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Spennymoor Exhibition 2016 - New Venue


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Durham Locomotive group are delighted to announce that we have moved to Spennymoor Comprehensive School for the 2016 model railway show. A new larger show with more layouts, traders and exhibitors. It will be held on October 29th and 30th.


We are currently in the process of confirming and booking up the exhibitors and will provide more details soon. But also confirm our event held in May for the last 8 years will not be held this year.


Address ; Spennymoor Comprehensive School, Whitworth Lane, Spennymoor, County Durham DL16 7LN

Edited by DLPG
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Just a reminder that our usual May exhibition at the Townhall in Spennymoor is no more. Looking forward to this years new bigger show the last weekend in October. We will start to list layouts and trade shortly as we confirm details. We are almost doubling the show in size by moving to the new venue.

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Wasn't that for sneaking off to the pub at dinner time?


Wasn't it for shinning up lamp posts with a measuring tape? Or was that someone else, I just can't remember anything these days....


Dave er,er, Franks

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Wasn't it for shinning up lamp posts with a measuring tape? Or was that someone else, I just can't remember anything these days....


Dave er,er, Franks


...that was Porcy up the lampost...I was too busy in the pub with me hard earned pint....until one lunchtime when the teachers came in for a leaving do and I didn't get out the back door fast enough...happy days, will be good to go back (if just for the day).


...thinking about it Spenny Comp was a good school, you had a small colliery at the bottom of the school field, a disused railway line still with most of its infrastructure running alongside, you had a clear view of Durham Cathedral in one direction and the the Penniine moors in the other...and to get there you had to cross 5 railway lines...and more often than not you were stopped by the coal train from Kella pit or the covhops from Coxhoe WH...

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That'll be the Grammar School then. Just down the road from the Four Lane Ends.


Me Granda Brown was the grounds keeper.

Me bother-in-law worked at Whitworth Pit (seen from the school).

The dis-used line went to Bishop Auckland.


I suppose the lunch time pint would have been in the Hillingdon Pub for you posh Grammar School lads. I preferred the Weardale Arms, being at Durham Road School.


Have they got electric lamps in Spenny yet? 

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...that was Porcy up the lampost...I was too busy in the pub with me hard earned pint....



Actually I was up to more important things than beer. I was out back of the pub in among the whinny bushes with two twins doing all the things my Granny had warned me against. (Convent girls an-all!). :O


...thinking about it Spenny Comp was a good school, you had a small colliery at the bottom of the school field, a disused railway line still with most of its infrastructure running alongside, you had a clear view of Durham Cathedral in one direction and the the Penniine moors in the other...and to get there you had to cross 5 railway lines...and more often than not you were stopped by the coal train from Kella pit or the covhops from Coxhoe WH...


Six if you count the old line lifted line to the gas works n Tudder Colliery.


Funny thing, last time I saw my old first year class room it was being used by Inspector George Gently as a police cell. It was more like a test laboratory for Inspector Gadget in my day.

...that was Porcy up the lampost...I was too busy in the pub with me hard earned pint....until one lunchtime when the teachers came in for a leaving do and I didn't get out the back door fast enough...happy days, will be good to go back (if just for the day).


...thinking about it Spenny Comp was a good school, you had a small colliery at the bottom of the school field, a disused railway line still with most of its infrastructure running alongside, you had a clear view of Durham Cathedral in one direction and the the Penniine moors in the other...and to get there you had to cross 5 railway lines...and more often than not you were stopped by the coal train from Kella pit or the covhops from Coxhoe WH...

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Nah, I'm into brutalist concrete at the moment. I've witnessed a few dogs leaning against this one throughout it's life. There used to be a full troop of these beauties lined up along Stockton Station up platform.




and unusual brick bonds.

From a gable end near to you.



Not off topic as it's quite near the new show venue.



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Nah, I'm into brutalist concrete at the moment. I've witnessed a few dogs leaning against this one throughout it's life. There used to be a full troop of these beauties lined up along Stockton Station up platform.




and unusual brick bonds.

From a gable end near to you.



Not off topic as it's quite near the new show venue.



It's not the back of the Salvin Arms, is it?

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I preferred the Weardale Arms, being at Durham Road School.


Ha ha. Froggy Foster and Silly Billy Blenkinsop.


Have they got electric lamps in Spenny yet? 


Just! Although they used to make the light fittings for the cabin of the De Haviland Comet at Smart & Browns.



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Ha ha. Froggy Foster and Silly Billy Blenkinsop.



Just! Although they used to make the light fittings for the cabin of the De Haviland Comet at Smart & Browns.



That must have been before I worked there.


Is that Billy (physics) Blenkinsop?

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Is that Billy (physics) Blenkinsop?


Correct. Not Billy Burton or owld Ma Hutton. She nearly pooped herself the day the Vulcan went over trailing smoke. (and parachutes!)



I'm going to go and have a look, aren't I?


Dunno? are you? Google streets is probably quicker and cheaper. :wink_mini:



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Correct. Not Billy Burton or owld Ma Hutton. She nearly pooped herself the day the Vulcan went over trailing smoke. (and parachutes!)




Dunno? are you? Google streets is probably quicker and cheaper. :wink_mini:



Nice word play there. Cheaper on Cheapside.


When were you at Durham Road? I was 1969 - 1972.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nah, I'm into brutalist concrete at the moment. I've witnessed a few dogs leaning against this one throughout it's life. There used to be a full troop of these beauties lined up along Stockton Station up platform.




and unusual brick bonds.

From a gable end near to you.



Not off topic as it's quite near the new show venue.





um, um, um... whoops!

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