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Coleshill (Forge Mills ) layout and stock


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AKA "Under the Wood". Spent a bit of time there on a relaying job in 1966 then again around Saltley Stage 1 commissioning.


hi sir, was the relaying job the removal of the engineers siding, and access lines into the goods yard. I've another photo showing the gantry on that side of the line about 69... Arms missing and the track removed? Best wishes brian
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A further thought by 1962 the ground shown at the forefront of the 1962 b1 photo would have been developed from the green field as shown to the Tarmac service road serving the brand new row of shops that still stand today. The main shop in that group was a George Mason supermarket. I worked in the early seventies as a grocery delivery boy for them...by now International stores. I had a sturdy bike with basket on the front. My job was to deliver boxes of shopping all around the village. Only on a Thursday, Friday evening and all day Saturday... Shades of ggggranville in open all hours......

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  • RMweb Gold

hi sir, was the relaying job the removal of the engineers siding, and access lines into the goods yard. I've another photo showing the gantry on that side of the line about 69... Arms missing and the track removed? Best wishes brian

The relaying was part of the junction to Park Lane. In 1966 the West End had changed very little since Midland days except for the building of the ARP-type box and signal renewals. The Goods Yard lines were still in situ IIRC, but not in regular use. There was still regular traffic in the marshalling yard at that time, we would hardly have thought that within three years it would all be gone.

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The relaying was part of the junction to Park Lane. In 1966 the West End had changed very little since Midland days except for the building of the ARP-type box and signal renewals. The Goods Yard lines were still in situ IIRC, but not in regular use. There was still regular traffic in the marshalling yard at that time, we would hardly have thought that within three years it would all be gone.

Please excuse my ignorance. I was a child in this village, the. Limit of my world was the footbridge...taken there daily by mum to watch the trains...and await the return of dad on his evening train. My dad would take me to the station every Satuday morning to deposit his pigeons to be transported north before release and hopefully return to his lofts. Then my elder sister took me to the station...she a teen me a toddler. She was meeting a former school friend now a junior porter at the station. I wandered from her into the little goods yard...I was reunited with her by a senior porter who found me between two wagons.

I never even knew the existence of the west box until in 69 my fellow train spotting mates knowing the then tyseley trio of preserved steam locos were to travel from there turn left at the jct at castle Brom towards park lane jct and Sutton park. We set off from our base at the old cattle dock by the station......walking along the embankment, opposite the marshalling yards being ripped up...towards castle Brom. We walked around the corner on what had been our horizon and there was the west box ...now disused. I have assumed that a midland box had been there prior to this circa 1940 arp structure. In addition the small sidings signal box now forlorn in the middle of the disused marshalling yards. This by now was a small br standard design...again I've always assumed that this replaced a midland wooden box. I've never seen photos of these indeed doubt they exist...please prove me wrong...

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Just for the record have any number of model locos, that as far as I'm aware , never went thru in br days such as A1/1 ....A2 s including sub class's...or sadly an A4....


in a way more surprising what did travel through, albeit some on railtours southern Pacifics...a3 with german smoke deflectors ..v 2 and B1s d16... K3 halls and granges...castle...in diesel days westerns warships and hymeks..

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The relaying was part of the junction to Park Lane. In 1966 the West End had changed very little since Midland days except for the building of the ARP-type box and signal renewals. The Goods Yard lines were still in situ IIRC, but not in regular use. There was still regular traffic in the marshalling yard at that time, we would hardly have thought that within three years it would all be gone.

the yards i have a photo taken by my friend Don Taggart in 68 of the then preserved 4472 travelling thru my station. It clearly shows a set of modern lights erected in the yards ....months before closure



My mates remember them being erected thinking the rumours of closure I'll founded if they were investing in such items......

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  • RMweb Gold

Just for the record have any number of model locos, that as far as I'm aware , never went thru in br days such as A1/1 ....A2 s including sub class's...or sadly an A4....


in a way more surprising what did travel through, albeit some on railtours southern Pacifics...a3 with german smoke deflectors ..v 2 and B1s d16... K3 halls and granges...castle...in diesel days westerns warships and hymeks..

60114 W P Allen travelled to Worcester on a railtour and became a failure. it returned north on a Birminham - Newcastle relief. Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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  • RMweb Gold

dear signal engineer just realised your logo...ansells mild...my first pint in the dog...I Was or indeed not quite 18.......or indeed 15....or ind,...

I remember a session in there after working at Kingsbury in 1967. We went to a friend's house then on to the Dog. I caught a train into Birmingham and woke up at Saltley on the way back out.

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Thanks for the photo seen another of this train at new street in one of my books. One of the ironies of those days you were unlikely to see Lms locos allocated to the ex LNWR ( western lines)... The only time I can think of a princess going thru would have been 46201 en route from Carlisle to Saltley then Ashcurch after withdrawal then preservation. As stated coronations were seen on diverted Trent valley usually on parcel trains. In electric days diverted Trent valley expresses pulled through by an attendant deisel . I've recreated that by having a Bachmann class 25 with its motor removed ( it was broken and bought as such) being pushed by my class 81. I am to be honest a little wary of this combo. The memory can play tricks. I've seen many diesel hauled ( electric) trains...what were the hauling engines? I know and remember class 47s.....would a class 25 be able to do this alone...or were there pairs of them?

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In respect of the yard shunters...no jinties were used....indeed I don't think any were allocated to Saltley...class 3f tender locos were used, then class 11 Lms diesel shunters. The only jinty I've seen a photo of in the area was one left in a siding at nearby Whitacre on route for scrap

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  • RMweb Gold

Steam shunting went quite early in the West Midlands. I think most of them had gone on LMS lines by 1960/61. The area was also converted to DMU on the basic services by the same time. Footplate staff were hard to come by because of the wages that could be got in the motor industry. 

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The dmus are well represented on my layout....loathed them at the time....now miss the first generation ones....nostalgia not what it used to be !....classes 105...,104...120 116 123 the latter used for a short time on cross country ...I suppose you can include the three car GWR set laboriously created from the Lima models as per the late Monty wells in the nineties...got a class 103 etched sides waiting in the wings...class 121 128 and 129. I am an unreformed collector of locos and stock...My main problem is its storage...and yet I buy more.....in respect of the jinty it has always amused me that it populated the Lms as the std shunter but not so much on its originating railway...the midland. I write that knowing it was a Lms development of the midland design... In my case in addition to the recent Bachmann models I have created 43284. This was at Water Orton as the yard shunter when both Bob and his brother Terry Essery were stationed there on the footplate. This model is made from a tri ang model...Geo Norton brass etch cab...plastic pipe for the boiler...plasticard splashers in the correct place..ks wm tender...will photo..

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the pictures of your layout. Definitely one of the best layouts I've seen for a long time.


Also like the 4MT with the Artic set. Would Go nice on a Leicester layout!

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Thank you for your kind comments....not being an expert I've posted the artic picture on Tony wrights post. This rightly attracts any number of persons knowledgable on all things eastern especially coaching stock. I can only assume it was a last minute replacement for a failed dmu. The other alternative is that it as not in service but a withdrawn set

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attachicon.gifimage.jpegattachicon.gifimage.jpegattachicon.gifimage.jpegattachicon.gifimage.jpegtwo photos taken by my friend Eddie Ravenhall Xmas time 1968...empty stowage yards...buffers...two class 20s light engine passing station on up fast line

Just had a look at this topic for the first time and thought that your layout conveys a lot of the atmosphere of the prototype - a great effort.


How did you manage to squeeze all this into a loft?


Re your photo's of the class 20's.


Would these be locos from Saltley for working the Kingsbury branch?.

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Again thank you metro 457. In reply about the twenties I don't know what duty they were on...I will e mail my friend later and ask if he knew. It is true though that Kingsbury branch was still active at this time and could well be that duty. The date if I recall from Eddies notes was 28 th or 29 th Dec 1968. The yards had closed fully in the August of that year. The empty stowage sidings buffers are to me especially poingnant. In respect of compressing this segment into my 18 by 12 foot loft...yes it has called for certain compromises. One that may not be apparent. In getting the max radii under the eaves I've built it low. This has left very little room under the boards for my bulk. I have literally suffered for my modelling obsession...squeezing under...banging head arms and other body parts on beams and point motors. Hot solder dropping into eye is another cruel consequence. Is it worth it? ....Sometimes I have doubts...then Iook over the Minworth Road bridge parapet back to the signal box and footbridge....see a class 8 with twenty thirty coal wagons clanking towards me...or an equally mundane cravens set emerge from under the bridge towards Leicester.....My biggest regret ,and one I I would rectify if commencing this again, by modelling it in 2 mm...the omission of the east junction.....to see one of my class 45s rattle over that crossing with a set of blue grey mk 1s...


The group who have modelled this station in 2mm calling it Watton. I saw t at Warley and congratulated them on, as I hope I have with mine, capturing the atmosphere of this still busy reality area. My only regret is they modelled the current rail configuration not the pre 1982 jct....please not a criticism far from it a wonderful model that had me transfixed whilst watching it.

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post-23587-0-68996200-1465745249.jpeg two if the Lima single cars being detailed after conversion to the three car set... The middle car was a collet coach...the valve gear is my working of Bill Bedfords etch for the Stephenson geared class 5 44767...it incorporates some comet ingredients
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post-23587-0-87147000-1465746187_thumb.jpegpost-23587-0-26117200-1465746215_thumb.jpeg just to show it completed..44767 together with Bertha at the exit from my fiddle yards. The other photo...the old stalwart 43284....moved down from the main yards...across the west junction crossovers ove the main running lines and down into the little good yard. I have he Bachmann 3f....but this one for all its lack of finesse...it just looks if it's put numerous years of work into its metal....hope you are eynjoyng my sharing this my obsession. My wife if asked where I am...." He's up his hole" meaning the loft opening......I think
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post-23587-0-75217000-1465748794_thumb.jpegone of the compromises exposed...in reality the fast lines diverge left and on towards Hams Hall power station in distance. The houses shown would also be further to the left. The peak is number 161....,for those who know the area that was the bus service together with 171. I've just read a reply from headstock on TWs thread where he had I think identified the LNER set... And They were for use in the Leicester area. He has included a photo of a model set in use on the I think Leicester south GC layout. They are being pulled by a director class ....I've commented that it's a shame they wernt in my photo so I could justify runining my Bachmann one.....ok it's Scottish as well but what a beautiful loco.
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