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New build 2mm French layout

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My new French 2mm project is getting off the ground at last. Early days, but I have decided to give it a thread on my blog. I don't do RM Web blogs because I have seen several instances of how the need regularly to produce rabbits from hats for the entertainment of the online masses can actually kill projects off and I don't want that to happen! :-) 


Still, if anyone is remotely interested, you can find it on the Sulle - France in 2mm thread on my blog, the address for which is in the footer to this message. Still haven't worked how to insert links here...


Many thanks


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Thanks Paul, that's very kind. The scenery will be based on western Massif Central, so hilly but not mountainous, fairly deep river valley, quite wooded, several bridges.


The hard-to-take bit is that the track in the photos is now surplus to requirements, having been built before the grand redesign became necessary. But as it is the first track I have built is still served a good purpose as a learning curve - good to know it works and that things will run through it. The new build will incorporate several lessons learned. The curved double crossover will be kept for future use but the rest has now been lifted. Work starts on the definitive version later today!


Best wishes


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ian,


I do not often visit blogs external to the site but yours was impressive and I am looking forward to seeing more. I am impressed with your track work (far more complex than I dare to try!). 


Are you coming to the SNCF Society Winter Rendezvous on 17 January?


All the best



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Hi Stephen, thanks for your comments - much appreciated! More will indeed be forthcoming, especially as the prospect of exhibiting (which is not something I normally do) in Paris in 2017/8 has now been raised... ;-) I shall have to get a move on!


I'm not (yet) a member of the SNCF Society, though I probably should be. Too many subscriptions to pay at present, so I many not make it this year, especially as I have other commitments around then. As a non-member they might not let me in anyway!


In case you didn't read this far back, it was a trip to Eymoutiers last summer that re-awakened my interest on French railways so it's been really interesting to see your work. A nice model of a charming place.


Track building turns out not to be so difficult really (it's the first time I've tried it)  - always worth having a go...


Best wishes,


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I think that you can get in without being a member. It's only £4. I also have just received a batch of 3D printed DU65 kits which will available to sell if you were interested, they would need a chassis but there are options from Japan or Arnold with the Swiss shunter.


I am glad Eymoutiers is such an inspiration and thanks for your kind words about my layout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Paul, yes it's starting to take shape. Things always happen when you have that initial burst of energy, then (hopefully) slow down for the painstaking bits! I do like Corail coaches (I used to travel Calais > Paris a lot in them in the 80's and 90's, then on to Lausanne by TGV. Normally a pair of 67s on the front as far as Amiens. As always, if only you'd had the knowledge to appreciate them fully at the time...


I fully intend to join the SNCF Society in due course, just that annual society subs currently equals the cost of a good item of rolling stock! The Railway Modeller article has paid for the sonorisee CC65500 which turned up yesterday - now that is fun!


BWT, od you have anything to do with Woody Bay? Something else I also have a toe in...




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Thanks Stephen. I meant to say I'm glad the SNCF Society meeting went well for you. I shall join in due course, but part of the problem is that Sunday is largely a working day for me and it is particularly hectic at this time of they year (like right now...) Not always easy to get out and about...


I watched your review of the X2800 yesterday - mixed feelings as one has just arrived for my birthday (two weeks to wait...) I'm looking at what might be done to improve its shortcomings.




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Excellent project, and wonderful track laying skills. I had been wavering about using Finetrax or PECO code 55 on modules I'm planning to build for my Scandinavian outline N - some of the earlier designed Fleischmann locos have some pretty fearsome flanges! Is all of your French N stock new, or do even pizza cutters run OK on the code40 FB? That said, some brand new stock from Arnold, especially, seems to have flanges every bit as bad as the older stuff ...



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Hi Justin, many thanks for your kind words. I'm only a beginner at the track laying but am not too unhappy at how it is going!  I certainly don't regret leaving the Code 55 behind - it really does make a huge difference, even at this early stage. I experimented with both FiNetrax and Easitrack and found that Arnold and Minitrix flanges were not happy with them; Piko uncertain, but Fleischmann and Rocky Rail seem fine. Yes, all my stock is new, though as you say some of those flanges are pretty grotesque by British standards. I didn't want to get into re-wheeling, which is why I opted for soldered code 40. Everything seems fine on that so long as you keep the inner edge of the rail free of solder. It really is not as difficult as I expected. I am using 2mm Society components by the way. This company does replacement wheels for stock but not for locos. I haven't bought from them yet, but they look good. www.feinmechanik-luck.de




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Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone can offer some advice, please. I'm starting to think about signalling for Sulle, but it's so complicated! I thought I had my head round the basics, but when you sit down and try to work out what should go where, you realise how much more you need to know!. I've put a schematic diagram with some thoughts on the usual place (link below). All suggestions and advice will be gratefully received!


I've also posted a request on Le Forum du N so it will be interesting to see how much consensus there is ;-)


Many thanks


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Evening all, plenty of new developments here, thanks to a few days' holiday.... new baseboards, more track and a detailed/weathered X2800...


Pleasingly, it is starting to feel a bit French. I was worried I would simply produce British atmosphere with French trains ... ;(


Link as usual in the footer, for those still interested...




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