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My brother has a few choice comments on JC's driving style and treatment of cars but I'm afraid they aren't printable on a public forum. :mosking:


That reminds me of an article in one of the national papers shortly after Richard Hammond's crash, where a motoring journalist said he'd lost track of the number of times he'd been booked in to do a road test of a new car, only to be rung up shortly beforehand by the manufacturer to be told the test would have to be postponed because "we lent the car to Top Gear last week..."

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Let's face it, we loved TG as it was you and your mates, prattling about and having a lot of fun in cars.


We'd all do it if we could.


Having now glimpsed the new format, it's not about a group of mates any more, and as a result, for me, it simply doesn't work.


They need to completely revamp the show, or get a team together who gel.


Times running out, let's hope it gets sorted.



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  • RMweb Premium

To be fair, it took a while for Clarkson, Hammond and May to become mates. Take a look at the first couple of series and the dynamics between the three of them was very different. It took a while for them to grow into their on screen characters.


Evans, le Blanc etc have had next to no time to develop the relationships needed for a programme like Top Gear. Unfortunately they're not going to get much chance to do so. Today's media expects instant hits and doesn't allow any growing time.


Happy modelling.


Steven B

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally caught up with the first episode of the new Top Gear.


My twopenneth, then.


Was I alone in sensing a weirdly forced atmosphere on set?  The presenters looked uncomfortable.  The audience reacted with an enthusiasm that appeared unnatural and exaggerated, as if the Beeb had handed out amphetamines or had rigged the audience to the Mains, administering a shock every time its auditory enthusiasm fell below the pre-selected level. 


The success of the new show hinges upon its new lead presenter.  The Beeb knows this and has chosen television Midas in the form of Chris Evans.  Mr Evans is not to everyone's taste, but, then, neither was Jezza.  Certainly Chris Evans is a very able, funny and astute radio presenter, as I have experienced when cadging a lift on the school run, as the family insist upon his morning show. I suspect the problem is not Chris Evans, per se, but the format of the show.


My impression was that I was watching, not a new Top Gear, but a Clarkson & Co tribute performance, which was a paler imitation and which inevitably suffered from the comparisons it forced us to draw.


The format, often extreme and absurd, worked because it had evolved with Clarkson & Co.  Chris Evans has achieved a lot of success in inventing TV formats for himself.  This one isn't his.  It shows.  He is wearing other peoples clothes.  They're not his style and they don't fit.  As a consequence, his performance was thin, unconvincing, and at times shrieking, bordering on hysterical.


For my money Matt Le Blanc carried it off far better, although, he was still performing in imitation of Clarkson et al.  I quite enjoyed his bits.


The review segments were directed in the usual TG way, but the scripts were also eerily those of Clarkson & chums, which forced unwelcome comparisons and, incidentally, smashed the illusion that the wittily phrased reviews were actually the opinions of the motor-journalists driving the cars.  I have seen enough of Clarkson's magazine oeuvre to know that this is how he writes and thinks about the cars he tries out.  But, if the review segment scripts for the new show weren't Jezza's, then they were generated by committee of script writers wrting a la Jezza.  They did not come to me as the words of either Evans or Le Blanc (save for some of the latter's parting one-liners).  I just kept hearing Jezza speak the words over Chris and Matt and I knew I'd rather hear Jezza say them.  Le Blanc fared better because, well, he's an actor, so he played an American Clarkson pretty well.


There were, of course, changes, but they only made things worse.  Does anyone at the Beeb seriously believe that an adequate substitute for Clarkson's badinage with the Star in the reasonably priced car is Evan's asinine 'best first car/current car' performance? 


The format must evolve into something that better suits its presenters.  Perhaps it will, perhaps it already has, but in launching the "new" show with this weak tribute band performance, the Beeb risk viewers simply losing interest and not staying the course.


EDIT:  I have now read all the previous comments.  The overwhelming conclusion seems to be that the old format and the new presenters are not a happy combination. Apologies to all those who had already made points similar to mine, generally more succinctly!  Optimism and a sense of fair play might induce me to try further episodes.


PS:  That German sounded as if she might be a hoot!

Edited by Edwardian
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  • RMweb Premium


It'll last a series ... remember Eldorado! :no:  :O

*shudders* Eldorado *shudders*


what a :stinker:


The anagram of it was appropriate, though...


"A real dodo"



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Not cynical at all - it was all scripted - a short story.


My brother is involved with Ferrrari and helps provide the cars for the show. He was involved with the road trip with the Ferrari, GT40 and Zonda down to the south of France to the Millau viaduct. They allegedly started in London with the Ferrari and GT40, met up with the Zonda in Paris and drove down to the viaduct. What actually happened was they started at the viaduct because they had to schedule in the filming with the helicopter and then drove up to Paris. So the observant watcher might have spotted that in the evening the sun appeared to be setting in the East, that was because they were driving north not south according to the script. Then when they got to Paris and got "stuck" in the underground carpark, actually that part was unscripted, in the background you could see my brother breaking up some pallets so that he could get his Ferrari out without damaging it. JC spotted him doing and decided that it would be his idea and it should be filmed. Anyway it was during this that they broke the Zonda, the owner wasn't very happy with them so took his car away. So then they were left without a Zonda for the rest of the filming from Paris to London, hence the script had to account for no Zonda between Paris and London.


Interesting stuff Adrian. Although entirely pre-prepared and scripted beforehand, much of the old TG output succeeded because of the way the three of them made it all look so easy and off the cuff, something which takes talent and a drop of panache. Clarkson may not have a lot of 'mechanical sympathy' but he really does know his stuff in many areas, a friend of mine once witnessed him having a stand up argument about the history of Alfa Romeo and Ferrari with another audience member off camera a few years ago and JC was absolutely bang on with the details and chronology, leaving his quarry in a metaphorical heap! Whatever anyone's opinion of him he knows more than he lets on and the man can write extremely well.


Making good TV often involves compromise which is why scripted 'set ups' sometimes have to be used to make things happen or work in front of the camera. A case in point being one of my favourite TG features from a few years back when they were each tasked with buying an Italian supercar for £10k or less, May chose a Lamborghini Urraco, Hammond a Ferrari 308 GT4 (which he kept for a while and used regularly) and Clarkson bought a Maserati Merak. They all had problems when found but were slightly 'sabotaged' for the filming, with sump bolts being loosened, coolant pipes cut and in May's case the plug leads were swapped round to make the Urraco a very rough runner. Despite knowing this later on I still enjoy watching the clip on youtube as between them they made it work and 'gell' in front of the camera, something the new TG line up is lacking. I understand that some say it takes time for a series to get off the ground, but Evans and co. really ought to have hit the ground running with the new line up / old content of this new series.


Oh, and I bet your brother loves his job...!

Edited by Rugd1022
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I rather get the impression that Evans was so dazzled by the potential income from succeeding in taking over such a well-known money spinner that it affected his judgement. He is usually pretty shrewd in his choices. He alienated the old Wogan R2 audience totally but replaced them with his followers and probably increased the ratings in the sense if providing a younger demographic.


This won't work with TG because I rather think that the overlap between audience followings is already quite high, and if he alienates any significant segment it can't be recovered.


Also, I don't think whether Evans actually knows anything about cars is either here or there. TG is hugely successful with an audience who have never had a decent car in their lives, or any car at all.


Let's see. My guess is that The Ginger One will pull his common trick of becoming increasingly involved in other projects and handing it off to the team, before he can be saddled with the blame.

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Well I hear from a usually reliable source in the Beeb, the future is in Matt Leblanc's court now, he has offers to consider from them on the table for a new series, and he wants changes that may be considered urgently and favourably by the executive producers. I think Chris is heading back to the early day job very soon, as and when excuses for, and burial of bad reviews, occur.

Sad end to a fun show, but like a Phoenix it may rise again, maybe TVR's coming back is an omen.........

Still saving for a Morgan 3!


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I enjoyed that game, even if the treasure was cursed



A curiously muffled echo sound then? if referring to the infamous soap opera, Eldorado, the Beeb spent a fortune on, and then tried to record sound live on set!!!!! Only worst was "Triangle", shot on a ship at sea, but with all the windows covered to try to balance the lighting!!!!! or the latest disaster, " Top Gear with Evans"..........

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  • RMweb Premium

A curiously muffled echo sound then? if referring to the infamous soap opera, Eldorado, the Beeb spent a fortune on, and then tried to record sound live on set!!!!! Only worst was "Triangle", shot on a ship at sea, but with all the windows covered to try to balance the lighting!!!!! or the latest disaster, " Top Gear with Evans"..........

Don't forget the disastrous production of Daphne Du Maurier's Jamica Inn, which used Kirkby Lonsdale as Launceston, which disrupted the town for a week with the film set, and which when broadcast looked as if it was filmed during a blackout, and with the sound being so muffled that it sounded as though the mics had been wrapped in handkerchiefs.


Now back on thread.......

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  • RMweb Premium

I rather get the impression that Evans was so dazzled by the potential income from succeeding in taking over such a well-known money spinner that it affected his judgement. He is usually pretty shrewd in his choices. He alienated the old Wogan R2 audience totally but replaced them with his followers and probably increased the ratings in the sense if providing a younger demographic.



He's reputedly worth £55M, so I don't think the money comes into it. I think he was blinded by it being a boyhood dream to present a show with cars on it. He is after all, a confirmed petrolhead.


As for R2, the whole demographic is changing. I was a regular R1 listener until about 3 years ago, now it's R2 pretty much all of the way with most of the presenters being ex-R1 anyway. I heard The Stranglers and Nirvana on daytime R2 the other day!




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

Don't forget the disastrous production of Daphne Du Maurier's Jamica Inn, which used Kirkby Lonsdale as Launceston, which disrupted the town for a week with the film set, and which when broadcast looked as if it was filmed during a blackout, and with the sound being so muffled that it sounded as though the mics had been wrapped in handkerchiefs.


Now back on thread.......


I thought it was filmed in the Mumbles

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  • RMweb Premium

A curiously muffled echo sound then? if referring to the infamous soap opera, Eldorado, the Beeb spent a fortune on, and then tried to record sound live on set!!!!! Only worst was "Triangle", shot on a ship at sea, but with all the windows covered to try to balance the lighting!!!!! or the latest disaster, " Top Gear with Evans"..........

:O :o :O :o




Yep, another crock of, well, it's brown, and sounds like a bell...


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Jamica Inn,,,,,,,,I had just bought a new LED flat screen, and put it on during the program, it took about 10 minutes fiddling with the settings to see anything on the screen or hear any speech, I was considering sending it back to the shop, but turned over to the ITV news to find it was working, which was more than the producer of Jamica Inn did......A day release work experience apprentice could have done better on the camera and sound!!!! ......I wonder if the same bod did the canned laughter and audience reaction on the first edition of the Ginger Plums TG?

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He's reputedly worth £55M, so I don't think the money comes into it. I think he was blinded by it being a boyhood dream to present a show with cars on it. He is after all, a confirmed petrolhead.


As for R2, the whole demographic is changing. I was a regular R1 listener until about 3 years ago, now it's R2 pretty much all of the way with most of the presenters being ex-R1 anyway. I heard The Stranglers and Nirvana on daytime R2 the other day!




I wouldn't be drawn into debating the motives of someone I've never met, but we seem to be agreeing that for reasons of his own, his usual acumen in these matters has failed him.


a number of people have remarked to me that R2 was turning into R1's "Old Folks Home", I rarely listen to either and have no comment.



I could see Matt LeBlanc as a presenter, following a script written by a team which are probably pretty much "TG 2nd XI" and another presenter in the May/Hammond role - "Top Gear Lite" with a dash of "Top Gear USA". There's a fairly well established format for these "local" variations using presenters chosen at times, for no obvious reason. They aren't "the C, M and H Show" but sell well enough in their target markets, like the regional variants of "... 's got talent" etc.


Evans was probably necessary to make the thing happen at all. He gave a rather ill tempered interview the other day, touching in the various aspects of bringing the show to the screen, so if he now moves on (and personally, I greatly doubt that the money doesn't count) it would be nothing he hasn't done before and the Beeb will continue to shovel money at him

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  • RMweb Gold


As for R2, the whole demographic is changing. I was a regular R1 listener until about 3 years ago, now it's R2 pretty much all of the way with most of the presenters being ex-R1 anyway. I heard The Stranglers and Nirvana on daytime R2 the other day!




The R2 demographic hasn't changed, it's just that the Stranglers and Nirvana fans have aged into it :triniti:


Mr Evans, ably assisted by the equally dreadful Vanessa Feltz, propelled me into an easy transition to Radios 4 and 6 throughout the morning. The only exception being if I'm in the car (where I don't have DAB so can't get R6) when I occasionally tune in to Ken Bruce or one of the stand-in presenters if either of the "terrible two" are off. 



Edited by Dunsignalling
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The R2 demographic hasn't changed, it's just that the Stranglers and Nirvana fans have aged into it :triniti:


Mr Evans, ably assisted by the equally dreadful Vanessa Feltz, propelled me into an easy transition to Radios 4 and 6 throughout the morning. The only exception being if I'm in the car (where I can't get R6) when I occasionally tune in Ken Bruce or one of the stand-in presenters if either of the "terrible two" are off. 



oh god you had to mention feltz had a month off work with a broken wrist which means im able to miss her awfull love in on my morning commute awfull awfull woman even worse when she stands in for vine ahhhhhhhhhhhh !nurse the screens 

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This thread was just too much. Gave in and downloaded the first two episodes from iPlayer. Have to agree with some other comments re: Matt LeBlanc. His presenting seemed natural, professional and genuinely witty. Future anchorman? Very possibly. That would be a huge improvement on the current wanchorman.

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The R2 demographic hasn't changed, it's just that the Stranglers and Nirvana fans have aged into it :triniti:

I was just going to say it's old-man music, but yes. You are correct.

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