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Operating colour light signals

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Hello all,


I’ve recently taken delivery of the Mafen signals for Sulle, and am now living on bread an water for a month. But very delightful models they are, and not too bright.

I am trying to get my head round how they should be controlled. Given  my situation, I intend(ed) to run as much as possible from the NCE Powercab I use to run the layout. In the past I have done this through TrainTech signal decoders, but I only ever used two aspect signals. I see that their decoders will now operate four aspect signals – but one of mine, in all its SNCF glory, has seven aspects... And this is without the route indicators I may add if my sanity holds.


I am using DCC Concepts Cobalt digital point motors, and the intention was, for example to run the route indicators from the auxiliary switching. I don’t like having signals that automatically clear with the points, but given that I have some points operating in tandem, it occurred to me that using the macros on the PowerCab, it might be possible to have point and signal setting using this facility. Otherwise there is no end of fiddling round with accessory codes.


On the other hand, given the number of permutations some of these signals can display, I’m not sure if my plan is going to be sufficient. I’m not especially keen on having banks of manual switches, but it is true they might offer more direct control.


Just wondering what methods other people have used.  I see there is a French eight-way decoder on the market.



 Does anyone have experience of it, and are there cheaper ways forward? I begin to understand why some people are playing with Arduinos...


Many thanks


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