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Bridge Abutments


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I need to build a pair of abutments for a bridge on my layout. I've downloaded and printed the Ashlar texture from scale scenes to use for this.


The basic structure is pretty simple, it's a box with a piece chopped out for the bridge to sit on. What I'm struggling with is how to use the texture sheet on this structure. If I make separate sides and cover each one, then where the edges meet the texture would look slightly weird. If cover the assembled structure in one, I'm note sure how the corners would wrap with the block pattern. 


Has anyone else done anything similar? Does anyone have any advice on how to match the texture round the corners on such a structure? 





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Open a fragment of the Scalescenes sheet in a photo processing program. Blend some blocks together to get an average colour and tone. Print off a full sheet of that colour then cut out rectangles to create your quoin.

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