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Loksound v4 - cv29 bit4 setting and speed curve setting


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I have a Heljan class 33 sound fitted with loksound v4 but it runs quite slow at top speed. Can anyone prompt me on setting cv values to adjust this? Namely setting bit4 in cv29 as this is needed for manual speed curve setting. The current cv value for cv29 is 14! But I can't find any other information about cv29!!

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If CV29 value is 14, then you have manual speed curve selected and (it would appear) Railcom enabled (bit 3) but 14 speed steps.  You need to change CV29 to 16 in order to operate at 28 speed steps.  That may achieve what you want.- try it on its own first.  If not,  adjust the setting of  CV94 to 255 and set a smooth curve to it from CV67 (which should probably be set to 1) by equalising the values as near as you can between each CV and the next one. If CV94 is not adjustable, set CV 93 to 255 and see what happens!  As an alternative to all these changes, set CV29 to 2 and then use CVs 5 & 6 to set maximum and medium speeds respectively eg 64 in CV5 and 35 in CV6.


Be careful not to change too many CVs at once and make a note of each current value before you change it, in case you get an unwanted result - you can then change it back.


I hope you can follow/understand this.



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I have a Heljan class 33 sound fitted with loksound v4 but it runs quite slow at top speed. Can anyone prompt me on setting cv values to adjust this? Namely setting bit4 in cv29 as this is needed for manual speed curve setting. The current cv value for cv29 is 14! But I can't find any other information about cv29!!


You stated CV 29 Bit 4 reads -14  or did you perhaps mean the TOTAL value of CV 29 = 14 ?


According to the Lok 4 manual CV29 Bit 4 is either  0  or 16   0 meaning CV's 2 5 6 are used  OR  16 meaning CV's 67-94 are used for manual ?speed curve setting.


I'd suggest you check what the present values are in CV 5 & 6    CV 5 is the Max Speed - CV6 is the Medium speed (but only when CV29 Bit 4 is set to 0)-  normally CV 5 is approx twice the value of CV 6  on both the range is 0-192.  


NB There is an error in the manual regarding the adjustment range of CV 5 & 6 - the manual shows 0-64 where in fact it should be 0-192 for the Lok 4


Try increasing the value in CV5 and then CV6 to half it's new value, this should increase the top speed.





Edited by tractor_37260
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If CV29 value is 14, then you have manual speed curve selected and (it would appear) Railcom enabled (bit 3) but 14 speed steps.  You need to change CV29 to 16 in order to operate at 28 speed steps.

Err, no. The above quoted material is wrong.

CV29=14 means 28/128 step running, DC running enabled, RailCom enabled. A sensible arrangement for a default ESU decoder.

CV29=16 would mean 14 speed step running and the 28 step speed curve, a setting unlikely to be sensible.



Note that changes to the speed curve settings (CV2, CV5, CV6, or the 28 step curve) will alter how the sounds play out. This can mean changes might be to your advantage or disadvantage, so go carefully.


If the 28 step speed curve is required, then bit 4 (value 16) needs to be added, so CV29=30. If you do decide to use the 28 step curve, then I think (from the JMRI forums) that there is an error in the ESU manual in that the end-values of the 28 point speed curve are still set by CV2 and CV5.



- Nigel

( writer of the CV29 explanation and calculator at http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm )

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Thank you for your correction - must have had my eyes crossed as I was reading from the manual!


Sorry to R J Gower for the mis-information.  I look forward to reading how the problem was resolved.


Thanks also Nigel for the explanation of why the end points of the manual speed curve may not be adjustable with CVs 67 & 94..



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Half of those are useless or change something else if used on a LokSound decoder.  

The advice on the Digitrax site is for Digitrax decoders. 


The ones which are definitely wrong for LokSound are:  CV61, CV62, CV63, CV33-46.   CV29 is incomplete for a LokSound. 



- Nigel

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Hi all, My dmu has a loksound v4 sound ,when she slows down to stop she jerks forward, what cv can remedy this? thanks in advance 

A good starting point is an automatic calibration of the motor as described in section 11.1.3. of the Loksound 4 manual.

The Loksound manual can be downloaded from this page http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/

John K

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Hi all, My dmu has a loksound v4 sound ,when she slows down to stop she jerks forward, what cv can remedy this? thanks in advance 



There is a step by step information here under BEMF in the second paragraph.


Referes to any locomotive steam or diesel. 


Edited by wiggy1
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