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  • RMweb Gold

how about now




if this gets me moderated I will be leaving



Actually, its less revealing than the JA wet tshirt post you made last July...


Perhaps we ought to start looking for new Pre-Raff pictures!

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  • RMweb Gold

Am I the only one who thinks that CA needs a dress code?


Can I suggest it be kept simple: some clothes.

Or, at least there should be potted ferns or palms to indicate that its "art"...

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  • RMweb Gold

Am I the only one who thinks that CA needs a dress code?


Can I suggest it be kept simple: some clothes.


There has been a lot of, well, you know, lately.  Whereas I confess to being hopelessly sentimental concerning certain female icons - I must have been one of the few school boys of my generation to entertain a mild crush for Dame Celia Johnson - I do my best to preserve the innocence of Castle Aching!


I'd hate to think we were giving the wrong impression ....  


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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not that fussed, but maybe we should consider that there are at least two ladies following this thread...


I don’t think anyone would mind if the at least two ladies were to object to the pictures and I am sure we would self-moderate if they did, but I imagine they are laughing at us as much as with us.


Besides, I prefer the pictures of JA dressed up in Edwardian style clothing. (I refer to the dress of the period, rather than whatever happens on a Friday night in Castle Aching...)

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  • RMweb Gold

Actually, its less revealing than the JA wet tshirt post you made last July...




B*gger! I Missed that!








Perhaps we ought to start looking for new Pre-Raff pictures!



Passengers on some of the West Norfolk Railway's summer services raise concerns at the apparent lack of carriage ventilation .... 


Edited by Edwardian
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  • RMweb Gold

B*gger! I Missed that!








Passengers on some of the West Norfolk Railway's summer services raise concerns at the apparent lack of carriage ventilation .... 

As John Cooper Clarke once remarked, "You never see a nipple in the Daily Express", though times have changed and even pre-raffs do a bit of flaunting.


However, there are "ferns/palms" included, so I suppose it passes for art.....

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  • RMweb Gold

 there are "ferns/palms" included, so I suppose it passes for art.....


Well, appreciate it while you can. From what I heard from a feminist art critic a week or two ago on R4, I don't think the "fine art" defence is going to be available for much longer!


The times, they are a changin'.

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Photos of Edwardian locomotives have a similar look to the so-called art photos of the day, I love the fixed smiles of enginemen, the long exposures onto glass silver bromide plates, ferns or no ferns.


I think the current predisposition towards 'selfies' is a perfectly natural progression,  alas downwards into the slough of despond.


A mishappenstance of history, if you will. (I just wanted to use that word, actually)


Whether of the female form or the Forth Bridge under construction, the modern way is to have bright colours and an obligation to always be frantic and busy, none of which comes naturally to me. Even the model railway press and such as the Hornby Catalogue represent a rather odd view of smoke and steam on what are clearly toy railways, and attempts to marry reality to modelling are frowned-on, in my limited experience.  But then, I don't network in the right places, or engage in conversation in this particular space....   


2nd cuppa is due....     <g>

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  • RMweb Premium

Which rather takes us back to the Rokeby Venus and Mary Richardson. Whilst the Suffragette movement is generally seen as a Good Thing, it's interesting to note her later career as leader of the women's section of the British Union of Fascists.

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Example,  loosely related to Edwardian Midland Compound 4-4-0s.




Neither real, nor a model.  No place for it here.  There are some who make a living making models, or used to....


I had better continue making pictures, someday my ship will come in.




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  • RMweb Gold

Which rather takes us back to the Rokeby Venus and Mary Richardson. Whilst the Suffragette movement is generally seen as a Good Thing, it's interesting to note her later career as leader of the women's section of the British Union of Fascists.


I tend to object to violence, whatever the cause and whether or not it came down on the right side of history in the end.  The Suffragists, rather than the Suffragettes, were probably more effective than their violently more spectacular sisters.  By the time the Suffragettes were planting nail-bombs, they were probably starting to be more than a little counter-productive. Fortunately, from that point of view, the Great War put paid to these antics and facilitated progress.  

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Which rather takes us back to the Rokeby Venus and Mary Richardson. Whilst the Suffragette movement is generally seen as a Good Thing, it's interesting to note her later career as leader of the women's section of the British Union of Fascists.


Third Wave Feminism before her time.  We need RULES, dammit!  


Patrick McGoohan in 'The Prisoner' explained that bit to me when I was about 15yrs old....

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To my eye, the orange marmalade lady above doesn't look anatomically plausible - even allowing for artistic foreshortening..

Assuming she's genuinely pre-Raph, I'd say there's some proto-Picasso re-arrangement going on in the composition..






Edit - as for On Topic art, That Compound might be more at home piloting the 'Thames Clyde' up G&SW Nithsdale rather than the NB 'Waverley'

Edited by runs as required
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Kevin, mustard...


Colonel or that stuff no longer to be made in Norwich?


Anyway, how did Echo and the Bunnymen get on this thread? 'Spare us the cutter,' a conversation about recycling knife blades?


Sorry long day.....................

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, the Bunnymen, I can hear them coming now ...


Unless I'm just an Echo ...


You do rabbit on...


That young lady appears to have dropped her phone, but has not yet realised it.

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  • RMweb Gold

You do rabbit on...


That young lady appears to have dropped her phone, but has not yet realised it.

More probably, she's just had to listen to "Villiers Terrace" for the third time in a row and fears that she'll be in a daze for days....


ruddy typos.

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  • RMweb Gold

Clearly, it's a phase you're all going through, but before this topic entirely resembles the walls of a teenager's bedroom, I think I'd better post something that is certain to set the pulse deadening.


All the time I had available on Saturday, which was quite a lot of time, was taken up fiddling with the bull head trap points, so I have only been able to make a modest start on the flat bed portion. Again, I foresee the need to adjust the crossing, but, so far, this new mode of point construction does not appear to be any more horrible than the chaired construction of the bull head sections. 




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  • RMweb Gold


Be careful to avoid short circuits in the blue circled area.

The rail needs cutting back to the red line, and you need to add another insulation gap (marked by President Trump’s hair).


Looking at that, you need to make sure that the copper surfaces of the interlaced sleepers aren’t touching each other, too.


No wonder the prototype stopped using interlaced sleepers - too many short circuits!


One request... before you paint it, but after you test it, please fill the insulation gaps in the pcb!

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