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Jazz 7mm Workbench


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Not a lot done today, (keeping the builders happy again) The body is now under way but I will have to take time out to start another project before I can return to the Princess.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Cor blimey, go to London for a week and your're bumped to page 3.   Anyway this week sees LMS 6210 'LADY PATRICIA' all ready for Conrad Cooper to do magic, finishing in LMS crimson livery.


I have really enjoyed this build, the kist went together very well. Not quite shake the box and it falls togerther but as close as you can get to that.


She tips the scale at 2.9 KG as I have added lead weight inside the s/box so she is balanced over the centre drivers.  Picks are on the tender and has a plug in connector to the loco.


Mention was made regarding the screw head slots spoiling the motion. I have now filled them with a dab of solder, filed and polished up.


It will be a couple of months before I get her back from Conrad.













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Thanks guys, (Yes, I'm quite chuffed with her).


What's next. I'm taking a well earned rest building two Agenoria Kitson 0-4-0 saddle tanks, then a Gladiator  L & Y Highflyer Atlantic. 


After that little break I may be able to start my own double tender Flying Scotsman. So that should keep me quiet for a while.

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Hello Jazz,


nice looking build, what is the over all length of it please.



Hi. 20.5" give or take a little depending on your tender coupling. Regards Ken

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Hi. 20.5" give or take a little depending on your tender coupling. Regards Ken


Thank for that Ken. If you get chance have a look on a web site called Turbobots,  you may find some bits that you can use, I have.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys.  Well, after almost three weeks in Florida staying with our daughter in 80 + F ,   I have finally got the L & Y Atlantic High Flyer finished. (It took a surprising amount of time to actually build it.) 


Now I'm getting stuck into my double tender Flying Scotsman.  I just may have to put her to one side now and then to build for others though.


For now, is here the High Flyer.


(BTW Paul, Cannot find turbots, all I get is turbobotz and that seems something to do with video games???)





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Sorry Ken, i gave you some duff info. It should have been technobots.co.uk


Like the look of the L&Y Atlantic. A bit ungainly but with a certain elegance. As a lot of the L&Y locos had.



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Hi Paul. Technobots is a very interesting link, thanks.


Good to back at the WB after a good break.   The Scotsman tender is progressing quite well.  Had a bit of a struggle to get the coal shut to sit right but all's well now.

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Going very well. The first tender is completed as per kit intended except for the buckeye coupling to the second tender. So far a very nice kit to build. The second tender one will require a fair amount of scratch building.









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Right. Now we are progressing with the water tender. The chassis is the same, except for an addition buffer beam added over the original drag bar. It's only the body that is different. I think the photo shows what is involved here. I used the etch for the tender front, filling the holes and and rivet detail, then moving it forward. There are some mods to do at the front end of the sides too. The rear is OK but will need an overall roof making. This has acesses and various hand grabs.





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No, I'm building the David Andrews kit. (As far as I'm aware, there is no double tender version available)


I have made good progress today. Really enjoyed doing the mods. Hopefully, if the wife has nothing upoher sleeve for tomorrow, it should be finished.





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Almost got them finished. A few minor things to do tomorrow, a few areas to tidy up and then prime them.


I can explain the modifications it anyone is interested.









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