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Sutton's Locomotive Works class 24

Dan Griffin

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Sorry if I have got the wrong end of the stick, but are the 3 bars that are being talked about in the radiator grill as shown below? They appear to be visible on quite a few photos I have, and also I found a photo of one with two bars (it would seem anyway).

I do suspect they got dirty pretty quickly and so were obscured. They could be weathered back with a little paint, then wiped off to keep the outer grills mesh clear, and the bars behind more subdued if needed.



Edited by Jamiel
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The attempt to model a "better" class 24 is to be applauded, but how did the radiator grill acquire 3 vertical bars when these are not visible in the prototype?

This leaps out to me as wrong, but I would have thought that this was easy to rectify on subsequent batches. These vertical bars are far more noticeable than the number of slats in the grill.

There is a awful lot to commend on this model but it is not perfect.


....me thinks that you need to look at more prototype 24 radiator grills.


Given the number of detail variations within even the hundred plus headcode disc fitted 24s it isn't easy to find any two identical locos.....the more you look at prototype images the more detail variations you'll find. The single most significant feature of this loco for me is the correct body profile inc. 'the face' with its correct size window apertures, roof curves & angled slope of front end because for those minded to model a specific set of individual details and create a very individual loco it is the best point to start from.  



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Things are changing! If you go to http://www.sulzertype2.com/now, you get a new front page for Rail Exclusives with a Load Haul 37 on the page, and when you click enter and it takes you to the standard Rail Exclusives pages now!


EDIT: just tried again and clicking enter took me to the class 24 pages so i guess they are just working on the site and i caught it mid change :)

Edited by 37081LochLong
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Aft'noon all,


These juxtaposed examples will help demonstrate the advance in body profile with the SLW model compared e.g. with the most recent contender by Bachmann


The correct roof curving/beading over the cab front windows and roof profile on the SLW model contrasts with the too shallow curvature on the other model....throwing out the proportions of the bodyside, or the height of the bodyside on the Bachmann threw out the curvature/proportions of the roof/cab front


The correct cab front window shapes & sizes on the SLW are considerably smaller than on the other model


The unsightly joint on the cab front between body and chassis is absent on the SLW variant....



The angle of the cab front upper is correct on the SLW example but not on the other....



Battery box/underslung tank area and bodyside grilles...there is no mistaking the fidelity of the SLW model....



Disregard the amateurish start to repainting on the lower bogie, it does however offer a comparison between the two versions, The overthick tyre rims of the Ultrascale wheelsets stand out too on the lower image....







Satisfied type 2 owner

Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Tor Gifford comented on my post about the 3 vertical bars on the radiator grill as  


....me thinks that you need to look at more prototype 24 radiator grills.


I find this comment at best presumptious and at worst patrionising as it implies I dont know what I am talking about. As someone who has spent 15 years researching Class 24 (and 25,s) and have studied 100 of photos and who has also had a book published on the subject (Diesels in Depth Class 24 and 25 with Ian Allan) I do know a little about this class.


My point was that yes these vertical bars exist but in normal lighting conditions they cannot be seen. When viewed in bright sunlight at 45% thet are faintly visable, but otherwise not.

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I think that all disinterested parties will agree that an injection-moulded grille would, in this case, have produced a more prototypical appearance; probably at less cost.


That said, this is SLW's first production, and there is bound to be something of a learning curve.


If only Dave would let us draw our own conclusions, instead of leaping to the defence of SLW in response to each and every posting; (have they asked or authorised him to do so?); we'd have a much more reasoned debate !



John Isherwood.

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Oh come on people- whichever side of the debate you sit on, neither side needs to be so rude to the other.


If you like it- buy it

If you don't like it- don't buy it.


People keep saying "...but it SLW are saying it's perfect..." No they aren't.. They've never claimed that. Dave TG- with great respect to his enthusiasm- is a customer expressing his personal opinion, just as those who don't seem to like it are expressing their personal opinion.


Speaking personally, I accept the viewpoint of some of the real experts that it is slightly wrong with the grills- but not enough to stop me buying it.



As for complaining about whether or not the vertical bars should be behind the grill- if they aren't easily visible could you imagine the indignation and shock if SLW had left them out on the basis that you could not see them normally?


This is supposed to be a relaxing hobby apparently.

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Oh come on people- whichever side of the debate you sit on, neither side needs to be so rude to the other.


If you like it- buy it

If you don't like it- don't buy it.


People keep saying "...but it SLW are saying it's perfect..." No they aren't.. They've never claimed that. Dave TG- with great respect to his enthusiasm- is a customer expressing his personal opinion, just as those who don't seem to like it are expressing their personal opinion.


Speaking personally, I accept the viewpoint of some of the real experts that it is slightly wrong with the grills- but not enough to stop me buying it.



As for complaining about whether or not the vertical bars should be behind the grill- if they aren't easily visible could you imagine the indignation and shock if SLW had left them out on the basis that you could not see them normally?


This is supposed to be a relaxing hobby apparently.


I don't disagree in any way at all.


However, I have become more than a little exasperated that any comment that doesn't effectively say "This Class 24 from SLW is the greatest thing since sliced bread" - no make that "since bread was invented" - is met by instant dismissal and, yet again, a diatribe on the iniquities of suggesting that SLW is owed anything less than the Nobel Prize for Model Locomotive Production !


Please, can we express our opinions of this model without our views being dismissed by Dave? Not much too ask, surely?


The daft part is that I expressed my interest in buying this model to SLW before Dave started all this - now I'm not so sure whether I'll follow it up tomorrow !



John Isherwood.

Edited by cctransuk
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My point was that the reinforcing bars are behnd the grill, the toolmaker for the model has put them in front.

It reminds me of looking at an attractive girl who has a spot on her face, ones eye is drawn to the blemish, not to the rest of her face.


It is indeed a good model but not perfect!






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A plastic injection moulded grill would melt when barbequing, unlike a metal one.  A grille, however.......could be either. :jester: :O  :O  :O  :O  :mail:


I still can't decide whether to buy one of these 24's!

I took the decision to buy D 5000 yesterday.It appears to be a quality product. It's a fair old amount of cash but........and here I reflect........the most expensive model I have ever purchased was also a diesel pioneer and that remains probably the best ever of any kind that I have.One I have never regretted parting with £400 for...my FIA Trains 10000 .Makes £160 seem modest by comparison

I like what I see with Phil Sutton's new baby. I'm giving it a go.By heck,though,it isn't half generating some angst on this topic :scratchhead:

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Off topic (but no more than some others).

Would it help to start a separate topic on this subject (with a possible subtext)?

Personally I think the yellow one is too yellow, and for the period that interests me should only be half yellow anyway. Some might suggest that the other one is bauxite, but I would say it wouldn't match any other bauxite ones I have, and a little rust colour should be towards the bottom would surely be needed. As for the texturing, seriously it is just over the top, yes they would crease over time, but more randomly. Supplying it with such an obvious lock, or way to couple the hood just doesn't reflect the market for those who want to choose their own method of docking. At the heart of the problem is that I just haven't seen any documentary photographs that match what they are trying to achieve.

(Please don't take this seriously.)

Back on topic, I rather like the Rail Exclusive Class 24, and hope to buy one when they are released to new customers.


Edited by Jamiel
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Off topic (but no more than some others).


Would it help to start a separate topic on this subject (with a possible subtext)?



Personally I think the yellow one is too yellow, and for the period that interests me should only be half yellow anyway. Some might suggest that the other one is bauxite, but I would say it wouldn't match any other bauxite ones I have, and a little rust colour should be towards the bottom would surely be needed. As for the texturing, seriously it is just over the top, yes they would crease over time, but more randomly. Supplying it with such an obvious lock, or way to couple the hood just doesn't reflect the market for those who want to choose their own method of docking. At the heart of the problem is that I just haven't seen any documentary photographs that match what they are trying to achieve.


(Please don't take this seriously.)


Back on topic, I rather like the Rail Exclusive Class 24, and hope to buy one when they are released to new customers.




This is the first page of any RMWeb thread that my wife has ever shown any interest in.......


Incidentally, she agrees with your analysis but her conclusion would be to buy all of them.

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This is the first page of any RMWeb thread that my wife has ever shown any interest in.......


Incidentally, she agrees with your analysis but her conclusion would be to buy all of them.

Does that give you free reign to buy both the blue and green Class 24's as well?



Edited by Jamiel
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My point was that the reinforcing bars are behnd the grill, the toolmaker for the model has put them in front.

It reminds me of looking at an attractive girl who has a spot on her face, ones eye is drawn to the blemish, not to the rest of her face.


It is indeed a good model but not perfect!


attachicon.gifD5018 - Copy.JPG[/quote


The wide diagonal bar also appears much closer to the grill mesh, being more prominent than on the model, where it appears recessed. Perhaps EE Brian will consider producing a more accurate replacement that would resolve this issue ?

Regardless of this and the possible glazing ? issue still easily the best 24 model presently available.........

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