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Hornby 2017 Range (announcement date)

MGR Hooper!

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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't it annoying how Hornby always seem to be able to describe different BR liveries, yet for GWR (and presumably other big four liveries) it's always just GWR rather than great western / shirtbutton /G crest W etc (or any terms to describe them)

Doesn't matter which they choose, it'll be the wrong one for most of the Swindon posse. :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Hornby have three trade open days around the country. The first of these is on January 4th, so the announcement has been set to coincide with this first open day.

These three shows are for us to introduce the trade and press to the 2017 Hornby, Airfix, Scalextric, Corgi and Humbrol ranges. As well as the usual Sales and Marketing presence, Development will be on hand to chat to as well.


It'll be great to have a chat about the hobby and the challenges that we all face in attracting new blood to it, so please come and introduce yourselves.


See you there?



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  • RMweb Gold

With the most recent announcement (toad, duchess etc) can there be much new to announce other than reliveries?

A Saint class as well as Colletts in shirtbutton and maroon liveries.

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<snip> When all the models that Hornby are accused of trying to steal were announced, Hornby actually posted a model or a CAD that was obviously well developed soon after. Hardly trying to stop other manufacturers. More likely other manufacturers by chance deciding to make the same models Hornby were developing. <snip>


<snip>  Class 71 aren't even in production yet. <snip>


Hi Jason,


Not quite accurate. DJModels announced the 71 quite a while before Hornby and had already done their laser scan 2 weeks before Hornby did theirs. There is a lot of politics / money / lawyers involved so it's best not to go there.


According the Dave of DJModels. They ARE in production. The Chassis were completed some weeks ago and the expectation was to have them before Christmas but there are some pre-Chinese New Year issues which have delayed them (issues not in anyone's control)


I don't think there is the market for 2x 71's but DJModels have sunk a lot of money into theirs and it is only reasonable for them to continue. The Hornby models does seem to have flooded the market. According to my local model shop they still have their original batch in and are unlikely to be ordering any more.



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From DJModels announcement (Via Kernow)




Project Update - 14th December 2016

We have received the following from Dave at DJ Models.

Dear Crowdfunder,
It is unfortunate that I write this so close to what should have been a happy day for all of us.
I am sorry to say that production of the class 71 has been temporarily halted due to totally unforeseen circumstances.
Last month the chassis were under construction and tested and I witnessed the QC checking myself. All was good.
However, as the saying goes, 'there's many a slip between cup and lip', and this has proved to be the case.
Most of you are aware of Chinese New Year (CNY) and the implications this has on all manufacturers who use China for production of goods, whether its trains or washing machines etc. 
But basically it's when China shuts down for a week. Well that doesn't sound too drastic does it? Well it isn't normally too drastic for us in the west who rely on Chinese production as we know its coming. 
But the implications and knock on effects are a pain. As China is so vast, and workers migrate from home from thousands of miles away they obviously want to go home for Christmas.
These trips are long and arduous and take a week in some cases by bus, train or car. This means that you lose not only a week for CNY but also a week before and a week after.
Then there is no guarantee that you will get your already trained workforce back en masse, and not have staff shortages from those who do not wish to come back to work.
Indeed the week to 2 weeks after CNY has finished you will find what looks like open markets in Shenzhen with each 'stall' offering xxx in wages to recruit new staff, vying to fill their workforce with other companies.
OK, so that's CNY, so how does it affect the class 71 in production?
This year has seen a worrying development in the last week of staff leaving VERY early to go home for CNY. with one factory I know of losing 40% of its' workforce as word spread of this happening. 
It seems like the projected 3 billion transport movements in the next month or so has galvanized the workforce to some degree to leave very early. The trains, like some budget airlines now put up fares closer to CNY you get so this may also have had an effect.
Either way it has hit production, with factories now paying remaining staff overtime etc, to try to complete goods to ship before or around Christmas.
The Class 71 and other projects have been hit by this and i have been given a rescheduled completion date of Late February 2017 for the 71.
I can only apologize for the delay which is very much beyond my control and hope you can understand why and hold out just a little longer for this superb model. And if a production slot becomes available sooner i will push to get the models completed and then i shall ship by air to save time (1 week as opposed to 35 days by sea/land).
If I get further clarification from China on developments, I will of course, post here to let you all know.
Dave Jones
DJModels Ltd
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  • RMweb Gold

A Saint class as well as Colletts in shirtbutton and maroon liveries.

Ah yes,Robin,bringing back memories of early spotting years on Swansea High St.,Cardiff General and Pontypool Road. The last survivor was 2920 St.David of Hereford (85C). Others I remember were Quentin Durward and Cefntilla Court.It would be nice to see one appear from Hornby once again.Maybe a chance for them to redeem themselves with a decent shade of GWR green too.The BR survivors were lined black..if you could actually recognise it under postwar grime that is.

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps this thread could stay on the subject of Hornby's 2017 model announcement (with a modicum of wishing and hoping no doubt  - which is probably causing a few chuckles among Islesy and his colleagues) and not consider what other manufacturers are or aren't doing as those subjects are covered in the relevant threads while the matter of who thought of what first is, hopefully, water which long ago passed under a bridge.

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All Pullmans look the same to me - is there anything new and/or interesting about these 2017 ones, please?

What is missing from Hornby are the 12-wheelers, Parlours and Kitchens with full roof ends over the vestibules. Brakes were produced and only one full car (no. 45) for the Bournemouth Belle add-on set. The Great E astern/LNER had lots of them for the Eastern Belle, Yorkshire Pullman and The Queen of Scots Pullman. Many survived into. WW2 and were used as resturant cars, (sold to the LNER) and N.A.A.F.I. catering vehicles. At least two survive to this day. So there is a big hole yet to be filled, PLEASE!!!

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What is missing from Hornby are the 12-wheelers, Parlours and Kitchens with full roof ends over the vestibules. Brakes were produced and only one full car (no. 45) for the Bournemouth Belle add-on set. The Great E astern/LNER had lots of them for the Eastern Belle, Yorkshire Pullman and The Queen of Scots Pullman. Many survived into. WW2 and were used as resturant cars, (sold to the LNER) and N.A.A.F.I. catering vehicles. At least two survive to this day. So there is a big hole yet to be filled, PLEASE!!!


Hardly as big a hole as the GWR non-corridor stock shaped one. 

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a week before then a week after just for travel... them Chinese folk sure seem to have things sewn up nicely.  gives an impression of real family commitment that and I cant believe in one of the worlds biggest labour markets the employers dont say up yours if youre taking 3 weeks off (and then doubts about actual return to work dates which beggars belief) and sack em........


Wish te UKNY was as flaky as the CNY. wouldn't want the UB40 push though..........

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Or trying to flood the market in an attempt to leave a fledgling competitor with lots of unsold stock to push them into financial difficulties before they can get established?


Conspiracy theorist, me, never!



And before anyone thinks I am going down on Hornby I was very impressed with their stand and models displayed at Warley and am quietly optimistic that they are going to give us some decent diesel/electric models in the future.

The point is though, DJMs class 71s are already pre-sold, so there won,t be any unsold stock at DJM itself. Hattons will have some unsold for a while, but they have targeted Golden Arrow with proper etches that Hornby seem unable to do well right now, while Kernow may have some unsold weathered ones that again Hornby are unable to do well right now, but for DJM, there are no unsold 71s.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have my suspicions (though I hope I'm wrong) that the only GWR liveried Collett release will be an expansion pack for the Bristolian with another compo and two thirds.


Hopefully I'm wrong and there will be individual coaches in shirt button or Hawksworth as well as the pack...

I have my suspicions (though I hope I'm wrong) that the only GWR Collett release will be an expansion pack for the Bristolian with another compo and two thirds.


Hopefully I'm wrong and there will be individual coaches in shirt button or Hawksworth as well as the pack...

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I have my suspicions (though I hope I'm wrong) that the only GWR liveried Collett release will be an expansion pack for the Bristolian with another compo and two thirds.


Hopefully I'm wrong and there will be individual coaches in shirt button or Hawksworth as well as the pack...

I have my suspicions (though I hope I'm wrong) that the only GWR Collett release will be an expansion pack for the Bristolian with another compo and two thirds.


Hopefully I'm wrong and there will be individual coaches in shirt button or Hawksworth as well as the pack...


So good it needed saying twice  :jester:

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a week before then a week after just for travel... them Chinese folk sure seem to have things sewn up nicely. gives an impression of real family commitment that and I cant believe in one of the worlds biggest labour markets the employers dont say up yours if youre taking 3 weeks off (and then doubts about actual return to work dates which beggars belief) and sack em........


Wish te UKNY was as flaky as the CNY. wouldn't want the UB40 push though..........

Except don't most of the Chinese workers live in dormitories, and CNY is the one time they get home to see their families? I think it's a bit hard to begrudge them a couple of weeks a year, just so we get our models a bit quicker...?



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  • RMweb Premium

Love that to be true Jason


Unfortunately I think we are getting carried away here. Hornby announced their new locos at Warley and before. The 0-4-4T , class 87 and Duchess. Also Toad and new Mk1s . That's pretty impressive as it is. I think what they are announcing will be reliveries and program for their existing models. BR single chimney, Collet tendered , late BR Castle please.........Bristol Castle. I reckon it's 60 years since it was introduced by Hornby Dublo, and they haven't released what I think is the most popular configuration of Castle as a mainstream release yet.


I'd like to be proved wrong ,though ,and a Caledonian 812 in blue would be very attractive. The Huntley and Palmers Peckett shows that blue is the colour!

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From the press release.



Hornby have already announced a number of exciting new models which will feature in their 2017 catalogue, however their full 2017 range including new locomotives, rolling stock and accessories is expected to be announced on January 4th.  - See more at: http://www.hattons.co.uk/NewsDetail.aspx?id=145#sthash.MffsMeci.dpuf


That implies new models as opposed to reliveries.




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  • RMweb Gold

No misunderstanding here.

But no GA class 71 announcements either from DJ.. to quote my own words from your own post


Puzzled, unless my words weren't clear, but we seem to agree.


The class 71 maybe an obscure battleground for competitors to duel, but at the end of the day, for us it's a hobby, for The manufacturers it's a business, that provides income to families. Companies do what they need to survive and take on competition, as modellers we may be uncomfortable with it in our own interests for the hobby, but 9am Monday morning many of us do the same in our respective jobs, I know Ive been some odd places, and take strange competition for what may seem pointless deals.


If that is the case, I am at a loss why you state that DJ Class 71s may be "...a rare beast from the moment it arrives".


In my opinion the DJ 71 appears to stand the chance of being the superior model (I hope so as I have bought 2), in which case may be the Hornby 71 has just found its price level and it is nothing to do with over-supply?



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