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'Cambrian Street'


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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, BobM said:

Cheers Stationmaster, much appreciated, going to leave it at three as per original intention.

Regards always 



Found this image (referenced as) of Godfrey Road, Newport, and it certainly looks interesting with food for thought.

Would I be correct in assuming that apart from the ballasted track, the area would have a concrete pad surface?

Regards always 




Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe is the possible answer.  Godfrey Road has undergone more changes of use than most places on the railway.  starting off with a broad gauge engine shed plus some sidings (possibly for coaching stock maybe some for departmental use; changing to carriage sidings plus some departmental sidings; vchanging to a DMU fuel and inspection site (2 roads plus DMU stabling roads plus some departmental sidings; changing to partly disused plus departmental sidings after the DMUS Western Valleys services finished; changing to a loco fuel and inspection point using the former DMU facility plus some departmental sidings; changing to whatever is left there now (some departmental sdings?).t


Iver the years pits have come and gone, newer longer pits have come, and have probably gom ne.  Concrete worlking areas have come and gone but some might have survived.  Much of the ground will just be very well compacted stuff left over from years of changing use and there might be some patches or strips of concrete there.


But a question - why do you need to know?  There might be a far simpler way of settling what you have in mind for -say - your diesel stabling point.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Have settled on one issue, that being the track layout I intend to use, here temporarily set out with spare track.


Also the tunnel portal…..







This is, I believe the best way forward.


Regards always 



Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

I have made a slight variation to the orientation of the left siding. Rather than making this parallel with the central and right hand sidings this will now go straight ahead, to give just a smidgen of further length. Will sleep on it before laying and wiring up?

The resultant triangle of ground created, could with a bit of advice and further suggestions from your good selves be used for suitable buildings or facilities for a period diesel siding?








Regards always


Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

The track for the intended diesel sidings are down and held in position at this stage with just one pin for each, will undertake the required wiring.


Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, lezz01 said:

Where are you putting the refuelling point Bob?

Regards Lez.


Hoping to have the tanks etc in the triangle, looking through images to replicate something suitable. Always open to suggestions and advice.

The intention is to have the refuelling lines on the diagonal siding.

Hope all’s well with you, personally been up and down lately but ‘getting there’!

Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold


Thinking of replicating something similar to this?

Perhaps with additional tanks in the triangle and fuel lines to serve both the adjacent sidings?




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  • RMweb Gold

I do wonder if the site is a bit too small for fuel tanks and a full & inspection location - which would in any case need a pit on the f&I siding.  F&I facilities tended to be put at locations where they would serve lots of trains (i.e. DMUs) being stabled overnight with locos generally being dealt with somewhere completely dfferent and normally with no need to to fuel at outbased locations like this.  In the early post steam age on the WR the DMU fav cilities tended to be provided at formaer carriage sidings (there were exceptions but not many) while locos were normally stabled at the site of the former steam shed - or in it if it had survived/until it was finally demolished.


Really all you need is some srt of staff accommodation and possibly a store if there is a Fitter based there (unusual but there might be a Carriage & wahon Examiner. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, The Stationmaster said:

I do wonder if the site is a bit too small for fuel tanks and a full & inspection location - which would in any case need a pit on the f&I siding.  F&I facilities tended to be put at locations where they would serve lots of trains (i.e. DMUs) being stabled overnight with locos generally being dealt with somewhere completely dfferent and normally with no need to to fuel at outbased locations like this.  In the early post steam age on the WR the DMU fav cilities tended to be provided at formaer carriage sidings (there were exceptions but not many) while locos were normally stabled at the site of the former steam shed - or in it if it had survived/until it was finally demolished.


Really all you need is some srt of staff accommodation and possibly a store if there is a Fitter based there (unusual but there might be a Carriage & wahon Examiner. 


Thank you you are so kind, I don’t want to create something which is not required or in keeping with the area available. I am quite happy just to have sidings / accommodation/ storage buildings to provide interest, as my modelling skills/ talents are quite limited.



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  • RMweb Gold
On 11/02/2023 at 15:43, BobM said:

Afternoon all,

The track for the intended diesel sidings are down and held in position at this stage with just one pin for each, will undertake the required wiring.


Regards always


Afternoon all,

Having taken onboard the kind comments posted relating to the suitability of the available space for a proportionally sized diesel depot, I am reevaluating the whole concept. I would appreciate suggestions and comments on alternatives, even if they just become additional sidings?

Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, BobM said:

Afternoon all,

Having taken onboard the kind comments posted relating to the suitability of the available space for a proportionally sized diesel depot, I am reevaluating the whole concept. I would appreciate suggestions and comments on alternatives, even if they just become additional sidings?

Regards always




I think the basic idea of having them as diesel stabling sidings is perfectly sound.  But that means there would/should be a back story about what they were before they took on that role - perhaps something like my notes about what happened to Godfrey Road over the years.  Such a back story might imply the conversion of old buildings to suit what the new purpose needed - maybe it had been additional freight handling space or carriage sifdings or even old sidings taken into departmental use and they had been ejected from them.


Get the back story Bob and then you'll be your own similarly named uncle.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just a random thought (and probably nonsense) but...

Suppose you kept all three sidings parallel to each other and assume they are much longer than they actually are, and have an overbridge at the end with mirrors underneath instead of the buffer stops?

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  • RMweb Gold
16 minutes ago, GWR57xx said:

Just a random thought (and probably nonsense) but...

Suppose you kept all three sidings parallel to each other and assume they are much longer than they actually are, and have an overbridge at the end with mirrors underneath instead of the buffer stops?


Saying that had given me an idea, as there is room to cut an hole in the scenic wall and extend the sidings towards the wall underneath such a bridge?



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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, BobM said:


Saying that had given me an idea, as there is room to cut an hole in the scenic wall and extend the sidings towards the wall underneath such a bridge?




A provisional look at extending the sidings would give about an extra 7 inches at maximum.

Regards always


Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold
44 minutes ago, BobM said:


A provisional look at extending the sidings would give about an extra 7 inches at maximum.

Regards always


Does that extra 7” mean the difference between having (say) two locos per siding as opposed to one without?

Or a two car dmu rather than a single car?

If so, it’s probably worth doing.

And if you leave the buffers off it would give the impression that the sidings continue off-stage.


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  • RMweb Gold
54 minutes ago, GWR57xx said:

Does that extra 7” mean the difference between having (say) two locos per siding as opposed to one without?

Or a two car dmu rather than a single car?

If so, it’s probably worth doing.

And if you leave the buffers off it would give the impression that the sidings continue off-stage.



If you’ll pardon the expression ‘I’ll give you my dimensions later’ !



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  • RMweb Gold


As it stands at the moment the diagonal siding is the longest, being useable for 20” from the fouling point to the buffer stop.


The parallel sidings have a useable length of 17” at present, if lengthened by the removal of the edge board this becomes some 25” without buffers.


Regards always 


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

I think what I am going to do is to remove the scenic screen and see what transpires regarding extending the sidings using the analogy  ‘ nothing ventured’ etc as a starting point?

Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold


Just mapping out a possibility here.

If the hatched area is removed as a potential over bridge, the now two parallel sidings can pas beneath and be extended by some 7 inches. Have to muse whether the gain is sufficient for the changes, comments as always appreciated.



Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold

To me the sidings look better all being parallel.

The corner looks a bit difficult to access, so maybe not worth adding extra length and just go for the illusion of the sidings continuing into the distance under some kind of view blocker - trompe l’oeil.


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon everyone,

An attempt has been made to add the scenic few inches this afternoon.

As this is purely a scenic addition it is not going to carry any substantial weight at all.

The intention is to have a road bridge inset into the gap within the scenic board with embankment either side for effect?


Regards always 


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

For info each siding that goes beneath what will be a fake bridge will accommodate three passenger coach lengths.





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  • RMweb Gold


Just a quick update and muse on intentions, a bridge will firm interest hopefully to tie in both the tunnel portal and the inference of some distant facility or destination beyond where the (non operational) tracks disappear?

Have set the position for this bridge slightly ahead, do it casts a shadow upon the stock beneath for effect.


Regards always 




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