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It's one small step for me and probably not one that you'd particularly notice unless prodded with a sharp pointed stick. ;) Slapped on a bit of basic colour just to see how it might look. Really need to get those roofs finished when I extract my digit and actually order the material. Hey Ho.









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Looking great mike , hope your hands on the mend .

Thanks, hand/arms still far from right infection still not completely beaten although the new treatment has made a slight improvement. Will see what the Doctors say next week and go from there. Bit of a bummer really.

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Sash windows fitted and granite setts added to yard area, now every thing fits its, on with the back scene before the buildings are fixed in place. Oh! they do need finishing first.;)





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Some days are great, whilst others simply grate and today is a grate day. Just back from the doctors with yet another treatment to continue for a month when he will see me again, oh deep joy.

I still need to keep my left hand gloved when modelling which is a little restricting but hey-ho I'll just keep plodding on and try to complete Harts Hill Iron Works. Thoroughly depressed miserable me. :cry:  

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Some days are great, whilst others simply grate and today is a grate day. Just back from the doctors with yet another treatment to continue for a month when he will see me again, oh deep joy.

I still need to keep my left hand gloved when modelling which is a little restricting but hey-ho I'll just keep plodding on and try to complete Harts Hill Iron Works. Thoroughly depressed miserable me. :cry:  


Chin up Mike, even when you plod you make better progress that me. John

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Mike a question if I may on a difficulty I foresee.

I'm adding my back scene board to which my back scene buildings will be in front of.  I've never really had a back scene board just a shed or garage wall as the end of my model world.


I'm using 1/4" [6mm] ply to play about with as it's left over from another home project.   My concern is the amount of wobble in the ply even after I have placed a holding piece of strip wood along the bottom and 4 verticals spread evenly along the 8ft length up to the fiddle yard. 

Did you build a solid picture frame and then cover that with your ply or have you got plenty of diagonals installed, maybe some 9mm thick ply will help.



Panic over I am getting my 3mm, 6mm and 9mm all mixed up.  The left over ply is 3mm which is probably why it is a little wobbly.  Going back out to the shed and trying a measured piece of 6mm ply all seems stiff enough on 24" centred verticals.

Must be an age thing.



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Never mind the age thing, here's my take on all things back scene.  I use 2mm hardboard with a frame glued and screwed of 25mm x 30mm planned timber. Narrow (25mm) against the board  so it reduces the flex. see photo result of a wood butcher at work. No sophisticated joints just plain screws, although they are countersunk.  ;)





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Set backs do occur at the most inconvenient of times but Mike keep your chin up, your modelling is inspirational. You always seem to capture the atmosphere perfectly in all your layouts and I am certain that this one will be no exception.



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Playing about with  modified pavement in front of the pub and the office building. Nothing fixed in place as the overcast sky needs to be applied to the backscene  and detailing of the buildings need to be done.  The detailing will have to wait until after next weekend when I should have purchased my supply of EverGreen plastic.


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  • RMweb Gold

For Backscenes Iuse 4mm ply with 20mm sq timber rather like Mike's.


Nice work Mike sorry to hear you are still suffering and not having a very easy time of it. Doesn't seem to affect the quality of your work though.


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Thanks Don, using my left over ply [turns out it's 5mm] and some back supports as per Mike's I fitted my back scene board on Saturday.


I've never got on with hardboard always preferring ply but one positive with hardboard is its finished side is very good, so maybe one day I'll give it a go..

A couple of coats of paint should see the job done as most will be covered with wall or builds the little showing will get an extra coat of stormy weather grey nothing too fancy.


Hope you hands are getting better Mike, did the doctor say what had caused it as a lot of the modelling bits we use can be quite harmful and so can stress and you have had a bit of that lately too.


Take care





Just a bit of fun............... from Peter Sellers and his GLOVED HAND.

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The Wallows update: Ballasting not one of my favourite jobs I'd sooner watch paint dry or cut my wrists, but that would make a mess of the baseboards. Hopefully it will be finished sometime soon after a visit to the 7mm Narrow gauge show in Burton. S&D for a few bits'n'bobs, plus EverGreen plastic on the agenda, the one advantage of having worked for B.R. I get free rail travel, couple that with my free bus pass and it's a no brainer. It's great being a senior and before you ask how old, I remember the big four and nationalisation not just the railways but coal and canals. Of course I was born at a very early age.;)

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Glad to read your post above Mike, you sound in much better spirits.

We're of a very similar age profile so you possibly will remember placing 1/2pennies on the rails for the next train to turn into pennies.    :jester:


I think I missed out with the bus pass or I've lost it but then me and buses don't get on so no great loss to me.



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Reasons to be cheerful, no not words from the song, but an absolutely brilliant Train Manager on the Euston to Edinburgh service who joined at Wolverhampton. His announcements were fantastic and had the whole train in fits of laughter. It was just what was needed to lift the spirits after all the current sadness. If anyone from Virgin Management read this, this man deserves an award.1f602.png Oh! on the hand front it isn't such good news, the problem has now spread to both hands, arms and torso,so watch this space. I feel or should that look like something from Quatermass and the Pit. Even the Grandchildren are hiding behind the sofa like watching Dr. Who. What was that other song? Moldy old dough. Never mind hey.

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.... It's great being a senior and before you ask how old, ... Of course I was born at a very early age. ;)

We don't need to ask, Mike - you told us in Post #94, just back a page on this Thread...




I'm only 76years young and if my Father in Law can write and have published his Autobiography at the tender age of 104 going on 105 I hope I've got more than a few more years at playing trains. :)


"Senior Moment" is the phrase, I believe.  :friends:  :D

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We don't need to ask, Mike - you told us in Post #94, just back a page on this Thread...





"Senior Moment" is the phrase, I believe.  :friends:  :D

Just checking to see if  anyone was awake.:D

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Hi Mike, looking at your back scene BACK I notice that you have some nifty ring ended push-pull point change over rods.  I've just used a single piece of choc block tightened onto my rods to aid holding but those look much more the finished job.  Did you make them of buy them?.

I'm just about to search for ring pull after seeing yours.



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The rings are picture frame rings with a screw thread. I soldered a piece of tube to the pull  rod and screwed the ring into it and set it in place with solder. The pull rod is attached to the Bluepoint unit with the brass unit from a choc block. When I'm next in the gentleman's retreat I'll take a couple of photos.


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Lying down on the floor with my phone set for camera I've managed a happy snap of the pull rod attachment to the Bluepoint unit. I also took the opportunity top snap "Just another brick in the Wall" not the cover of the Pink Floyd Album but, the retaining wall I've started building for board 2 almost 3ft long in old money.





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I also took the opportunity top snap "Just another brick in the Wall" not the cover of the Pink Floyd Album but, the retaining wall I've started building for board 2 almost 3ft long in old money.

And have you made allowance for an aircraft to fly over the wall as in the Earl's Court production circa 1980?

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