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Kit bashing Tri-ang coaches for the 1950's, Southern Region

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Good morning,


I am sorting out some parts to build a Southern Region Push Pull set and have several brake ends from the Tri-ang Clerestory coaches.  I have seen some vans on the background of various pictures, panelled sides, duckets etc, some in the middle and some with duckets on each end.  It got me wondering as to what happened to the pre-gouping (LSWR, LBSC & SECR) NPCCS.  The large number of Southern PMV and CCT's probably spelled their doom. 


Any pointers to books etc would be appreciated.

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Continued from:




The ends of the coach trimmed and a second roof cut down in height. 






Looking quite the part now.  I think I will use a full width piece of plasticard between the sides with the gutter on top of that, then the roof section on top of that.  With a few cut outs a lighting strip of LEDs could sit within the roof.




Final job for today was to add some 'goo' to the inside of the join in the sides.




Let's see what can be done tomorrow...





Edited by The Bigbee Line
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Here is a picture of the cast white metal ends I'm using:




With the 2-NOL it will need thinning down at the sides as the NOL looks quite slim...  The wiper will go as well.


I was toying with the idea of using a 2-BIL underframe...  Maybe using the Ratio Midland Compartment sides.

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I don't know if its in the current Roxey list, but they do do an SR 'standard' push-pull end cast in whitemetal, but I know there is stock because I've seen a big box or them in Dave's workshop - I guess they date from the plasticard pressed coach kits era?



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I don't know if its in the current Roxey list, but they do do an SR 'standard' push-pull end cast in whitemetal, but I know there is stock because I've seen a big box or them in Dave's workshop - I guess they date from the plasticard pressed coach kits era?





I've got a PP end and three ordinary coach ends, has these for .... years, living in a box with ratio coach sides for such a project....


Still might get a few more as Southern Push Pull sets have an attraction of their own...

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I needed some first compartments for the project and got a couple of bargain coaches from Ebay.  They arrived yesterday.  I was surprised by how crisp the mouldings were, even more surprised when I looked underneath.  Made in China....

Are they the original moulds, or did they re-do the tooling?  What set are these from?







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A copy of 'An Illustrated History of Southern Push-Pull Stock' by Mike King was delivered to my waiting hands. Gosh what a complicated subject....


Numerous possibilities.  I placed the Tri-ang Clerestories on the scanner to allow some cut and shut to see how various diagrams could be constructed using these as the core of the body.


Here is a 46'6" diagram 33 Driving Corridor Composite, and a 58' diagram 417 Compartment Third.



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Progress is slow.  I joined 2 roof sections together.  Made a bit of a hash and will need to do a bit of filling. 




My supply of plasticard arrived and I set too adding a ceiling section to the roof.  The piece sticking out will represent the gutter and be trimmed to reduce its size.  A thin 6 inch steel rule was used as a fence to slice off some of the excess width.  I'll probably ise something thinner and a sanding block for the final trim...




Here the combined roof and ceiling section.  I need to wait until the join is nicely set, then file the inside of the roof to take the end section.  The nearby Hornby body is my example used as a guide




Here is my 'paint' impression of the piece to be added to locate the roof correctly between the sides.




It all looks very rough when enlarged in these pictures.


I have torpedo vents and some buffers on the way.  More progress hopefully over the weekend.

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Slow but steady progress..


I had a thought about creating straight ends on the Triang Clerestory coaches.  How about leaving the top straight part and splicing in another straight section from a previously removed body..


Here is the bottom section cut out with a rotary saw blade..




Trying the spare section for size...




Ready for gluing




Side view of trial run




Clamped up in position to set




No coaches were harmed in this program..


Seriously, Not sure how this will come out.  One thing that has struck me, is how the pictures I take show things I cannot see normally.  So I'm working on the premis that its better to crack on and get the coach finished.

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The actual type testing coach will have scratch built ends.  The ceiling section to the roof has had the gutter reduced in size to mirror the Hornby LSWR roof profile.


An end of 20thou sheet has been cemented in place with some partitions.


Need to get the roof squared up and the ends done.  I've a BA bolt to secure the roof triang style, just need to captivate the nut to the roof section. 


There are metal Romford Coach Wheels to add, will need pick ups for lights.  That's it for tonights session. 














Sorry for the untidy bench



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Cold today, but had an hour in the workshop.


I recently purchased some headstocks (buffer beams) from Peters Spares, look good for my coaches...




I also decided to create a 10 compartment third from the compartment ends of the Clerestories brakes.  Joined together these equate to a 60 coach.  Will probably use the CCT roof sections..




A cruel close up of the joint, no filling as yet.





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