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'Cambrian Street'


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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, The Bandit said:

Following your ballasting ‘adventure’ with interest as I am about to tackle a similar area on my layout. A bit late but I’ve encountered similar problems. My old pva seemed to go ‘off’ so I bought some new and it was fine. I used silver sand also and it was a right swine - it went blue as did the air in my shed and it took many attempts at weathering to get the colour anywhere near like I wanted it. Keep up the good work and please submit further progress pictures.

Cheers my friend,

Sometimes, everything seems to go okay but t’other it just goes down the gurgler!

Hey ho, will keep at it and post as and when.




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  • RMweb Gold

As of now, a bit bluer on camera than in real life, but still not right.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon guys,

The overriding blue tone has been removed with the liberal application of a brown hue, this should when dry allow the application of dry brush darker tones to rescue the situation hopefully?

Will keep you good guys posted, fingers crossed we get to see the aurora again later this evening, sure was a spectacular sight!


Regards always,









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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Evening guys!

Blimey we’ve just had a corker of a storm, thought the roof had gone , instantaneously flash and bang, lights off and on and vibrations, phew still here!


I’ll freely admit I can be an absolute berk sometimes and I’ll put my hands up tonight.

I see an ash filled yard every week and yet I had this fixation in my head over its colour being an overall grey, in fact it’s much darker than that, and complex hues as the following images may highlight.


A darker shades than anything I’ve been applying, on the new areas, if only I’d looked more closely on other areas of my layout already completed!

Taken these today here in the yard at Arley.

One siding brought up to rail height, one yet to do.




The rail height shown here.




Differing partial sizes and compaction makes it much flatter and variable hues of a darker tone, a 50p coin for sizing.


I’ve a good deal of darkening to do, hope this assists.

I’ve been preternaturally stupid, sorry!




Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Nice view, one of the benefits of volunteering 


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  • RMweb Gold


Hopefully a combination of looking closely at the ash in Arley’s yard once more and the initial use of Smoke weathering powder may have rescued the situation?

Will work on it further but somewhat happier than previously, comments appreciated?


Regards always 





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  • RMweb Gold

In the ‘cruel light’ of the morning this is how the ‘ash’ is looking, somewhat more passable?

Have a good day (and week),





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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Much better!

In reality the area is much darker, both a digital camera and iPhone makes it appear much lighter and still blueish, however it is looking better indeed and at a stage where I can develop and move on.

Thanks everyone,




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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Evening all,

The next project I’m going to attempt is to insert the ash pit into the road beside the coal stage - wish me look and keep your fingers crossed!

Planning to mark out the channel then drill pilot holes, enlarge and cut required slot.




Also this is how the ash effect area turned out.



Regards always


Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone 

I’m taking that the position of the ash pit is okay, loosely basing the site on that of Leamington Spa shed, shown here taken from and credited to Warwickshire Railways web site.






Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)


After drilling pilot holes have used a Jigsaw to cut the slot to accept the ash pit, this slightly ‘south’ of central than originally intended due to avoiding a board strengthening strut beneath, but remain happy with it.





Edited by BobM
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That ash area and ballast looks good now. Funnily enough, I’ve just cut a slot for an ash drop but I’m going sort of free-lance rather than a kit because I’m too tight to purchase one and I enjoy cobbling stuff together!

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, BobM said:


After drilling pilot holes have used a Jigsaw to cut the slot to accept the ash pit, this slightly ‘south’ of central than originally intended due to avoiding a board strengthening strut beneath, but remain happy with it.





Afternoon all,

My thoughts are that I will install the necessary steps at either end of the pit, however will not place into position the cross boards supplied with the kit, leaving it ‘open’ as per the pit at Leamington shown in the images.




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  • RMweb Gold


The ash pit has been constructed, fitted into position and ‘railed’.

The lengths of rail supplied in the kit are supplied for three sections of pit, as I have used four pieces I’ve utilised the existing track, stripping off the sleepers and threaded the desired length through the sections.

This proved to be a fiddly task but with care was done with minimal breakage of some ‘chairs’, but the odd broken one is seen across the network anyway, so no great shakes?

Will wire and switch the section to isolate and see how we progress, when ballasting or ashing the track and painting/ weathering the pit itself.








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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Evening all,

I can’t quite believe that I’ve managed to build, install and initially complete the intended ash pit beside the coaling stage, and on the whole I’m pleased with the overall effect.


Even more so is it comforting to say that this evening I’ve wired up and section switched the associated siding too and that it functions!


I know I said earlier that I wasn’t intending to install any boarded foot crossings along its length, and indeed I’m unsure whether to make the ‘test’ central one I’ve placed into position, permanent?


What do you good guys think, good or bad idea?




I’ve also placed out where I intend to place spear top fencing to differentiate between the goods yard and private coal merchant area, both to have respective entrances.











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  • RMweb Gold

Hi All, 

Having had a look through many photos on Warwickshire Railways Site, I can’t see any with a foot crossing over the ash pits in the loco yard, so have removed the central item on mine, and proceed without one.


Would be I think not only a trip hazard but in the way for emptying an ash pan?






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  • RMweb Gold


I’d agree to omit the crossing boards on the outside pits.

If you want to use them, I think inside a shed would be best, between locos.

Looking good 🙂

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  • RMweb Gold


My thoughts turning towards the surface area around the ash pit is that as I’ll treat it similarly to the ash area, in that this time I’ll create a ‘hard standing concrete effect’ pad onto which the ash would be deposited to be transferred into the adjacent wagons.

Does this sound plausible?

The area would be really weathered with lots of dumped ash for effect?





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  • RMweb Gold


Further to previously hinted, a ‘60ft’ concrete pad to accept loco ash to be sited here?






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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Afternoon guys,

You’ll all have guessed by now that I’m the type of guy who likes to keep his options open in most things?


Hence why I mentioned a while ago that I was thinking of alterations to the engine shed area.

This is how it has looked for some time, in fact the Hornby shed was one of the first items I ever purchased when beginning a layout, whilst good it always felt ‘heavy and chunky’ in design to me but was happy to go along with it.

Although intending to add doors to bring something else to it?



However, a visit today brought the chance to purchase a ready assembled, well constructed and good priced Metcalf two road shed.

Have put this into position for comments.

It’s less intrusive and less overwhelming I think, but please I’d like your comments too guys please.






Travelling through Arley on the way ‘up’ to Kidderminster from Bridgnorth, behind ‘4930’ Hagley Hall, it was good to see that my hanging baskets, that I’ve been growing on at the nursery has been dropped off and the  platform staff had kindly put them up.

All we need know is a summer to bring them on!



Regards always 


Edited by BobM
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