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Checking in the archive, I notice that invalid saloons were sometimes seen on the Wolfringham Branch, bringing "incurables" to Wolfringham Harbour station, which, of course, was the one nearest to the Church of Our Lady of Wolfringham. 


There was a service of "litters", carried by sturdy fishermen as a way of earning a little extra income, upon which the sick were carried up the steep footpath to the church.  Some notable cures are recorded, but space doesn't really permit me to reproduce all the testimonial pamphlets, letters to the Catholic Herald etc.

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Those fairies looks a bit heavy for the top branch of the tree.

To get back to serious matters  - sorry - how about some invalid saloons visiting CA for health giving visits to the bracing West Anglian coast? I have come across about a dozen examples in the GWR drawings i have recently been listing, and some are definitely pre-Edwardian  If he GWR had so many I am sure other companies also had some.

Please Moderators remove this post if it is too on-topic.


PS to Talltim - did you enjoy the John Betjeman book when your father read it to you?

...and of course I read that as "in-VA-lid" saloons, rather than "inva-LID", wondering why CA would have trains made up of coaching stock that didn't count.

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It would probably be possible to make a sound case that social hierarchy, the thing necessary in order for there to be an 'upper class', owes its very existence to alpha-males battling for control of everyone else (politics), nubile women, access to pleasures (drink, drugs, rock n roll), and (missing from the previous list, but taken for granted) food and shelter resources, which usually translates into land, and doing so in order to increase the probability of spread of their genes.


As noted in previous posts: the software shall inherit the Earth.


I am pleased that this thread continues to be a worthy and reliable source of immutable logic.


Why are my ears burning after reading of incurables?   I demand equality and respect, even if I don't deserve it.


Oh, and you forgot the unfortunate propensity to warfare with other tribes in that description of essentials. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Its easily done...


Speaking of Betjeman, would Castle Aching be cheap enough for Spinsters of Slender Means or Relicts of Extinct Religeous Orders to pass their sunset years?


Will you please stop talking about me like that? :onthequiet:

Didn’t realise you to be a spinster if this parish...
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Something where I need to wear tights - Peter Pan or Robin Hood maybe? Actually Peter Pan suits me - the boy who never grew up.


(Mr Edwardian, do please feel free to slap me down and tell me to shut up whenever my posts go beyond your red line - or even get close to it.)

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Only at weekends dearie.

Martin... Martin. I'd really rather you didn't refer to me as 'dearie'... It's nothing that personal, it's just I don't really go in for that sort of thing. My apologies if I've disappointed you, but it would never have worked out between us anyway ;)



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  • RMweb Gold


Altogether now, oh no he isn’t...


Didn't realise Martin was an MP too......


btw, has anyone done any modelling over the past couple of weeks?  Apart from Mr Eds rapidly developing Drill Hall?

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I did make this digital model.........






And you've beaten me to it in getting a WNR wagon in service!


Yes, the WNR starts here, on Annie's virtual layout. 


It will serve as inspiration.


Stock building is on the list, but I am haunted by the fear of unfinished projects and feel obliged to put the Drill Hall to bed.


Good progress has been made with the current section, so I should be able to move onto the hall section once all the Christmas preparation and work is dealt with. 



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Please excuse this reversion to a subject touched on a day or so ago.

The tenders for all the Rainhill competitors were built in Liverpool by one Nathaniel Worsdell, the father (possibly grandfather) of T.W and Wilson Worsdell.


I have found occasional references to a book about the Worsdell family, but have not discovered more. I wonder if anyone on this beautifully eclectic forum knows more?


I hope no-one will mind this polite intrusion into the simple agricultural idylls of North and East Anglia from the lands of the mighty NER at the Edwardian height of it's commercial and technical supremacy.


(perhaps that slightly contentious statement should not be taken as an excuse for further off-topic debate!)


On the subject of social order however (where indeed more could be said about the NER), I would remind those concerned with (white) male social eminence ( but never quite 'supremacy', that 'two thousand pounds of education drops to a ten rupee jezail'.


I need to stop wittering on here and do something useful. Planning summer holidays perhaps. Anyone for a yachting trip exploring the  Frisian Islands?

A good excuse for staying warm inside and browsing 'Brassey's Naval Annual'.


Interesting that examples of Edwardian railway technology survive and are much loved, whereas for the economic and political sound and fury of the time, the naval engineering survives, if at all, as derelict wreckage immersed in the sands of the German Ocean.


Gloomy thoughts. I need to stop being an invalid and make something! 

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  • RMweb Premium

There aren't enough presses provided with the 'Craftsmanship/Clever' button.  Your drill hall really is an outstanding piece of modelling craftsmanship James.  I can well understand your desire to complete the drill hall and not be distracted as it is all too easy for a large project to end up being shelved 'for later' once work on other projects begins.


Since I already had wagons from the 'Wits End Light Railway' and the 'Madder Valley Railway' visiting I thought it well time a 'West Norfolk Railway' wagon showed up.  I used a picture you posted waaaaay back at the beginning of this thread as a guide for my wagon model and I'm glad you like what I have put together.

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  • RMweb Gold

Given that they must be quite valuable, and that the general response to them is to think of them as small creatures, rather than objects, then a more likely ‘crime’ might be ‘robot-napping’ ...... and, with the ‘walking home late from the pub while brimming with cheer’ season upon us, I forecast that it will happen soon. Immobilising one is dead simple: stand it on bricks, so that it’s wheels don’t touch the ground, stick a silly hat on it, and send all your mates the photo via Instagram.


At one time I was sharing a flat. My flatmate came back one night much the worse for drink carry a flashing road beacon. Sometime in the night he got up and put a coat over it as the flashing light was keeping him awake. In the morning I insisted he took it back. The workmen on the site thanked him for bothering to return it. At least with the robots it could find its own way back, complete with photos and details of who had held it captive.



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“I would remind those concerned with (white) male social eminence ( but never quite 'supremacy', ”


The sort of Darwinian struggle for gene-supremacy, played-out through social hierarchy, that I’m talking about isn’t a ‘white’ thing, and isn’t really even a ‘male’ thing, although the female strategies are and need to be different, it’s a ‘human’ thing, and more broadly an ‘animal’ thing, at least across a very wide range of animals. My favourite are Green Macaque monkeys, who have a social hierarchy whereby the senior ones get the top of the tree, and the lower a monkey’s class the nearer the ground it perches. This makes it more vulnerable to predators, and means that it literally gets defecated-upon by those above it.


The countervailing instincts are, of course, those that see to survival of individual gene-lines by cooperative activity, enlightened self-interest I suppose.


And that is Old Nearholmer’s Guide to the Origin and Causes of Politics, in a nutshell.


Now, back to the season of good Will towards everybody.



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  • RMweb Premium



“I would remind those concerned with (white) male social eminence ( but never quite 'supremacy', ”


The sort of Darwinian struggle for gene-supremacy, played-out through social hierarchy, that I’m talking about isn’t a ‘white’ thing, and isn’t really even a ‘male’ thing, although the female strategies are and need to be different, it’s a ‘human’ thing, and more broadly an ‘animal’ thing, at least across a very wide range of animals. My favourite are Green Macaque monkeys, who have a social hierarchy whereby the senior ones get the top of the tree, and the lower a monkey’s class the nearer the ground it perches. This makes it more vulnerable to predators, and means that it literally gets defecated-upon by those above it.


The countervailing instincts are, of course, those that see to survival of individual gene-lines by cooperative activity, enlightened self-interest I suppose.


And that is Old Nearholmer’s Guide to the Origin and Causes of Politics, in a nutshell.


Now, back to the season of good Will towards everybody.



I think that the same principle applies to the price of budgerigars, whereby the ones at the top of the cage cost more than those at the bottom because they are on Higher Perches.


I thank you.

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