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Barmouth bridge OO


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Hi all . After a lot of inspiration gained from this site , mostly from the excellent Morfa . I've decided on a OO gauge Barmouth bridge layout . After having a few round and round layouts in the past , I've decided this will be a end to end with the scenic part of the layout measuring about 16' . Obviously this isn't long enough to make the whole length (modellers licence will be applied here) but I intend to make the 2 metal spans and as many of the wooden trestles as the space will allow . This evening ive made a start on the wooden trestles post-21151-0-60630700-1447795117_thumb.jpg. They are constructed very simply from 1/4" wooden strips and wooden fast food stirrers . All glued together with my trusty hot glue gun . Ive decided to give them a base coat of black . post-21151-0-09756100-1447795134_thumb.jpg

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Made a start on the 'Metal' swing section of the bridge this afternoon.post-21151-0-24938400-1448052158_thumb.jpg

Any feedback would be good . I know the real bridge is made in a girder type construction , buy I'm not kidding myself. There's just no way my ability will stretch that far . Thanks for looking in .

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  • RMweb Gold

love it, looking forward to seeing this progress


just dont do what my great great grandfather did when he was the engineer in charge of the real barmouth bridge back in the "olden days" (post cambrian i believe) and open the swing bridge on a sunny day only to find that due to heat expansion they couldnt close it again until the sun had set and the metal cooled down!

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Looking forward to following this, I can see the top of Barmouth Bridge from my front room window so this will be an interesting project to follow.


Thanks for the interest . Just nip down the path and measure  up the old toll house for me please wombatofludham   :sungum:



Looks good with a coat of black. I'm starting on the next metal section tonight. Thanks again for all your coments.

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Couldn't resist putting it all together tonight on the kitchen floor . I'm waiting for a dryish day now so I can paint the next bit outside . I'm going to start on the toll house next , has anybody got any measurements of it ??? I have a lot of photos of the building , but sadly I forgot my tape measure on my last visit :scratchhead: Also , what would be the best thing to use as the pebble dash finish ?? I was talking to a friend about it and we came up with using sandpaper ...... but I'm not sure ​

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  • RMweb Gold


The bridge looks really good, I will follow with interest.


If you post a link in Cambrian Layouts in the Railways of Wales Special Interest Group you may attract people with not only an interest in the area but also with local knowledge.


Pebble Dash and sandpaper.  Sounds not a bad idea.  I floated the idea of Wet & Dry for gravel platform surfaces and someone pointed out that if you were not careful you would skin your fingers every time you went near it.  This may be the same although, maybe, once you had painted and varnished it, it might be fine, (although medium would look better.  :jester: )

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Not a lot of progress this week im afraid :umbrage: Ive made a section of wall and the ramp for the lifeboat . This is mainly wills plastic sheets .


This will need to be painted . Any suggestions on getting a good finish?


This is the good old Wills bridge I made earlier . Don't think ill use the wall sections . Thanks as always for your comments . As mentioned before ,  my modelling skills are not up to the standards on some of the layouts here . But I'm learning and hope you are enjoying this as much as I am :)


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  • RMweb Gold


Do not play down your modelling skills, your bridge is really impressive.  You also appear to have 'knitted' two Wills sheets together by cutting round the stones which is quite clever, rather than butting two pieces and finding something to hide the join. 


I am not really the one to advise on the stonework for the bridge except, try and find out what the original is/was ad then when painted pick a few out in lighter and darker colours.  The courses in the bridge stonework appears deep enough that once painted you can dribble in a watered down acrylic of the right shade for the mortar.


The sea wall is something else and once painted you will need to decide on how much green slime and barnacles you need to add.  Fortunately for me the sea stops a way away from my layout.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the interest . Just nip down the path and measure  up the old toll house for me please wombatofludham   ​

Unfortunately the weather has closed in. However, I will see if I can find anyone locally who might know the dimensions, you never know, or failing that I suppose I could try the archives in Dolgellau Library.

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Unfortunately the weather has closed in. However, I will see if I can find anyone locally who might know the dimensions, you never know, or failing that I suppose I could try the archives in Dolgellau Library.


That's really good of you wombato :yes: Thanks .

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