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big jim's workbench...onto figures and buildings

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold

Got some paint on the interior and built the pantograph




I've lightened up various colours so they show up better once I add interior lights



















And the pantograph, nice and simple to build but you have to cut it away from the castings first using a very sharp scalpel as it's so fine, damaged a few bits but it's not too noticeable once together


This is what you get....



And begin cutting....



Marked up the roof



And fitted the cut away base it it so I had a nice flat surface to work from





Next few bits







The head is increadibly fine and very easily damaged as you can see here, it's almost like cutting through paper!



And all glued together, I've fixed it in the dropped position





Put a piece of scrap casting under the lower end of the pantograph so it sets at the correct height



And back off the roof



And primed





And put a handrail on one end as a trail, made out of plastistrip as the real thing has flat handrails as opposed to round ones


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Started something different this evening, excuse the bed sheet 'workbench' but I decided to disassemble an mpv to see about converting it into the single car network rail s+c recording unit


The unit in pieces, one part is powered and the other is a dummy unit with just lights fed from the motorised unit



The inner and outer ends have different pick up and lighting arrangements so I needed to adapt them slightly but nothing too major



Basically remove the powered coupling leaving the wires attached to the look for now



The 4 black wires from the loom will attach to the wires from the dummy car cab lighting (that cab of course will be at the opposite end of the powered chassis!)



Reattached the bogie and tackled the next issue.....



The massive decoder housing and what to do with it!



On the real thing the floor is practically flat so the decoder sitting up as designed would look very wrong if I had to build a cabinet for it to go in, I removed the bracket from the chassis and basically folded the pcb out of the way, also removed the underfloor motor housing moulding which revealed a load of room for me to basically bin the whole pcb and hardware an 8 pin wired decoder in place instead, luckily all the lighting wires feed down that way too


There will still be a slight step up where the motor sits proud of the floor but once I build the frame over the centre part it shouldn't be too noticeable, I'll carefully cut out the motor shape from the existing removable module floor and build it up with a plasticard frame



Reuse some of the genny modules and make up some more and it will start to come together nicely



Really should get some of my other projects finished first though!!

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Premium

I started to look at mine last week! With a view to cutting out the framework with my Silhouette cutter (and laminating it) and then mounting it on the Bachmann ISO bases.


The central floor section on 98008 is slightly raised anyway, so conveniently covers the motor. Cutting out the floor and putting in a higher false floor is definitely the way forward. There are also some low cabinets either side of the raised floor that will further disguise it.

 I have a plan to install the decoder (Loksound Micro)  in the generator housing and keep the existing speaker space under the platform for a errr...... speaker............


One thing I have found with my initial measurements, is that if you fit the new cab, the central platform is a tad too long for using the standard modules, so I'm going to stretch one slightly to fit.




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  • RMweb Gold

If you look carefully at the modules on the real thing there are 2 modules, one has the generator fitted and the other is a long unit (ooh er missus!)


Also if you look how they sit on the deck one end is hard up against the back of the driving van and the other end sits a good foot back from the cab, using the module bases as I have done in the above pics gives the same spacing, the only difference being the generator end will be the 'wrong end' as it were due to the motor position, the correct way round means the flywheel would impinge on the generator position

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  • RMweb Gold

Couple of hours in the mpv earlier, looked at the pcb and realised I can just move it below the chassis as is if I cut the bottom end mounting bracket




Removed and ready for wires to be tucked away



And out the way



So to the flatbed, cut out the space for the motor



And built up with plastistrip and card



And in place



Then to build up the edges and bottom for the frame



Couple of cabinets either side



And the uprights on the generator module



In place



Then added a roof to it





In place again



Genny in place


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Nice one Jim


I've seen it recently (as far apart as) Welwyn Garden City and then Berwick On Tweed !






Managed to get some detail shots for my intended MPV rebuild....if I ever get around to doing it !

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm going to leave them as they are for now, may see if I can get some of the actual 'mentor' crew 3D printed to put inside!


Just realised looking at rs4s pic I've only put one horizontal rail on my generator module so I'm going to need to change that to 2 rails on each side, and make them thinner


Hopefully I may be able to crack on with it on Saturday with any luck

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  • RMweb Gold

done a bit more this evening with the mpv


changed the handrails



and built up the large cage







added the roof





and in place



bit of primer





generator in place



a few more detail bits to add before painting the cage yellow and ive still got to figure out how to strip the cabs down to repaint those too



oh and the wiring to resolder

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  • RMweb Gold

Painted up the modules on the mpv this evening and hand primed the cab




Unfortunately I tried to hand paint the yellow and it went on awful so once it's dry I'll restrip it and have a go with the airbrush


Even rough though it's getting there



While I was waiting for paint to dry I stripped the 'old' decals off the NMT ready for the 2013 style to be added


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I have a new friend in the workshop now, IPA solution, diluted some down to strip the dodgy yellow paint off the MPV cab, seems to work quite well, took it out of the solution and have it a rub down with a bit of kitchen towel and it came off nicely, as has the grey on the roof and the yellow end is beginning to lift, I've taken it out for the evening in case I don't get in the shed tomorrow but I think a few more hours should get it back to being a blank canvas to re-prime and paint



While I was playing about with the IPA I tried a bit on the white stripes of a virgin coach I have spare to see if it could get them off, didn't dilute it but put it in sparingly and with a bit of a rub with the smooth side of a nail buffer block the stripes and logos came straight off



I then 'accidentally' started another project, this time the track recording coach, 999950



One side was nice and simple, a few window blanks to add, I've secured them all with 2 pack epoxy resin mix



The other side was more involved, biggest bit was cutting a new window that Pete has helpfully added a template to the kit for


In position



And taped down



Drilled the corners



And scored the sides until I could pop the window out



Bit rough and ready but the frame will cover it nicely



I then added the rest of the blanking plates to that side



I've had to nick one blanking plate from another kit I have as the kit for 999950 is a blank short for the current configuration of the real coach, there is an extra window blanked off now compared to a few years back, Pete if your reading this check it out!!


I've also decided not to fit the etched window frames supplied in the kit as it's quite a lot more work to get them fitted (file back the plastic frames etc )


I'm now Leaving the glue to dry overnight before giving it a rub down around the window blanks to get rid of glue spots and runs, I'll then give it a coat of primer and fill any gaps etc that may show up, then to order some laserglaze from shawplan for it


Might just start the radio survey coach tomorrow with the other virgin coach I have spare, again a simple conversion only needing window blanks and a grille fitting

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  • RMweb Premium



I then added the rest of the blanking plates to that side



I've had to nick one blanking plate from another kit I have as the kit for 999950 is a blank short for the current configuration of the real coach, there is an extra window blanked off now compared to a few years back, Pete if your reading this check it out!!




999550 is looking good.

I discovered the extra blanked widow just in time before applying the yellow paint.





After - ready for filling.



I reckon it was filled in sometime in late 2012.




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  • RMweb Gold

A few hours in the shed again earlier, sprayed the PLP coach but it's reacted with something on the body so I'll have to strip it off and start again, may do it through the airbrush next time


Anyway somehow managed to start another project, may as well get a ruck of yellow things to paint to make filling the airbrush worth it!


So what am I building, this one is going to be a UTU coach 999605, the original is converted from a southern EMU But I've done my conversion with a mk1 coach


This little project involves one of the £4 hachette 'your model railway' coaches, nice and easy to strip down and cheap if it goes wrong, I have previously done some mods on it including changing the wheels for Hornby ones and reaming out the bogies for better running


They are so easy to strip



Removed the windows but then refitted some of them!



Blanked off a window at one end



Then using deluxe putty...



Filled the window holes where I had refitted the glazing and left it to cure



Into the roof where I cut a big section out





Blanked off the end



Then made a flat section to replace part of the roof





Made a grille at one end in the window hole I'd put the blanking plate in



Made a couple of small windows out of one big one



Then rubbed down the cured filler



Clipped together





The one thing that should finish the coach off nicely are these etched window frames from Southgate works, got them with my 'mentor' kit, a few frames short so I'm hoping Shane has another set I can buy off him!



In place to get an idea if they look, a perfect fit for the hachette coach



Back to the roof, generator exhaust panel





And all put together ready for priming, added a fuel tank and water tanks to the chassis





And in a train



Really pleased with it for about 4 hours work

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, really pleased for what is basically £5 worth of material (including the coach) and 6 hours labour so far


Anyway sneaked in the shed this afternoon and set about some of my projects with the paint brush and aerosol cans!


Primed and painted the roof and underfloor gubbins





Can't do much with this side until I get some more window frame etches off wolf27 however the other side I have completed fitting the frames and gave it a coat of yellow






The beauty of the hachette coach is when I'm ready to do the unfinished side I only need to unclip the side and do what I need to do


And in a train



The TRC has had a coat of yellow too but I think I'm going to rub it down in places and fill the windows better



Finally mick newbryford' suggestion if stripping paint off body shells using dilute IPA has proved successful, the dodgy MPV cab is now back to its base plastic



To which I have a coat of white tamia primer from an aerosol



Now I know that works I'm going to get the other cab off and give it similar treatment ready for a coat of yellow

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  • RMweb Gold

As it happens 999605 was on the RTC this morning, I think I've done a good representation of it so far, will have to remove the buffers though






I'm going to remove the putty filled window on the unfinished side and redo it as I've done on the other side, recessed plasticard and individual slats


Glazing wise I'm going to fit tinted windows as above to save detailing the inside

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  • RMweb Gold

Just realised looking at my prototype picture the window frames are silver not yellow, I've only used glue and glaze to secure the ones I have already done so I may try and get them back off (as I did when I ballsed up Mentor), strip them back to silver and refit them with superglue

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  • RMweb Gold

managed to scrape the yellow off the frames without removing them



over on the other side i removed the filled window and redid it with slats for a grille, also made a smaller grille for alongside a window, this is going to be a compromise as the window on the real thing is 3/4 height but i dont have an etch for that



primed and painted



back to the stripped MPV


gave the cab a coat of primer then yellow, rather than using network rail yellow ive used plasticote "buttercup yellow" which is quite a bit lighter 



when compared with the other yellow stuff its a fair way out however i think the real thing is a different shade to normal NR yellow anyway 



grey roof



then a NR yellow end



and more masking



to add the black bits and bobs



and demasked, loads better than i could have imagined it would come out



glazed and roof bits picked out



and on the chassis, the other cab is now off and in the paint stripper





lots of touching up to do on the centre modules now, also lights and cameras to add to the cab, probably should have done those before i sprayed it!

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