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Revolution Trains proposes Class 92 in N

Revolution Ben

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The only problem with having two crowd funded models of the same prototype proposed is there's a risk neither will proceed. That'd be a real shame as these are definitely on my list. I'm just trying to work out how many I can justify being dragged round a diesel layout...


Which manufacturer you go for is personal choice of course but I know where vote will be going. I really like the approach Revolution have taken on both the Pendo and TEA where - even though in reality I've only expressed an interest and stumped up some cash - I've really felt like part of the projects.


The content and regularity of updates has been a key factor for me - for example even though the Pendo is slightly behind schedule I know exactly why and that its absolutely for the right reasons.


Mike and Ben delivering top quality TEAs and the involvement of Rapido (who've arguably produced the best British outline modern era rtr powered model I've never bought in the APT-E) are the clinchers for me.


Ps Sara as with any crowd funded project you're not committed to purchasing until there's been enough interest expressed and you've paid a deposit.





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The only problem with having two crowd funded models of the same prototype proposed is there's a risk neither will proceed.

The DJM one is proceeding, and as such payments have already started!



Ps Sara as with any crowd funded project you're not committed to purchasing until there's been enough interest expressed and you've paid a deposit.

I'm aware of what a crowd-funder is...so didn't understand why that statement was made though?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi folks


I won't comment on DJM but a general point that is important - the fact that money is taken (and even CAD produced - CAD is cheap) does not guarantee that any project will go ahead. If enough orders are not received before tooling starts then it is feasible to cancel a project.


Tooling is the big commitment and generally the point of no return.


In terms of our 92 - Ben and I are already confident from the feedback that we've received over the past few months that our 92 will go ahead. As Ben mentioned we've got a couple of interesting features that we are discussing and checking they are feasible/cost effective and after that we expect to open the order book very soon.


Cheers Mike

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  • RMweb Gold


Hi John,


Thanks for the support - much appreciated.




To some extent I think we are in a bit of a "phoney war" at the moment; with breathless claims and counter claims.


My suggestion to anyone who hasn't made their mind up over which project to support is to wait and see. There does not seem to be any urgency with either project and there are no deadlines that I am aware of - certainly not on the Revolution side.


I wouldn't worry too much about deposits. Everyone is entitled to a 14-day "cooling off" period as part of their statutory rights.


We will be updating our website and threads here with progress going forward, and getting to the CAD stage is relatively straightforward as CAD work is cheap.


I am sure both projects will get to the CAD stage - the real difficulty is turning pretty CADs into an actual, physical model, as we have found with our TEA tankers, Pendolino and KFA flats.




Ben A.

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I have to say that I am a regular visitor to model railway shows through the year including Warley and TINGS and I had absolutely no idea that DJM was doing an N gauge Class 92. The great thing about the Revolution Pendolino by comparison was that I couldn't miss it! Now I'm into the Pendolino, TEA, Revolution thing the class 92 announcement was served up to me along with my TEAs so I'm immediately interested.


One thing that would worry me is that if the 2D drawings are as inaccurate as has been suggested in the other thread then creating the 3D model from the 2D drawings and 2D photos could end up with something as accurate as the Farish 56. Close but not quite right. Is anyone thinking of scanning a 92 to duplicate what what was built by Brush rather than what was originally drawn? Maybe Brush have their own 3D data that has been made available?



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One thing that would worry me is that if the 2D drawings are as inaccurate as has been suggested in the other thread then creating the 3D model from the 2D drawings and 2D photos could end up with something as accurate as the Farish 56.




Obviously if the works drawings and given by BRUSH are inaccurate, steps will be taken to get these rectified for the models i.e. a prototype could be scanned, BRUSH could provide more accurate measurements for said inaccuracies etc.


I see no circumstance where either of the two wonderful parties would have an issue such as you've said. Also don't think that it'll be fair comparing something like a Farish Class 56 to something of the current day Class 92 proposals. With technology and information available at their request, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

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Quite interesting that neither DJM nor Revolution Trains have mentioned any laser scanning yet?


Having Brush's 2D factory drawings from years ago for building 5" gauge loco. I guess I will have to pay more attention to the real thing? Glad I am not a manufacturer! :sungum:


I'm also going to find it rather interesting to see how DJM and Revolution Trains differentiate their product features. May battle commence!  :good:

It would be quite nice to see a 5'' gauge Class 92...Have you built it?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


When the locomotives were built, a couple of small changes were made to the layout of the roof equipment during actual construction that varied from the layout on the drawings.


This is not uncommon in engineering and, as is standard practice, the drawings were redone to reflect the reality for maintenance purposes going forward.


Further drawings have been produced for a couple of other minor alterations to do with train power for the sleepers.


These have all been documented and recorded. The suggestion that a major engineering company would not keep its drawings up to date is surprising.


The laser scanning was worth doing for the Pendolino because the nose curves are exceptionally complex and affect the entire front end, even though the process has a significant cost implication. The curves in the 92 are far simpler and we judged that a laser scan would just add unnecessarily to the price of the model.


And as Dave P said we do attend the main shows (Model Rail Scotland, York, DEMU Showcase, N-Gauge International Show) and we will be at the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC next month so do come and see the models we have already produced in N and chat to us about the 92, the new wagon that will be announced there and other potential plans.




Ben A.

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Joined up thinking here , perhaps , is it worth looking at producing some sleeper coaches to go with the 92?


SLE , SLEP , Lounge and the new BSO would be the obvious choices, the SLE/SLEP having plenty of livery variations, a few on the Lounge and the BSO has a couple , perhaps offer them as a twin pack?

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  • RMweb Gold


Hi Supaned,


Do you mean Mk3 or Mk5?


There has been some significant chatter on the Dapol Digest about the possibility of a Mk3 sleeper which would be ideal for the present.


Once the new sleepers are brought into service then models would be most welcome, but I would wait to see them in operation for a while first - producing models before the real thing goes into service can be fraught with difficulties, especially if, soon after introduction, visible alterations are made to the body.


IIRC this happened with the Class 70s, and now Bachmann/Farish had to retool their bodyshells (or tool a new part) after modifications were made to the locos in service. I am sure it's happened with other models too. Hornby 58 rings a bell, though I am not a 00 modeller.




Ben A.

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I was referring to the Mk3 sleeper.


Given their long operating life and variety of liveries , I thought it would be a good one to add to the range to go with the 92 , added to which they don't need to be an exact match for other manufacturers coaches of a similar type as they generally run with mark 2s or as a rake of sleeper vehicles (apart from the GWR Night Riviera now using Mk3 BFOs).

Edited by Supaned
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  • RMweb Gold


Hi Supaned,


Good point about the Mk3s - chiming very much with some of the input on the Dapol Digest thread.


The Dapol Mk3s are pretty decent, in my view, and I am thinking that a Mk sleeper would require a new bodyshell, new glazing unit and, maybe, a new roof? Other than that would the bogies, underframe skirt etc be as already available?




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


The order page for the Revolution 92 has now gone live here:




After discussion in the thread we have also added a fully finished but unbranded grey version here:




We are hoping to be able to show the first CAD drawings at Warley, or soon afterwards, and as with the Pendolino, TEA tankers and KFA will post images on our website and here; with all feedback welcome.


It is at this point that we will list the added features we have been able to incorporate once the design engineers in Canada and China have been able to make a thorough assessment of their feasibility. I can confirm the rumours we're offering working windscreen wipers or opening driver side windows are without foundation!!


But while reaching the CAD stage is quick and cheap, we are aware that moving beyond that to a fully tooled and powered model involves a lot more work.


In terms of timings, I think the model will go into tooling early next year, with first EP samples either possibly in time for the York show, or more likely by the time of the DEMU Showcase.


It is tempting to make exagerrated claims about how quickly the model can be brought to market but experience shows that these are just unrealistic; factories need to be given time to do their best work, and a motorised model needs thorough testing to be sure it's fit for purpose. We, and Rapido, aren't going to skimp on this.


We started work on the Pendolino in February last year we are almost at the final approval stage, with models likely to reach customers early next year.


This will be two years from work starting to delivery for a complex model with six different bodyshells, DC and DCC Sound and power-transfer close couplers. This is still a considerable achievement for a powered model, and I am not aware of any other similar item that has matched this timescale, though of course some are kept confidential until shortly before release.


(It's true the TEA tankers in N have been faster, and are now with, or on their way to, their buyers, but these are unpowered models.)


The 92 is a single bodyshell, and standard NEM couplers, so will surely be quicker than the Pendolino, but I don't want to make rash promises that unravel very quickly!




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Premium

In the words of Gregg Wallace "I like that. I like that a lot"

Roll on payday! And nope, I can't see an AC layout from me on the horzion, but these are sort of a must have



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The payment plan option is most welcome - as a student still for the next five years (doing a PhD now), I've had to miss out on the 321 due to low finds, and was worried I'd miss the 92 (despite already owning a CJM one), but can happily afford it with the split payments.


Edit: well I was going to order ones but the EWS livery is showing out of stock so can't add to basket

Edited by bmthtrains - David
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