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Parkside-Dundas GWR Mink D

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The last two I made were shortened to the correct length by butchering a third model.

Only downside was you can no longer fit the HMRS Siphon.F decal in the panel.

Underfame detail is a not 100% accurate, some better than others.

I keep threatening to go back and rejiggle them.

A coupla bonus pix of a Siphon.C using an 'F' kit and Ratio underframe.

Apologies to anyone who tuned in late expecting to see Mink D's.


I like the C! I'd like to build one if I had the time.. Where is the F kit from?

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I like the C! I'd like to build one if I had the time.. Where is the F kit from?

Old K’s (Keyser) kits. Only available second hand .

Easily found on Ebay but going for generally silly money!

Having said that 4 of my kits were ready built (badly) and I managed to separate them , clean them up and rebuild them.

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I have a couple of SIPHONS F and a C all from the K's kit (all need completing.... ) as do a pair of Kirk MINKS D (one has an 18' wheelbase and the other 20' Shutters (Coopercraft*) will eventually adorn the ends). They were bought new - Grifone models tend to take a long time....

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