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'Cambrian Street'


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  • RMweb Gold

Looks excellent, Bob. It works really well.


Hi Charlie.....

Thank you.....I cannot believe I have managed to do it.....!


Regards always


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Guys......


I have had personal success recently with the point control installation, so I have a few thoughts to run passed you in the way that I intended to continue to build Cambrian Street.....any comments greatly appreciated


You cannot imagine how much I have appreciated your advice, guidance and comments throughout the building of Cambrian Street and I am amazed that it has progressed in the way that it has and reached the stage it has.....I truly would not have got here without you all and I would most likely have taken an axe through it long before now and more importantly if you hadn't all been as patient, tolerant and supportive to guide me through its continued construction.......


You'll also be aware that this layout has always been 'a learning curve' for me especially for later (hopefully) in life, when I've retired 387 weeks from today, have moved home and potentially have greater room and time to build a reproduction of Aberystwyth Station in the late 1950's and it is to that end that I continue building Cambrian Street......for experience as well as enjoyment...


I now know that two of my greatest errors were at the outset.....firstly not planning thoroughly enough as to what I wanted to finally achieve and from an operational point of view...not installing point motors from the beginning of track laying....but that is my own fault and two of the lessons I have learnt and keep under my belt for next time.....


So I am where I am and will continue to build....I have gained and will continue to gain experience and enjoying the journey too......the greatest pleasure I have gained is from building the scenic side of the layout, the laying of track, its wiring and most recently the wire in tube point control has been rewarding but I do find the latter, daunting and I remain 'scared' of making a 'whatsit' of it, as this would set my confidence back markedly I feel great trepidation everytime I move on to the next point as I am frightened of wrecking the laid turnout (especially to come, the double slips) to a point where it won't operate and fear then all the ramifications that would bring with it.......even though I had enormously personal satisfaction recently when installing the crossover point control correctly.....any future layout will most certainly have point motors......be electrofrog and probably DCC...?


I am therefore minded (hopefully eradicating the possibility of wrecking the whole layout, through messing up the tube in wire control installation) to have the remaining points thrown by 'the hand of God' and I will move on to the main objective of Cambrian Street, this being the scenic side including the wonderful signalling that Phil has devised for me (these again thrown by hand on this layout).....then the main station, engine shed and surrounding infrastructure...........


The alternative route is to continue to use wire in tube to control every point except the double slips which will be hand thrown....



These are my thoughts at the moment....


Regards always.......


Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Bob you are perfectly capable of connecting up the double slips mate. If you can do a crossover on one lever you can do a double slip.

Regards Lez. 


Hi Lez and Steve.....(and all)

Thanks for your kind comments.....I have had a bit of a personal 'confidence hit and wobble' recently (over another matter)......and I think somehow this has also made me less confident in my perception and abilities on the layout one way or another and  had to convince myself I could move on, so I have this evening connected up the 'trap point' to wire in tube without seemingly a problem.....


I also gave myself a blinking good talking to and needed a reality check, so after smacking myself over the head....I told myself if I do mess a double slip up.....it is only that.....told myself to get real it's a model layout for goodness sake....!


Sorry guys for being stupid...!


Regards always....


Edited by BobM
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You're not being stupid Bob, it may only be ''a model layout'' but it's yours and important to you. Give yourself credit for getting over your ''confidence wobble''  and I'm glad you decided to have a go at doing it. I'm looking forward to seing the next bit of progress on your layout.

Take care Bob.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Guys.......

With a very busy final Santa Weekend ahead at Arley on the SVR and then working Christmas Eve at the nursery.....I may not get another chance than this evening to send you my very best wishes for Christmas and 2019....so may I sincerely do that now...!




Regards always.....


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  • RMweb Gold

Spent a happy morning so far looking through all the threads for this layout.


I know Aberystwyth and the Cambrian lines well, your layout looks fantastic, look forward to future up dates.




Cheers Mark.....This layout is very much a (sometimes painful (not only for me too......  :jester: as some of the guys on here will attest)) learning curve for me, building up confidence and experience for hopefully better and bigger things later......I hope to build a replica of Aberystwyth when I've retired and moved home to the Cambrian Coast.....385 week and counting!



Have a great, peaceful and healthy 2019.....


Regards always.....


Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Everyone.....

Just to say that 'normal service' on Cambrian Street, will resume shortly after a Christmas and New Year's Day break.....

Regards always....


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening Guys.......

Hope all are well and rested......


To everyone whom I didn't manage to message over the last week or so, may I wish all of you a very Happy. Healthy and contented 2019.....I hope it is a good one for one and all......!


Thought I'd share these images of this evening's work on Cambrian Street (the first of 2019)........


Have removed the cork layer from the areas surrounding the goods yard tracks, this in readiness for painting of the sleepers with sleeper grime, rusting and weathering the rails then ballasting.......













Here also is an image of the wire in tube that passes beneath the tracks 'en-route' to the lever switch, this requiring further work yet to complete but will update on that when work is done.......




This evening I will begin to glue down the tubing of the pointwork control....and when thoroughly set remove the fixing screws....


Regards always.....



What has really cheered me up though is that I've taken all the Christmas decorations down tonight...!

Edited by BobM
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Guys.....

A final posting for this evening.........

Have glued down the tubing on the pointwork, this is setting well.....( I 'love' my glue gun only slightly less than my drill you know...?)....!



....... also have 'sleeper grimmed' the section of track indicated between the two chevrons....




Will test my abilities at ballasting around point work on the adjacent trap point.....if I mess it up...then I can always 'lock' it in the pulled 'working' position.....?



Regards always....


Edited by BobM
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Hi Guys.....

A final posting for this evening.........

Have glued down the tubing on the pointwork, this is setting well.....( I 'love' my glue gun only slightly less than my drill you know...?)....!



....... also have 'sleeper grimmed' the section of track indicated between the two chevrons....




Will test my abilities at ballasting around point work on the adjacent trap point.....if I mess it up...then I can always 'lock' it in the pulled 'working' position.....?



Regards always....


If Dry Ballasting and adding PVA / Water later, I find that adding a small amount of Loco Oil to the moving parts, AFTER ballasting, BUT BEFORE wetting keeps them lubricated and stops water / PVA gumming up the moving parts.


Hope that helps Bob.

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  • RMweb Gold

If Dry Ballasting and adding PVA / Water later, I find that adding a small amount of Loco Oil to the moving parts, AFTER ballasting, BUT BEFORE wetting keeps them lubricated and stops water / PVA gumming up the moving parts.


Hope that helps Bob.


Cheers Andy......

Will keep that sensible suggestion in mind.....I can recall long ago when 'we' had a family layout some 45 years ago.... the technique employed was to pva between the sleeper and blades then ballast ( something  I've seen on many youtube videos about ballasting).....but cannot recall whether it was successful or not.....but as I remember things ran okay...... but 45 years is a while ago now....oh heck that long.....?


Your suggestion sounds infinitely more practical.....


Cheers matey.....


Regards always....


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Happy New Year Bob, you've made a good sart to 2019 and I'll look forward to many more updates. Whenever I've ballasted around points I've always purposely put a little bit less ballast around them and been really careful using watered down PVA. The idea from Andy seems good, I'll try that next time.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ballasting point work can be a bit of a pain Bob. I've never ballasted a peco point so I can only tell you how I did EM, S4 and hand built 00. I haven't got far enough along with my home layout to worry about that yet. I use 3 pieces of masking tape 2 bits along the switch blades and 1 piece across the tiebar so that it covers the point timbers each side of the tiebar. I start with one of the point blades that's in the open position and push the tape down into the gap and then change the point so that it traps the tape against the outer rail and then push it down over the rail and the switch blade and trim it so that it only covers the rails and not the crossing timbers. Then I do the other side and set the point in the center position then cover the tiebar and the timbers each side and trim the tape off at the end of the timbers and that's it. The only other thing I do is make sure any moving parts are oiled up first. What you have to avoid is getting any glue on the top of the little tab on the outside of the switch rail which is the bit that ensures electrical contact. In fact most electrical problems with peco points can usually be traced back to those little tabs.

Regards Lez. 

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