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13 minutes ago, Malcolm 0-6-0 said:

The reason being that as we know the only people who visit these forums are very easily offended young ladies from seminaries. The fact that they might not be the least interested in toy trains seems to have escaped the censor's awareness.    


I am not sure that young women who frequent seminaries  would be easily offended at all.


One should ask however what relevance 'toy trains' might have to the august followers of this forum?


Excuse me. I must abandon this on-line frippery and revert to working on my Railway.

Project referred to above is:-



Edited by drmditch
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25 minutes ago, webbcompound said:

I once saw a man eating pike in a restaurant in France


Euh, ben, j'vais justement attraper mon portmanteau


In Hungary the "fogas" (zander or pike-perch) is a highly-regarded delicacy - a view that I would endorse.

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20 minutes ago, TheQ said:

At one time the company filter blocked the word Model, so you couldn't look up an MRC or an airfix model, it got removed from the blocking list because they couldn't look up models of equipment we use.  ...Horning where I sail is 20 miles from the river entrance to the sea.. we get seals at Horning occasionally.. and Pike..

and Crocs... that's the plastic ones of peoples feet.

At least the place where you sail got past the Great Censor in the sky.

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21 minutes ago, St Enodoc said:

In Hungary the "fogas" (zander or pike-perch) is a highly-regarded delicacy - a view that I would endorse.

You are endorsing the view that fogas is highly regarded in Hungary?

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  • RMweb Premium
46 minutes ago, TheQ said:

At one time the company filter blocked the word Model, so you couldn't look up an MRC or an airfix model, it got removed from the blocking list because they couldn't look up models of equipment we use.

You can't access anything to do with knives and  guns using those words, but there are work rounds if I was interested.



When I worked for the Council we had a similar search block, but when I was doing a Heritage Assessment of the site of a WW2 anti-aircraft rocket battery I was able to research the weapons in question quite adequately and was also able to find sites that would sell me modern AA and other missiles.

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15 hours ago, runs as required said:

It has to do with being born in the land of the Manchester Guardian - where non Conformist chapel Ministers in Chorlton Hardy (bet this dignified posh suburbs name gets censored) would pray "Oh God! As Thou hast doubtless read in the Manchester Guardian  &c. "


The Guardian went downhill the day it decamped to the fleshpots of the Great Wen and yes, I've been stumped by the Net Nanny when trying to refer to Chorlton (obscure) Hardy in these august pages, though why I was doing so escapes me!  I suppose we should just Anglicise the Latin to "Chorlton With Hardy", though that sounds like the punchline to a dodgy Nelsonian joke....


14 hours ago, Compound2632 said:

Mr Johnson had for many years desperately wanted to become Prime Minister; he desperately wants to have been Prime Minister; it's the bit in the middle where he's found himself way out of his depth, having come face to face with reality.


I suppose he feels cheated out of his Prime-Ministerial triumph by this Pesky Panademic.



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Pike and perch are both very good to eat, provided that they haven’t themselves eaten loads of muddy-tasting fish or creatures, because the mud-taint carries through. The flesh is creamy-white and nicely formed and the flavour is delicate.


My middle bro has been a keen fish-botherer since he was about six and when we were boys we used to cook and eat some of his catches. He boiled-down the heads and kept the jaw/skull of a couple of pike - they are very impressive mini sharks. These days everything goes back in the water after going on Facebook, which is a bit less stock-depleting.

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  • RMweb Gold
14 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


Mr Johnson had for many years desperately wanted to become Prime Minister; he desperately wants to have been Prime Minister; it's the bit in the middle where he's found himself way out of his depth, having come face to face with reality.

Nailed it.

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23 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

Pike and perch are both very good to eat, provided that they haven’t themselves eaten loads of muddy-tasting fish or creatures, because the mud-taint carries through. The flesh is creamy-white and nicely formed and the flavour is delicate.


I can also bear witness that Barracuda (which are quite Pike-shaped) are also good to eat.

The flesh is quite dark, and a bit like (but nicer) than Tuna.


I see no moral principle here. I am happy to eat Barracuda, and if I fall in the water then the Barracuda would no doubt be happy to eat me.

(Although I would, no doubt, be quite cross for a very short period of time!)

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, drmditch said:


I am not sure that young women who frequent seminaries  would be easily offended at all.



Even the those, all unwary, freed from the genius tutelary? 


And, IIRC, inclined to laugh and sing, tralalalala.


Hello briefly before re-plunging into the Hell of Annual Accounts.  

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1 hour ago, Edwardian said:

Hello briefly before re-plunging into the Hell of Annual Accounts.  


Whilst doing so, hum the following whilst thinking what you would do with the HMRC Minions....



Good luck!


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6 hours ago, Hroth said:


Whilst doing so, hum the following whilst thinking what you would do with the HMRC Minions....



Good luck!



Tut, tut, you have just sentenced the Edwardian to hours of the melody running, endlessly through his attempts at Annual Accounts....    who needs friends like that??





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7 minutes ago, Player of trains said:

I'm afraid I can't contribute much to the music and headlines despite being thoroughly entertaining so I'm just going to compliment Edwardian for an exceedingly rich and varied read and I look forward to what comes next.


Thank you, and welcome, and may I say that I think the Isle of Tumm is a splendid concept.  Doggerland is a favoured 'Atlantis' in these parts and I look forward to paying yours a proper visit soon. 



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On 18/06/2020 at 21:55, Compound2632 said:

Or, perhaps I should have said given the context, face to face with an experienced QC and finding himself confronted by questions he cannot easily answer.


In my view a experienced QC who worded a set of questions so carefully that no Brexit deal could have met them and may well have ensured that Boris won the election. Other views are available.


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On 19/06/2020 at 12:47, St Enodoc said:

Indeed so, Simon.

To confirm that zander/pike-perch is indeed good eating, and in my experience less inclined to be 'muddy' that pike.  Remember that it is non-native to the UK, and a serious pest in some of our waters, so it is almost our patriotic duty to eat it.


A classic way with pike and similar is quenelles, one of the many specialities of Lyon. But if you are there, don't bother. As far back as the 1950s, Elizabeth David was complaining that they were all factory-processed mush.

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Ah! Elizabeth David!

As an 'amuse bouche'  until  James re-emerges from his Hell of Annual Accounts ...  

let me tell how underpinned our young marriage was by Elizabeth David.  

In 1961 we received a wedding present of a 'chicken brick' together with a couple of Elizabeth David paper-backs ['French Country Cooking' and 'Mediterranean Cooking'(?)]  from the new opened original Habitat store in the Fulham Road, Chelsea - after which we set about flaunting ourselves as real "sixties swingers".

A couple of years later we were working in Malta - training ex RN Dockyard workers as civil engineering draughtsmen, which was great fun.
But the food in Malta was abysmal - totally British NAAFI - just one half-hearted Italian restaurant on the whole island:  the "Bologna" in Valletta, and spaghetti only sold, along with 'alphabet pasta', in half size Heinz tins.

So we struggled with sourcing Mediterranean veg and we compressed poor stringy old hens into our 'authentic' brick until it cracked in half. No tears - I managed to Araldyte it back as good as new.


We had some publicity about our UK funded retraining project and were flattered by a very stylish lady from Hille furnishings visiting and coming round for lunch in our flat.
Helping in our tiny kitchen, she laughed at our Chicken Brick and revealed how it had been invented by Terence Conran (they were all inter-related) as a showy gimmick for the new Habitat Brand along with the whole cult of spaghetti - and tall glass jars - and of course the famous Robin Day stacking polypropylene chairs launched by Hille.
Her visit paid off, for the firm specified the chairs for a new university campus for Malta - and many more subsequent projects across the world.


Many years later we came across a TV film crew filming in winter at a trashily congested tourist spot in Malta : the "Blue Grotto".  We asked what were they filming?

The slipway was doubling for the original unspoilt Greek island where Elizabeth David had picked up many of her post war Mediterranean recipes!


(sorry very OT!  No rail-related content whatsoever)

Edited by runs as required
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For a moment there I was envisaging this Chicken Brick as a brick you hit the selected chook with to kill it. But that slight confusion aside it reminds of a method I'd seen used in which the "brick" is actually a hard pastry (pretty much inedible) which you wrap around the chicken when you cook it in the oven. It has the same effect as this ceramic brick would. Personally I found little difference in the end result between that and a traditionally properly oven roasted chicken.

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Floyd was clearly boyhood role model for our breezy likeable PM.

And David Davis (host of BBC Home Service 5pm Children's hour) is the voice of Mr Toad the escaping Washerwoman on a 2-2-2 

A tonic for any jaded Amateur accountant seeing double entries :huh:

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12 hours ago, runs as required said:

let me tell how underpinned our young marriage was by Elizabeth David.  

 - after which we set about flaunting ourselves as real "sixties swingers".


Are you sure you want everyone on here to know about this? And if so shouldn't you have waited till after the evening watershed?

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