a few people.


I do need to install the grab rails for the side doors I've also realised.






I also swapped the wheels on the chassis to full metal replacements. 


There are a few bits that I could have done better. A few marks and blemishes that showed up more than I'd like during the build. But for my second ever coach I think it's a huge step forward over the Airfix of Hornby version. 


I maybe need to look at some weathering.. But I'll leave it for now.


(Last 2 pictures tweaked, full res off the camera I think is getting compressed)

Edited by sjrixon
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Thanks for all the likes for the Autocoach.. I've been having a couple of small running sessions and the 48xx is running really nicely with the coach. It means I can leave a few trucks around the place and not worry about blocking the run round, so makes a good change in the operation.


The Autocoach was a little side project that took a little longer than expected, don't they always, but as I'd been gifted the 48xx for my birthday, it needed a smart coach to go with it. 


The sharp eyed among you may have noticed some sections of wood had appeared at the front of the layout. The plan is to build two removable sections that can better hide the baseboard joint and also provide some trees etc. By making them removable I can move them out of the way for track cleaning, pictures, general maintenance etc, but still have high to the section.


You may also notice they are about the size of a cakebox.. Not sure If one will go that way, but I have options :)






Time to make a mess..



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Part one completed!!





I used my standard build practise of newspaper scrunched up underneath the bandage roll stuff. It's pretty quick and easy to work with, not overly messy and cheap! I bough about 5 rolls for under a tenner!


I've also been toying with the yard around the shed. It's sat without any progress for all this time because I just couldn't decide how to do it. I knew I wanted that yard like effect, fairly flat with ash, but it's not something I've done before. I then came across a couple blog articles from Chris Nevard, linked from his recent layout in a box article.


Clay Cobbles
Ash Ballast


I've therefore started playing with some DAS clay, something I've not used on a layout before, but I have to say it's quite smart! I do now need to raise the base layer of the yard around the track, so I'll lay out some cork around it. If i'd planned this the whole area would have been one giant lump of cork, instead I now need to patch in around it! I'll then work cobbles over the track to join the two areas, cobbles in front of the shed and then ash everywhere else.

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I've been playing over the weekend.. 


My first play with clay and cobbles went quite well! I flattened it down and rolled it out with a beer bottle, then attacking it with a pen that I'd removed the ink from.




I then started to raise the rest of the yard up with the cork. You can also see here I'd filled in the middle of the track with some cobbles, not sure I like it. That I think will come out and replace with something else.




Cork is then all down and completed.





I've then started adding in the clay around the tracks for the ash effect. I'm finding this quite hard as it takes some time to see how it's going to look and imagine the final effect. I've tried to blend it onto my cobbles. I may need to re-do the cobbles a little bit as now I've raised the area up, the cobbles are a little low.



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Ok.. So this is a slow old process... When Chris said 'OK, just a little better than swimming in the freezing sea in January' he wasn't kidding.


I put a small amount of PVA down and spread with a brush and small amount of water. Flatten out a small-ish lump of clay and start spreading it around up to the rails. Having slightly damp fingers helps to push the clay about. Then I take a small lump to break off very small bits, using these very small bits I push into the gaps between the rails..


I've found it really hard to keep off the rail sides and chairs. Best I can do is get as little on as possible, then run a wet stiff brush along the rails and chairs, this removes most big lumps, I then run a pointy stick along to remove the rest. When I then stamp it down with a big brush it's not too bad, I'm getting better at this as I go, as is normal with these things.


Blending the edges down to nothing of each section helps when you add the next one. Even if it's then dry it's easy to blend back in. 




I've also used a lot of clay.. So just placed an order for a 1KG bar of the stuff. While it's tough around the tracks, I really like the effect you can do with, I can see me using this again for other jobs, just less around rails!!


I want to get some paint on part of this sooner rather than later, see how it looks. Then I can paint the rail sides back and then some dry brushing of the chairs, see if the look it going to work.




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Making more progress..


I tried a quick coat of paint last night, just to get an idea. The article from Chris said to do the cobbles in black and then dry brush them on. I have to say looking at it now, I think the back is too dark, the dry brushing nicely picks up the tops, but I doesn't quite look right.. 


See what you think..




It was really tough to get enough light onto it to see what it really looks like.

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Making more progress..


I tried a quick coat of paint last night, just to get an idea. The article from Chris said to do the cobbles in black and then dry brush them on. I have to say looking at it now, I think the back is too dark, the dry brushing nicely picks up the tops, but I doesn't quite look right.. 


See what you think..




It was really tough to get enough light onto it to see what it really looks like.

My first reaction, before reading what you wrote, was that the cobbles looked good. Far better than I was anticipating, but the ash area

needs more texture.


Could it be the cobbles have a slight gloss sheen from the paint (its hard to tell from the pic), if so perhaps a bit of matt varnish might help.


All the best

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The picture makes them more shinny than they are in reality. I ended up getting the tripod out and having a long exposure just to get that picture. I think I may need to get the tripod up on the baseboard, pointing down to get a top down view. 


Thanks for the feedback though. I think I need to get the rest done with the clay and then work away with the paint, it's going to take some time to get the mix and texture quite right. I tried some dry brushing on the ash section in the grey, actually worked quite well, but you really can't see that in the picture at all.

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