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Oxford Rail announces - OO gauge GWR Dean Goods

MGR Hooper!

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Good news indeed, But I hope they give this model smaller flanges as the Adams I could not run on C+L track due to it hitting the chairs.

I do not understand why they fitted it with such large flanges, Hornby and Bachmann seem to get away with using finer flanges on their models.

Well pity the Adams would not run on my layout as I was really looking forward to getting one, so please Oxford do it with finer flanges.

Have you had a look at the excellent images posted on page 2 of this thread? IMO the flanges look really fine. Could be my eyes tricking me though. But looks very fine.

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So if topfeed was fitted to some with B4 boilers from 1913 (according to Brassmasters), 2309 must have a B4, but be in post 1913 condition. Removing the topfeed would only backdate it to 1910.


2322, the one I have number plates for, had a B4 from 11/01, so should be OK for my 1905 date if the topfeed is removed. So it may just be a frame painting and tender re-lettering job, as long as it looks better than the picture!

2322 has an interesting valve gear cover that would need serious surgery. It can just be made out in the photo in Locomotives Illustrated. There is a better view of this type of cover in that rather poor book covering the Dean Goods and William Dean whose exact title and author escapes me. See my blog about 2322/2525 for more info on back dating the Dean Goods.


Edited by drduncan
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... I'm not well enough qualified to comment on accuracy on this one... 



Me neither, but it looks like photographs of this classic late Victorian 'maid of all work'. There's something very appealing to me in all the small 0-6-0s which were so important to the steam railway, and if there is one locomotive type that I do feel inclined to collect examples of for display it is the modest little late Victorian 0-6-0s. Good subject choice, hopefully there will be more in this vein.


I guess that those firemen who hadn't fully mastered levitation had to resort to a plank over the bufferstocks for the task of clearing the ash from the smokebox on this class?

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I guess that those firemen who hadn't fully mastered levitation had to resort to a plank over the bufferstocks for the task of clearing the ash from the smokebox on this class?

Almost certainly, I know from experience the GWR 56xx which have the smoke box equally (probably a little further actually) forward requires you to stand on a plank across the buffers for cleaning and so the Deans probably would have too given how little space there is

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After seeing a George Herion painting of a Dean Goods on the cover of a Model Railway News (I think), I considered then and there that this must be the finest looking of all 0-6-0 Tender locos.


Nah, got to be a McIntosh 812! Still this does look like a nice model and I think it could be joining my GWR collection.

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Thanks to Phil Parker for sending over some useful images of the Dean Goods from the Toy Fair. I'm not well enough qualified to comment on accuracy on this one but the level of detail is looking impressive.


attachicon.gifDean Goods1s.jpg


attachicon.gifDean Goods3s.jpg

This is increasingly looking better and better - I wonder if my recently completed High Level chassis will fit into the Oxford loco body?  I think they have got the shape of the chimney, dome and safety valve bonnet spot on as well as the lovely smokebox door.  The cab is pleasingly uncluttered although I note that the splashers inside the cab have been doctored to accomodate the narrow gauge.  The detailing is pleasingly fine and restrained and the vacuum pipe running along the footplate drop appears to be a seperate fitting.  It is all a considerable improvement on the rather sad Adams Radial.  The tender looks OK but for my purposes I will need a 3000 gal. tender for which the High Level chassis is currently under construction.  Time for a rethink perhaps!


Regarding the query about cleaning out somokeboxes, 19th century - and for that matter most 20th century - locomotives were anything but 'user friendly' and shed staff and enginemen had to endure all sorts of difficulties and employ all sorts of ruses to make them work!  Just try going between the frames of an engine to oil up the motion and see how awkward - not to mention dangerous - it is.


Bring it on Oxford - this Dean Goods is looking good!




P.S.  Please note - it is a Dean Goods and not a Deans Goods - pedant mode off!

Edited by Bulwell Hall
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Of course the use of the apostrophe would be correct if William Dean was a shareholder in the GWR and therefore had some possession of the locos, so could be Dean's Goods, as he had some possession of it. If there were many Messrs Deans involved, it could also be Deans' Goods, but that would be excessive. Pedant mode switched on, please don't take this post seriously - withdraws to corner and continues to read 'Rules of Apostrophes- or is it Apostrophe's'

Edited by rembrow
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I had purchased a second hand Mainline Dean Goods a couple of months ago, with the intention of building a new chassis. That project is now cancelled. The latest photos show that this could be a very good model with a significant amount of detail. Have contacted my supplier already, to put down a marker. Not sure what I'll do with the Mainline model, may convert to a free runner as I did with an old Airfix 4F.

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I had purchased a second hand Mainline Dean Goods a couple of months ago, with the intention of building a new chassis. That project is now cancelled. The latest photos show that this could be a very good model with a significant amount of detail. Have contacted my supplier already, to put down a marker. Not sure what I'll do with the Mainline model, may convert to a free runner as I did with an old Airfix 4F.

I spent quite a lot on bits for my Mainline one. I've got Ultrascale wheels, new boiler fittings and smokebox door, numberplates and various other bits. It was rather a long time ago now, so the money is long gone, but I've still got the stock of bits to do something with. It looks as though I can do 2322 without using much of this, so I don't know what I'll do with my Mainline one yet. Maybe it depends on what the Oxford wheels are like, and if I can just pull them out on the axles for EM, or if they'll need replacing. Two Dean Goods will be far too many for the layout I'm planning (one is pushing it a bit!), so double heading with a free running one is definitely out!

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Nice loco, shame about the angle of the boiler hand rail knobs. If this had been a H*&%by model we'd be up-to 14 pages pages plus of knob-gate - just saying  :jester:  :jester:

The Dean Goods in the Phil Parker photos looks uncannily like a Hornby model to me!  It is clearly in a different league than the rather disappointing Adams Radial tank. 

Edited by Bulwell Hall
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Polished cab surrounds on the LSWR 02.... polished handrails on the Gresley 2-8-0....and now polished brass dome in post-Grouping days.  

And polished brass capped chimney, no less!



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