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The Oak Hill Branch - LBSCR / SECR 1905ish - New layout starts on page 129

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  • RMweb Gold


If she is concussed then you need to be careful.  I was hit on the head by a ladder, (don't ask), and it took about 3 months for me to get over it.  I was sitting down most of the time, then getting up to load the washing machine, dishwasher, put the washing out etc then having to sit down again.  Admittedly, I would have been well over forty years older than she is so it possibly took longer.  When I was knocked over when I was 14, I was unconscious for a number of hours and was back to school after three weeks.  The concussion was not the issue then.  Just be aware though.


All the best


(Sorry, this seems like a really negative post, but brains are funny organs.  If she is spaced out she may well not realise it and think everything is fine.)

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No need to be sorry Chris,


This is why I want to talk to the school. Until today she has not been spaced out at all, but seeing that did worry me. The concussion is mild, and from witness statements it would appear that she did not go unconscious at any time. The opinion of the hospital was that she should have been able to return to school Friday, and she did seem mentally fit at the time, however I kept her off as her leg was still not strong enough. Something she was determined to fix, hence her overdoing it. Although in fairness to her it has seemed to work as she can walk fine today.


Judging by her reactions today I do not think she realised that she was spaced out. I will certainly be keeping a close eye on her tomorrow before making any decision as to what to do Monday.



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  • RMweb Gold

No need to be sorry Chris,


This is why I want to talk to the school. Until today she has not been spaced out at all, but seeing that did worry me. The concussion is mild, and from witness statements it would appear that she did not go unconscious at any time. The opinion of the hospital was that she should have been able to return to school Friday, and she did seem mentally fit at the time, however I kept her off as her leg was still not strong enough. Something she was determined to fix, hence her overdoing it. Although in fairness to her it has seemed to work as she can walk fine today.


Judging by her reactions today I do not think she realised that she was spaced out. I will certainly be keeping a close eye on her tomorrow before making any decision as to what to do Monday.




2 weeks off games, 4 off contact sports, or some such.  They took it very seriously when the Boy got knocked on the head playing rugby.

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Indeed, it will be no PE for the next few weeks. She won't be happy about that, but she'll get over it!


She has been better today so far, a couple of moments staring into space, but nothing like how she was yesterday.



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Good news everyone!


Following a meeting with her House Leader this morning my daughter has gone back to school! She is very excited to be back, and is going to be escorted everywhere so that she is never without a member of staff, and they will be keeping a close eye to make sure she does not over do it, and if she starts to seem like she has they will be phoning me to come and collect her.


Some normality returns!



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I'm back!!!!!


Let's get started with the update that was planned to go live 11 days ago!


The L Class has been receiving some of it's detailing. This brings the body very close to completion.


First the cab roof has bee roughly made and fitted, it still needs a bit of work to sit properly, but that will come:



I have added some steps to the back of the bunker:



And the front of the tanks:



And to the cab steps:



This gives us most of the details for the body. I really must get that ride height corrected, it's nearly 5mm to high!!



Big progress coming soon!! (It has to be, there are only 8 weeks left!!)


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,



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The Bachmann Brighton H2 Atlantics are in reviews in Railway Modeller ("South Foreland" SR Green) and Model Rail ("Beachy Head" BR lined Black) current issues.... :)



The Bachmann Brighton H2 Atlantics are also in reviews in BRM (looks to be "South Foreland" in SR Green) and Hornby Magazine (Looks to be "Beachy Head" in BR lined Black) current issues.

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Time comes for another update to Remembrance, and the good news is that I have finally managed to cut down the chassis!!!! Along with a few more bits. So lets take a look


So after a trip to the model shop to replenish my tools I was finally able to make some cuts in the chassis, taking a full 5mm out front and back!!!!



At the back this meant a new piece was needed to support the body, this was made from some 60thou plasticard:



and with my I3 close to hand that was used to check the body was now sitting at the correct height:



Once I was happy with that I added some buffer beams and buffers and checked again using the I3:





Now that the loco is starting to come together nicely I got the backhead out, and cut it to fit around the section of chassis that protrudes into the cab, I think the crew will need to be missing a leg each to fit!!!



The cab roof was then fettled to make it sit on the loco properly, and some couplings added temporarily for a photo:



I have now also drilled handrail holes in all the appropriate places, next stop paint shop!!!! 6 weeks and 2 days to go! This is seeming rather doable at this point!!


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,



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It seems that the Brighton Atlantics are arriving!


Email from Rails....


Hi there,


Take a look at the new OO Bachmann and N Graham Farish items delivered 25/09/18


OO Gauge H2 Class Atlantic 4-4-2 32424 'Beachy Head' BR Black Early Emblem 31-921


Buy now - £161.46  RRP: £189.95

Edited by Sarahagain
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  • RMweb Gold

Time comes for another update to Remembrance, and the good news is that I have finally managed to cut down the chassis!!!! Along with a few more bits. So lets take a look


So after a trip to the model shop to replenish my tools I was finally able to make some cuts in the chassis, taking a full 5mm out front and back!!!!

attachicon.gif2018-09-16 17.07.02.jpg


At the back this meant a new piece was needed to support the body, this was made from some 60thou plasticard:

attachicon.gif2018-09-16 17.06.28.jpg


and with my I3 close to hand that was used to check the body was now sitting at the correct height:

attachicon.gif2018-09-16 17.08.49.jpg


Once I was happy with that I added some buffer beams and buffers and checked again using the I3:

attachicon.gif2018-09-16 22.23.25.jpg


attachicon.gif2018-09-16 22.30.49.jpg


Now that the loco is starting to come together nicely I got the backhead out, and cut it to fit around the section of chassis that protrudes into the cab, I think the crew will need to be missing a leg each to fit!!!

attachicon.gif2018-09-16 17.12.46.jpg


The cab roof was then fettled to make it sit on the loco properly, and some couplings added temporarily for a photo:

attachicon.gif2018-09-17 11.13.42.jpg


I have now also drilled handrail holes in all the appropriate places, next stop paint shop!!!! 6 weeks and 2 days to go! This is seeming rather doable at this point!!


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,




Love it.....!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Time for another update on Remembrance!! but first, a question that definitely isn't a shameless plug in any sense whatsoever


Next weekend is the 34th Uckfield Model Railway Exhibition and we have some very nice layouts, and traders coming, amongst those traders are Dart Castings. I plan on giving him lots of my money this year, for non railway things for the layout, road vehicles etc. My question is what would be suitable for Oak Hill (1905ish) Hailsham (1912) and the NC&GLR (1915ish)


Now back to Remembrance, following the finish of the build I stripped the loco down as much as possible and got the primer out:



after that I couldn't resist putting the loco back together to see how it looked. The wavy footplate doesn't show nearly as much in real life, but has been adjusted since the picture was taken regardless:



I have also been doing some drawing. Things are really coming together now:



4 weeks to go!!!


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,



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With regard to your tank side drawings, there is a very clear broadside view of 333 on the My Brighton & Hove website http://www.mybrightonandhove.org.uk/images/uploaded/originals/Remembrance_333.jpg

This shows the lettering to be less chunky and wider spaced, with the initial R slightly larger than the rest of the letters, and, intriguingly there is a full stop at the end of the word, for some strange reason.

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  • RMweb Premium

Depending on your drawing package, it may be possible to convert the letters to objects and then tweak the exact shape to match the photo - those Es with the short middle horizontal, for example.

Fortunately, you've only got seven different characters to tweak and nothing really awkward like an S!

Edited by Compound2632
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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Gary

Nice to see you and manage to have a brief chat on Sunday at the Show. Brilliant or what? Have just seen a photo that Linny posted of the I3 with the transfers being used. I am really pleased to see someone else making them work. Looking a cracker.

I haven't really explained what all the different bits on the sheet are for so I will try and get something together and post in a few days. I would really like a copy of the photo or is it Linnys?

Anyway, I am back home in Blackpool and about to get an early night for a change - train travel is tiring but not as tiring as Linny's 'bus'!!



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Hi Ian,


It was great to finally meet you. Your transfers are absolutely superb!! I am very happy with how the I3 is looking.


The photo in question is Linny's I took a couple but they were no where near as good quality, but I would be thrilled to see my loco being used as an advertisement. Even if it's showcasing someone else's work.


If I have got my timings right Linny should have been on the bus home for half an hour now. They do however have a nice looking I3 to keep them company. Hopefully it won't be to long before it is finished and back with me.



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Another year, another show, another chance to spend more money than planned!!


So the Uckfield exhibition is over for another year, it was a great show, and I managed to buy everything I had on my list, and a few extra items!! We shall start by looking at the purchases, and once I have sorted my pictures of the weekend I will upload them in a separate post.


So let us begin with the traditional purchases from Simply Southern, being Dapol wagons they are not correct, but as I am friends with the owner, I do enjoy collecting them:



Along with that there was a trip to the Dart Castings stand to acquire some of the things that have been very noticeable in their absence from the layout:



I have 2 Flat Dray's which shall be painted up as LB&SCR vehicles for delivering items from the goods yard, a Harvest Cart that will sit in the field next to the loco yard, a Milk Float that will most likely sit in the dairy's yard, and a Coal merchants wagon that will sit in the coal yard.


Having all these carts is one thing, however they need something to pull them. Luckily Dart Castings can help with that as well:



Following that trip I went and browsed the second hand stalls, and something caught my eye, a bit of haggling later and:



Oh dear I seem to have got another Terrier. I think that takes my total to 7!


and while "on duty" checking tickets at a location very close to the railway artist we have each year I was forced to look at a picture, and as is to be expected, temptation got the better of me, and it came home with me:



On top of this was a trip to Squires for some more tools, and flux, but that is all the pictures for now. Time for me to go sort the pictures of the layouts I suppose!


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,



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Right then. The exhibition itself. Having sorted out my photos there are 64 left, so go make yourself a cuppa before reading!!!


and they are not all pre-grouping, but I think if we don't mention it we might get away with it!! :jester:


So in Alphabetical order we have:


Brighton East (EM Gauge):









Clevedon WC&PR (EM Gauge)













College Halt (00 Gauge, built by the local secondary school)









Fintonagh (0-21 Gauge)









Foxcote New Pit (2mmFS)







Hinksey Yard (N Gauge)







Hobbiton End (5.5mm scale, 9mm Gauge)







Itchen End Goods Depot (0 Gauge)









Lakebank (3mmFS)





Leysdown (P4)





Llanfair Caereinion (009, I managed to spend most of the weekend behind this one!!)



















Much Murkle (00 Gauge)









St Blazey (2mmFS)







St Martins Wharf (0 Gauge)















(this picture taken especially for Compound!)



St Pierre et la Rue Perrin (1:34 scale 16.5mm Gauge)





The Yard (0 and 0-16.5 gauges)







Well according to auto save, that has taken 2 hours to put together!! I have also been doing a couple of other things though, but I feel I must take a rest from RMWeb after that!!!


Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed,



Edited by BlueLightning
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Wow, what an awesome selection of layouts!! At least those of us unlucky enough to not get there can enjoy your great pics of them. :)


I've already said it, but now having seen it, you lucky sod for getting to play with that 009 beauty!! :D


- Alex

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