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  • RMweb Gold

Just don't start pinning track down on top of it....


(our dining room table still has some star wheel tracks from when my mother had been marking a sewing pattern out.)

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Thank you for the link. More excellent pictures.


Indeed a most handsome locomotive, and with a minimum of those ghastly accretions with which Continental locomotive builders insisted upon festooning their products at the cost of aesthetic grace.  Mind you, a quick trip through Swindon and she would look even better!


But I see the Nord had its revenge.  Just look what they did to this Great Western 4-4-0!



Bonjour, c'est ton ami Routier du Nord ici! All too rare, ze flash of genius makes its visits to you! Pierrefonds,why not? La chateau, les bains, les forests, et la jolie gare. C'est sur le Chemin de Fer du Nord, meilleur reseau de tout le Monde, certainement! Ici in link:http://www.cheminots.net/forum/topic/42755-la-gare-de-pierrefonds-oise/

Maintenant, ze express, wiz the Atlantique locomotif comme ze two you Engleesh keep for la GWR. Quelle belle machine!attachicon.gifIMG_1145.JPG

These just shout "Dennis Allenden"! It is not a good idea to be without a computer for a week, it takes an age to catch up!

Edited by laurenceb
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  • RMweb Premium

Salut, James, maintenant, l'affiche ferroviare pre Raphaelite. "What is ze sing she do to make 'is 'air grey?" You say. Ooohlala! Noodge, Noodge, veenk, veenk, as you say. C'est better zan ze "DAY EXCURSION TO SPALDING" n'est ce pas? Cordialement, Routier du Nord.



Edited by Northroader
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  • RMweb Premium

Salut, James, maintenant, l'affiche ferroviare pre Raphaelite. "What is ze sing she do to make 'is 'air grey?" You say. Ooohlala! Noodge, Noodge, veenk, veenk, as you say. C'est better zan ze "DAY EXCURSION TO SPALDING" n'est ce pas? Cordialement, Routier du Nord.




Oh dear I think the Midland will have been struggling to compete in several respects...

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I've been to La Tour de Carol, in the Pyrenees by train, twice, and, although the scenery is spectacular, I think it only fair to warn those who are considering booking tickets (at reduced price) that, on neither occasion, was I treated to the sight of peaks resembling those illustrated in that poster.

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These just shout "Dennis Allenden"! It is not a good idea to be without a computer for a week, it takes an age to catch up!

Ah but Dennis Allenden was a fan of the CF de l'Ouest. Clearly a man of taste and discernment!


Merging two sub-threads, if I may, the best argument in favour of using card for model buildings is... Pendon. Unbeatable.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been to La Tour de Carol, in the Pyrenees by train, twice, and, although the scenery is spectacular, I think it only fair to warn those who are considering booking tickets (at reduced price) that, on neither occasion, was I treated to the sight of peaks resembling those illustrated in that poster.

Nice restaurant at Font Romeu (or at least there was 30 years ago when I visited). La Tour de Carol is one of the few triple-gauge stations in Europe.

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Salut, James, maintenant, l'affiche ferroviare pre Raphaelite. "What is ze sing she do to make 'is 'air grey?" You say. Ooohlala! Noodge, Noodge, veenk, veenk, as you say. C'est better zan ze "DAY EXCURSION TO SPALDING" n'est ce pas? Cordialement, Routier du Nord.




Do you mind!  Some of us unfortunates actually live in Slapding!!   :beee:

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  • RMweb Gold


Oh dear I think the Midland will have been struggling to compete in several respects...

Poor dear, such a long wait for the Gare du Nord - St Pancras Eurostar service!


Good thing she wrapped up warm!

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I'll have a wee guess that the two ladies in the train, identically dressed, were sisters, perhaps even twins. I think it was something often done back then. I very much doubt they would be two strangers.


The French were always on a bit of a different axis to us with regard to what is beautiful as opposed to what is decent. Rather less bourgeois, to be honest. The buxom ladies put on GC posters during Sam Fay's reign were about as "sexy" as English advertising got - that is, not very. I suspect all hell would have broken loose if anything too revealing had been used in England. 


I simply cannot imagine a woman with bare breasts on a poster for Cleethorpes. Whereas in France, for a French destination, I don't think anyone would turn a hair.

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  • RMweb Gold

"Topless" ladies have never been a thing to ruffle Gallic sensibilities, especially in an arty context.   You do notice she's decently swaddled below the waist, no visible ankles, for example, whilst our Hero (Neptune, I suppose) is completely naked and only has his blushes spared by a convenient frond of seaweed.


Personally, if I were he,  I'd be rather worried by the rather large lobster progressing up my right calf!


As for the young ladies in grey, dressing identically is still a common game......

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  • RMweb Premium

Going back to your pre-raff of the day, curious thing, sleeping girls, trains, and millinery? Was it the only style you could get at Debenhams in 1880?



The Wikipedia article on Egg's The Travelling Companions notes: "The painting influenced an engraved illustration by John Tenniel in Through the Looking Glass, in which Alice wears a similar costume and hat in a railway carriage, sitting opposite Benjamin Disraeli, wearing a paper hat, and a goat." Well placed comma, that.

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  • RMweb Gold

No progress, I'm afraid, as (my fault entirely), there is insufficient real estate available to accommodate DonW's track plan.


So, in the meantime, I'm afraid, it's back to Pre-Raff of the day.


Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Sir! I begin to suspect that you're not the Ticket Inspector after all! (1866):


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  • RMweb Premium

No progress, I'm afraid, as (my fault entirely), there is insufficient real estate available to accommodate DonW's track plan.


So, in the meantime, I'm afraid, it's back to Pre-Raff of the day.


Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Sir! I begin to suspect that you're not the Ticket Inspector after all! (1866):


Surely that's Bradshaw she's consulting, looking to make her escape from his attentions?

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  • RMweb Gold

Surely that's Bradshaw she's consulting, looking to make her escape from his attentions?

Looks like she wanted to go to Birmingham, but they took her on to Crewe.


Typical LNWR, if you ask me!


Her best bet to avoid his intentions would be to take the GWR route via Nantwich and Market Drayton to Wellington, there to get a connection to Wolverhampton and then Birmingham!  Definitely safer!

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  • RMweb Premium

As a counterpoint to the foregoing, we have:


"Avoiding paying to upgrade from 'Party Third' to individual First Class tickets, by thoroughly distracting the Ticket Inspector".


Yes, definitely on the scrounge for a group discount...

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Looks like she wanted to go to Birmingham, but they took her on to Crewe.


Typical LNWR, if you ask me!


Her best bet to avoid his intentions would be to take the GWR route via Nantwich and Market Drayton to Wellington, there to get a connection to Wolverhampton and then Birmingham!  Definitely safer!


...on the basis that the journey would take such an unconscionably long time he would forget her and start wooing/pestering someone else?

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  • RMweb Gold

As a counterpoint to the foregoing, we have:


"Avoiding paying to upgrade from 'Party Third' to individual First Class tickets, by thoroughly distracting the Ticket Inspector".

More goosebumps!


Definitely a subject for a "Please Explain" rocket!!!

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