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GWR Branch - Castle Down. Mostly GWR with an odd SR working


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  • RMweb Gold

The coach is progressing nicely. It's had a couple of coats of coach brown now, I need to go and check on it later. It's sat drying in the spray booth. Then it's the scary moment where I peel back the tape to see if the masking was done correctly!!!


As spraying is rather dull job, I've also been adding some cover and texture around the layout. There is now a small hut for the crew to hang out while shunting and some grass around them Far from finished, but it always looks better as the bare boards get covered.







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  • RMweb Gold

Grabbed an hour in the shed, so I took the paper off!! We have a coach! Not looking too bad at all..






There is a slight glitch at the back, but I think it will be covered by the lining transfers.. The chassis is now on the bench getting a coat of black. 


The next job will be to paint up the insides and pick out the windows. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Standing in the yard as Castle Down, the Mogul departed on time at 4.23.




I then waited around for the goods to come in, I was lucky that it was pulled by the Dean and could catch a few shots as it shunted the trucks in the yard.






It then sizzled in the siding for a bit. I was just about to leave when a Pannier arrived, so I could grab this shot from the loading dock..



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  • RMweb Gold

Manged to fix the roof, I had a shell vent that had been knocked off! So I drilled out the old one, to replace with a white metal version. I then decided it was probably easier to give the whole roof a dusting with primer.


I then fixed the front steps on and gave the whole under frame a session with the primer. 






I just dropped it on the bogies for the pictures.


Time to get some GWR colours out I think!

Looks great I have to say, shows off the detailing well.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've managed to get the chassis all painted and also picked out the drop lights. Even without any of the lining and the half finished roof, it's looking much smarter that the Airfix paint job.





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  • RMweb Gold

It was the dancing on ice final last night, so a chance to do the first stage of transfers. I hate coach lining, so I knew this wasn't going to easy. I managed quite a good job on the first side, flipped it to do the other, all good!


Then I flipped it back, they had slipped! I knew I shouldn't have done the second side so quickly. Then, in moving them back some of the chocolate paint lifted!! GGGRRrrrrrr! I managed to mostly tidy up the lining, then I need to give the chocolate a quick coat to tidy it back up. I'll be doing the second line one at a time!

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Hi Scott


Just catching up with the layout and It is looking very good, certainly something to be proud of.


You have my sympathy for the coach lining as I have lost count of the number of times I have done something similar through wanting to see the finished item, I've learnt to be much more patient now and not worry about the time taken.


Keep up the great work,



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the kind words Jim.. It's a fine line between patience and enthusiasm. I think I've saved the lining, but of a wobble in places, but you'll never see it on the layout and a quick bit of weathering covers most sins!


It's adding the second line that I'm really not looking forward too! I think I'll need to mark out the gap to keep it consistent.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had a tidy up in my office/railway room yesterday.. Good for the soul from time to time. 


I've now made a front fascia for the layout, trimmed down the control panel stand, (It just kept getting in the way when taking pictures) and also made two holders for the goods yard playing cards. The one on the left holds the fiddle yard trains, while the right holds the ones on the layout.




Feel much better.. Aaahhhh... 

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I had a tidy up in my office/railway room yesterday.. Good for the soul from time to time. 


I've now made a front fascia for the layout, trimmed down the control panel stand, (It just kept getting in the way when taking pictures) and also made two holders for the goods yard playing cards. The one on the left holds the fiddle yard trains, while the right holds the ones on the layout.




Feel much better.. Aaahhhh... 


Looking good.

Now if you are anything like me, after a tidy up I can never remember where anything is and spend ages looking for it..........normally it's right under my nose!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought I'd have a measure up for a driver. I found a man with his right arm raised, there is a level coming down from the ceiling that he could then reach.




Oh.. Everyone is a little too tall!

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I thought I'd have a measure up for a driver. I found a man with his right arm raised, there is a level coming down from the ceiling that he could then reach.




Oh.. Everyone is a little too tall!

Not only that, but is he on the correct side?


When you find out please let me know, and I'll check mine.

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  • RMweb Gold

You are right.. He is the wrong side!


I guess the lever up high is the brake. Found a few people really leaning on it, there is a small handle on the ground too. I've found a new man with his other hand raised, his legs are very much in danger!

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Hi Scott,


This might help a bit - it’s the rear cab of Railmotor No. 93 but it is essentially the same as any other GWR auto trailer. The fire extinguisher is a modern requirement of lighting a fire in a wooden bodied coach - albeit in a nice firebox at the other end...




Here we go. Left to right we have:


The cover for the mechanism that leads down to the universal joint that connects to the locomotive regulator (the power bogie in this case).


The rod goes up to the regulator handle. This has a quadrant that is ratcheted and the pawl is engaged and disengaged by the lever on the handle.


The short lever poking up through the floor is the sander.


Then there is the handbrake. This is a standard coach type.


The red thing on the pedestal is the vacuum brake and it is connected to the gauge above the window. The large chain has a loop to ‘lock’ the handbrake.


The small chain has a small metal pin on it that is put into a hole at the base of the handle to prevent it moving when the loco or power bogie is being controlled from the other end.


Top right is the whistle cord (a wire rope) and the bell system to communicate with the fireman. There is an electric bell at the top, then a cast metal plate that has the instructions on it and then the push button. I don’t think this is in the kit.


Missing from this one but included in the Dart kit and in later vehicles is the ATC box which is a a rectangular box with a bell on top of it. The bell is brass and the box is green. It is usually mounted next to the brake handle to the right of the brake valve with the rounded top just poking up above the bottom of the window.


Another bit not in here but in the auto trailer but also not in the kit is a silver pipe that goes in a sort of U shape horizontally across the middle bit of the front wall with a mason type valve (found on the upper left of a GWR locomotive back head) to the left of the mechanism guard and that is a steam heat pipe. It’s different in this one as the steam heat is all in one because of the power bogie at the other end.


I hope this helps!


All the best,



Edited by Castle
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