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Grim-up-North; Goathland, Queensbury & Bradford.


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  • RMweb Premium

These pictures should be on my Dunster thread.


Sorry for the grainy pictures, despite the sun being out in all full glory today the attic doesn't have good light so Some of these are flash photography. 


I've tried to capture the fencing in this shot.



The Grampus ballast wagon in this shot is a Parkside kit, the loads are made the same way as the coal ones with PVA to hold the ballast on.



Here's the MOT scrap train, all 11 wagons.



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  • RMweb Premium

Here is the next bit of weathering. This time a Queen Mary brake van. Done with weathering powder/thinner wash!







Edited to replace blurry image.

Edited by Sasquatch
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These pictures should be on my Dunster thread.


Sorry for the grainy pictures, despite the sun being out in all full glory today the attic doesn't have good light so Some of these are flash photography. 


I've tried to capture the fencing in this shot.



The Grampus ballast wagon in this shot is a Parkside kit, the loads are made the same way as the coal ones with PVA to hold the ballast on.

attachicon.gifMatch sticks grampus.JPG


Here's the MOT scrap train, all 11 wagons.

attachicon.gifScrap train 2.JPG

attachicon.gifScrape train 1.JPG

2nd picture is an absolute gem

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice work Shaun.


I've always wondered why on Earth the Southern built such huge brake vans; anyone know?

As with everything on the Southern it was a cost saving exercise! (Edit: That sounds a bit Bilbo Bagins) 

21 vans were built on redundant LB&SCR motor luggage van under frames!!  

They were unrivaled in their performance and so the SR board went and authorized a build of 25 more, the above diagram1550 being one such example!!!


By all accounts the ride in the 4 wheel southern pill-box types was bumpy to say the least. The ride in the Queen Marys must have felt like a well sprung saloon!!!! 

Edited by Sasquatch
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  • RMweb Premium

Sasquatches modeling posts have been all over the place lately. I've found it hard to concentrate on one thing for some reason.
So I've decided to consolidate on the one thread. Some things will be moved here as and when I pick up on them.
The butterfly modeling will continue for sure as you can't teach an old dog new tricks sort of thing.
There is about 50 items of rolling stock that need attention some of which need spraying and some that need completing.
My latest acquisition is one of those lovely Bachmann NE fish vans so before weathering this and the two I have built, the forth needs finishing off.
From A blog dated Feb 2013.

Made a start on the LNER diagram 23, progress will be slow due to an abundance of work at present. The method of overlaying plastic strip onto siding (T&G) card and punching rivets from the rear must have been described on R.M.Web a thousand times. As a cabinet maker/wood machinist (and a fair carpenter) my methods are somewhat adapted to the plastic card construction technique which speeds things up a little.

Louvers are accomplished by scraping a razor saw blade along a piece of .125 X .060 styrene strip. The siding is .020 thick and framing is .040 x .060 with .060 x .060 corner posts.

I have robbed a Parkside cattle truck kit of its under-frame details to use on this project but ‘am sure they can be replaced. I like to use Dapol wheels (cos they’re British and cheaper than Chinese wheels) none of my work is fine scale although I do like to get all the rivets where they should be. One of the woodworking traits employed here is that if you can’t see it from 3 feet don’t bother with it. So in 4mm if I can’t see it without my glasses on, it isn’t worth modeling!



The evening was spent building the ends and other side. Pictures in the morning.




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I don't know about "not fine scale" - it's very fine to me. I trust people realise what they are actually looking at here!


But I'm going to stick my non-modelling coarse scale brass neck out here and offer a thought: If you scribed the louvers "mass-production" on a separate larger card, then cut out the van slots to mount them in, it might not be that much more time-consuming and the louvers might actually be more consistent and even easier - particularly for more than one van.




Duck smilie!


I think putting your work on one thread is a good idea, as it is a "gathering together" of many areas. You could copy specifics to the relevant threads (just for consistency) when it suits you. :)



A while back I swore off posting till I'd actually made something. But guess what? - still nowt. Domestically, things worsen by the freakin' day! (driving-off-cliff smilie) LOL



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Tony.

Believe it or not the first attempt at the louvers involved trying to glue strips of 0.010" plastic strip together but this proved much too fiddly. If I can get it looking half as good as my other scratch built fish van I'll be happy.



Here's the Parkside build....



And my inspiration for the fish train, the long awaited Bachmann diagram 83.


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Hi Tony.

Believe it or not the first attempt at the louvers involved trying to glue strips of 0.010" plastic strip together but this proved much too fiddly. If I can get it looking half as good as my other scratch built fish van I'll be happy.

attachicon.gifLNER dia.37 fish..jpg


Here's the Parkside build....

attachicon.gifLNER dia.143 fish..jpg


And my inspiration for the fish train, the long awaited Bachmann diagram 83.

attachicon.gifLNER dia.83 fish..JPG

Looks good to me...I considered a crafty clever....but decided i am not informed enough to offer it.


And I agree with Tony, as I said in my PM I think gathering them all together is a positive thing ...and if you don't like the result you jet go back to the other threads.

Certainly easier for us to track one thread....lazy little devils that we are  :jester:

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I don't know about "not fine scale" - it's very fine to me. I trust people realise what they are actually looking at here!


But I'm going to stick my non-modelling coarse scale brass neck out here and offer a thought: If you scribed the louvers "mass-production" on a separate larger card, then cut out the van slots to mount them in, it might not be that much more time-consuming and the louvers might actually be more consistent and even easier - particularly for more than one van.




Duck smilie!


I think putting your work on one thread is a good idea, as it is a "gathering together" of many areas. You could copy specifics to the relevant threads (just for consistency) when it suits you. :)



A while back I swore off posting till I'd actually made something. But guess what? - still nowt. Domestically, things worsen by the freakin' day! (driving-off-cliff smilie) LOL



I don't think it matters you don't have the time to do stuff in addition to watch the wife like a hawk and try to take a break on here. People seem to give you positive feedback so clearly we don't mind that you aren't in a position to keep popping up new pictures to some how justify being able to have an opinion. And anyway you have credentials we have seen pictures of your work, and nice stuff too. Nce to see you around ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

I don't know about "not fine scale" - it's very fine to me. I trust people realise what they are actually looking at here!


But I'm going to stick my non-modelling coarse scale brass neck out here and offer a thought: If you scribed the louvers "mass-production" on a separate larger card, then cut out the van slots to mount them in, it might not be that much more time-consuming and the louvers might actually be more consistent and even easier - particularly for more than one van.




Duck smilie!


I think putting your work on one thread is a good idea, as it is a "gathering together" of many areas. You could copy specifics to the relevant threads (just for consistency) when it suits you. :)



A while back I swore off posting till I'd actually made something. But guess what? - still nowt. Domestically, things worsen by the freakin' day! (driving-off-cliff smilie) LOL



You know that you're always welcome here Tony mate come rain or shine, it's always a pleasure when you post!

We all admire you for getting your priorities straight BTW. :angel:

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Still can't get *quote" panel up. I've ditched cookies, history, etc., but still no joy. :(


Thanks Jaz, your support is greatly valued, as is Shaun's. Essentially, I only post on AV and Shaun's work although there are some others I follow from the side-lines. I apologise in advance for inconsistency in posting, which will be inevitable. ;)


Thanks again,




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  • RMweb Premium

Still can't get *quote" panel up. I've ditched cookies, history, etc., but still no joy. :(



Hi Tony,



Try turning the BBCODE on. That's the little light switch icon top left, above the Bold font! Switch back and forth as required.

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I on the other hand scream K  A L ! ! !........he rolls his eye but more often that not fixes it quite quickly. Which considering I worked in a large IT department, and did help desk is a bit poor LOL. And was usually showing all the other secretaries how to use stuff Microsoft word (envelopes etc) Excell (adding and removing VAT etc) video conferencing (my favourite as you could get out of work for ages...and users were so grateful....users were usually senior management....and you got serious kudos sorting them out......)But since changing to the Macs I prefer to let him do it. (Before Apple Macs he preferred to do it too 'cos Microsoft always had like a dozen ways to do any job and invariably I would do it a way that annoyed the heck out of Kal who being far more methodical would then have to work out which way I had done it...and asking me how....was likely to get a....umm don't remember....may have used the Help facility)But now I know if I can't get onto the intranet or worse the internet he is to blame and he ill fix it quickly.

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  • RMweb Premium

Great progress today. The garage is empty!!  Horraaaaay!!!!! :sungum: Tomorrow I'll be putting the woodwork machines back together now that they're all in the barn and tuning them up.


With still a little energy left the fish van build got some attention too.

The first picture shows how I made the doors, starting from the inside and working out. The diagonals  where glued on then trimmed from behind the outer frame done the same by sticking the 0.040" x 0.060" strip on the top and bottom then trimming and lastly the styles.


The sole bars are leftovers from a Cambrian kit with the bits not needed pared off. Rivet counters look away now.



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Great progress today. The garage is empty!!  Horraaaaay!!!!! :sungum: Tomorrow I'll be putting the woodwork machines back together now that they're all in the barn and tuning them up.


With still a little energy left the fish van build got some attention too.

The first picture shows how I made the doors, starting from the inside and working out. The diagonals  where glued on then trimmed from behind the outer frame done the same by sticking the 0.040" x 0.060" strip on the top and bottom then trimming and lastly the styles.


The sole bars are leftovers from a Cambrian kit with the bits not needed pared off. Rivet counters look away now.

"Rivet counters look away now - *BULL-OX!!!"


Anyone not swooning with admiration should be drowned! ( ;) )




*my new anti rivet-counters/up their own "horse-like-animals-used-for-load-carrying" - war-cry!

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  • RMweb Premium

Wait a minute............. I could use these to correct the V hanger bolts on the sole bars! No no no, think back to how frustrated you got the last time these got used.



"Now I'm talking to myself".

"It's the second sign of madness talking to ones self, right after rivet counting"



"Is it?"




"I wasn't talking to you!"




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No, not a rivet counter. These are bolts anyway!
The 4 top center are for the vacuum cylinder bracket. At least it actually looks like the hangers are bolted on'

On the diagram 37 (top picture#785) I spliced a 0.010" strip onto the sole bar proper after punching the bolt heads from behind with a sharp point! Much easier than those darn resin decals!!

Edited by Sasquatch
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