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Jazz 7mm Workbench


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Got the boiler sorted and ready for the next stage. It's very rare to find an etched boiler/smokebox that is a perfect fit to the formers and a perfect overlapping half etch join, as is the case in the kit.



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Well, that has been the most difficult part of the build so far.  A bit of tweaking and filing, plus a bit of filling, so filling to do where the boiler attaches to the firebox. That is to be expected, so no surprises there.


The next part is the cab. That does not look like it will be a walk in the park. Too many angles to get right for that, I think.




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Hi. Quite pleased with todays progress. The cab did go together without much of a problem. The only really tricky bit was getting the cab fronts attached to the sides and front piece.  It worked out after a few attempts to get it looking right.


All the windows, and other attachments were added before any attempt was made to assemble the cab. I find it much easier to do those things first.





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Thank you Steve. I take my hat off to Dave Ennis, he has to be very talented to design a kit like this from such a complicated prototype.

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I fancy one of there standard 9Fs so I'm glad of the recommendation.

They are making some nice kits both from the Scorpio and seven stables,

I think the demo models on there stand could with a "tarting up" though as they never look as good as they could be.

It's good to see how well they can be made.

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Mmmmh. Now there's a thought :sarcastichand:


Today, the start of the detailing.  This was the most tricky bit so far, the chimney.  A fair bit of trial and error to get everything lined up and shipshape.  As the instructions say, 'it's surprisingly solid when all soldered up'  but very floppy and delicate until that happens as you have to reve the constructional strengthening sections.


All solid now though.



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After a short break, I am almost there now.  I hope tomorrow will see her just about finished (fingers crossed).


The pipework was a tedious exercise.  The kit has some photocopied images of a 9F (there are some differences to the Crosti version though). It's a shame the photocopies are so dark as almost unusable.  I would much prefer to have paid a little more for the kit and had printed photos that would have been usable.


After that little moan, I still think it's a good kit but definitely not for a novice.







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After a short break, I am almost there now.  I hope tomorrow will see her just about finished (fingers crossed).


The pipework was a tedious exercise.  The kit has some photocopied images of a 9F (there are some differences to the Crosti version though). It's a shame the photocopies are so dark as almost unusable.  I would much prefer to have paid a little more for the kit and had printed photos that would have been usable.


After that little moan, I still think it's a good kit but definitely not for a novice.






Boy, the more I look at that model, the more I think that the prototype was the hypothetical making a sows ear out of a silk purse...

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Thanks guys.  The strip down for painting started this afternoon.   I have to agree with Mike, it has to be the most ugly looking loco ever built. A shame, as the BR 9F is a handsome loco.

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Finished, at last.  Fitted an ABC motor/gearbox in the end.  Pickups are on the tender only due to the loco compensation set up and the amount of vertical movement on the drivers. I felt it unwise to fit the pickups on those wheels.


 The connection from loco to tender is via a mini plug and socket.


It will be nice to see her when the painter has done his work.


I now have a choice of some rather interesting locos under the bench, so which to tackle first, tomorrow will see which I fancy.









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Jazz excellent build, can you provide the details of the mini plug and socket please. Thank you for all of the builds that you have put on this forum, they have provided both inspiration and knowledge to help me with the models that I have attempted.

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Hi Shedrail.  I really appreciate your kind comments.  The connector is from Squires, a JST/BEC code 564-040.  One of the many types they supply for R/C fans and are small and neat to fit under a loco.  This connector has flat sides, so will easily attach to the chassis of the loco and the female left loose under the tender with the wires attached to the tender chassis.  The wire will form realistic loops between the loco and tender as found on the prototype locos.


This is connector.


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Another photo of my 92022 to entertain you.


Impressed by your build-but then I expected to be!  Being highly self-critical I think I didn't make a brilliant job of the cabsides, I didn't really get the subtle bend in them quite right. Will yours be weathered? I reckon Crewe turned them out ready weathered, never saw a clean one myself. Like you, I foresaw problems with pick-ups on the loco but I used JPL cast iron wheels and the 'American' method. All in all, a very enjoyable building experience of a well designed kit-I'm not telling you how long it took to build mine...................


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Hi Jeff.  She looks lovely on a very nice looking layout.   I will not be involved in the painting and weathering, if any weathering is done that is.  I am hoping to see her finished at Telford this fall.  

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