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Ripple Lane BR(E) East London 1980s/90s.

Pete 75C

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for the level crossing, you could have a set of tracks diverge and head to the corner which have the level crossing with the other set of tracks heading towards the front of the board. The crossing could access an oil depot as Ripple lane is meant to have one (I think) and you could use pipe bridges as a scenic break. Or you could have a level crossing on the industrial board which could be used for the end for a possible extension

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Aren't some ebay sellers sloooooowwwwww when it comes to posting items? The parcels office cameo is almost complete but I ran out of those cut vinyl road markings and that's all that I'm waiting for. A little forklift truck, some brute trollies etc add up to make (what I hope) is a believable little scenario but I don't want to take any pictures when the whole thing is fronted by bare tarmac. The road markings should knit the whole scene together.

So, whilst waiting, a whole host of little jobs have been completed. The extension to Platform 2 has been fenced, lights/benches etc added. I've also made a decision re: the level crossing. There won't be much rail traffic across it so my mind kept going back to the Silvertown tramway. I've gone for gates (x4) but have gone for 2 sets of gates from the Wills occupation crossing kit. They look a little flimsy compared to true level crossing gates but that's exactly the look I want. I also made up a little crossing box (again by Wills) but that really doesn't work. It looks more like a garden shed. I think whatever crossing box I use has to be a bit more substantial. I'm actually tempted to go for a portakabin-type building next to the gates.

Also, the very modern Volvo excavator on the building site was bugging me. A lovely little model... but it just looks far too 21st Century. That will get kept for a future project. I needed to order some bits from Hattons, so a little Wiking 1/87 bulldozer was reasonably priced and accidentally ended up in my "basket". Moulded in two hideous shades of shiny plastic, I needed to do something about that. It didn't exactly come apart easily but ended up in 13 (!) pieces after a little persuasion from a jeweller's screwdriver. Reassembled, having painted and weathered the parts individually, it looks much more at home. When the road markings finally arrive, I'll get the camera out again.





Edit: The occupation crossing kit is by Ratio, not Wills.

That's a cracking job you've done with that Dozer, gives me an idea for my own layout.

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May i suggest that your speed bump looks a little tall?


You're absolutely right. I spotted a piece of sprue from a Wills kit, and I thought... "Aha... that'll make a good speed bump". On reflection, it's probably twice as high as it should be. I'll keep my eyes peeled for something more suitable... one of the benefits of rarely throwing anything away!


The whole scene looks fantastic but i've found a problem, there's no lego ???  :jester:

attachicon.gifScreen shot 2016-06-08 at 14.31.30.png


Aw, come on...

There's some Lego 2x2s bracing the internal corners of the Parcels Office. Just 'cos you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there! :blum:

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for the level crossing, you could have a set of tracks diverge and head to the corner which have the level crossing with the other set of tracks heading towards the front of the board. The crossing could access an oil depot as Ripple lane is meant to have one (I think) and you could use pipe bridges as a scenic break. Or you could have a level crossing on the industrial board which could be used for the end for a possible extension

There isn't an oil depot at the prototype Ripple Lane; the yard did serve as a staging point for trains from the various refineries further along the LT&S line (Thameshaven, Coryton etc), so there was always a lot of tank traffic. The main rail-served facilities around there were:-

'Ripple Lane Railhead' on the side of the Down LT&S, which has had a number of operators over the years. It was a multi-traffic site, handling steel, newsprint, coal and aggregates amongst others.

Fords; apart from the main Dagenham plant, there were car-loading facilities on the opposite side of the main line. One of these now loads rubbish trains.

The Freightliner terminal, which I believe was dedicated to trains from Southampton, possibly for OCL/P&O.

There are several other locations that may have been rail-connected in the past. These include a steel merchants and several scrap yards.

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'Ripple Lane Railhead' on the side of the Down LT&S, which has had a number of operators over the years. It was a multi-traffic site, handling steel, newsprint, coal and aggregates amongst others.

Fords; apart from the main Dagenham plant, there were car-loading facilities on the opposite side of the main line. One of these now loads rubbish trains.

The Freightliner terminal, which I believe was dedicated to trains from Southampton, possibly for OCL/P&O.

There are several other locations that may have been rail-connected in the past. These include a steel merchants and several scrap yards.


Thanks for the info. That's what I particularly like about the area... the traffic possibilities are quite extensive, although short rakes will be the order of the day. I don't have any issues with using something like "Ripple Lane" for the layout name. Being a real area, the geographical location should be obvious. However, the station itself is a complete work of fiction so I can maybe "get away" with things a bit more than if I were to try and compress a carbon copy of Dagenham Dock station onto a 12ft board. I'm not much of one for strict prototype accuracy!

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Hi guys. Just a quick message to let you know that I'm going to take a break from updating Ripple Lane for a month or so. Life has conspired to throw various tasks my way that cannot be put off any longer. If I get a chance to do an hour or so on the layout once or twice a week... great... but I see no point updating the thread until there's any decent kind of progress to show. There's only so many pictures of a weathered little bulldozer anyone can stand! The plan is to crack on with the station extension/level crossing board as and when, so look out for that next.


The boards for Darren's new layout Upton Parkway need to be built (don't panic Darren... you haven't been sidelined).


This old Victorian pile we live in (aka the "building site") is on a final push to get finished and sold. The renovation has so far taken 4 years (!) with 90% of the heavy work being undertaken solely by me to keep costs under control. When we bought it for next to nothing, it was riddled with issues and was stripped back to bare brick, all floors coming up, all ceilings coming down and the roof coming off at one point. It won't beat me but it has come close. I can see light at the end of the tunnel now so we need rid of it.


Some of you may know that the "grand plan" is a full-time move to Spain in 3 years. Louise suffers from poor health and copes so much better in a warmer, drier climate. Damp, misty coastal Norf Norfolk just isn't working out for us. We're not waiting 3 years to buy, and may have a suitable candidate for a future house/business opportunity in our sights. A lightning trip to Spain is on the cards and guess what? It's a bit of a renovation project! Glutton for punishment? Oh yeah, but it's not too far gone and digging holes and painting in shorts and T shirt (Spain) is so much nicer than digging holes and painting in fleecy track suit bottoms and a sweatshirt (England)... especially when you can wander down to the village bar at the end of it and practise your awful Spanish! If we buy somewhere soon, that gives me loads of time to get the work done before we move permanently.


Do keep checking this thread guys... your input, suggestions and sometimes off-the-wall comments have meant a great deal and have given me no end of encouragement. Don't stop now!

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Hi Pete


I wish you all well with this new chapter in your lifes.  


When I collected North Street from you last year I could see you had a mahoosive challenge with the house renovation! fair play to you.


To be honest I would be quite happy with seeing regular "weathered little bulldozer" updates  :senile:  but fully appreciate those tasks that always seem to get put off in favour of our hobby.


Look forward to any updates in the future.


All the best Daren NSE DAZ


PS How far is it from Dorset to Spain thats going to be one heck of a drive collecting Upton Parkway  :D

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Hi guys. Just a quick message to let you know that I'm going to take a break from updating Ripple Lane for a month or so. Life has conspired to throw various tasks my way that cannot be put off any longer. If I get a chance to do an hour or so on the layout once or twice a week... great... but I see no point updating the thread until there's any decent kind of progress to show. There's only so many pictures of a weathered little bulldozer anyone can stand! The plan is to crack on with the station extension/level crossing board as and when, so look out for that next.


The boards for Darren's new layout Upton Parkway need to be built (don't panic Darren... you haven't been sidelined).


This old Victorian pile we live in (aka the "building site") is on a final push to get finished and sold. The renovation has so far taken 4 years (!) with 90% of the heavy work being undertaken solely by me to keep costs under control. When we bought it for next to nothing, it was riddled with issues and was stripped back to bare brick, all floors coming up, all ceilings coming down and the roof coming off at one point. It won't beat me but it has come close. I can see light at the end of the tunnel now so we need rid of it.


Some of you may know that the "grand plan" is a full-time move to Spain in 3 years. Louise suffers from poor health and copes so much better in a warmer, drier climate. Damp, misty coastal Norf Norfolk just isn't working out for us. We're not waiting 3 years to buy, and may have a suitable candidate for a future house/business opportunity in our sights. A lightning trip to Spain is on the cards and guess what? It's a bit of a renovation project! Glutton for punishment? Oh yeah, but it's not too far gone and digging holes and painting in shorts and T shirt (Spain) is so much nicer than digging holes and painting in fleecy track suit bottoms and a sweatshirt (England)... especially when you can wander down to the village bar at the end of it and practise your awful Spanish! If we buy somewhere soon, that gives me loads of time to get the work done before we move permanently.


Do keep checking this thread guys... your input, suggestions and sometimes off-the-wall comments have meant a great deal and have given me no end of encouragement. Don't stop now!


Good luck with it all. But I'd seriously consider not putting any money towards spain that you cant get back until after the 23rd to make sure you know what you're getting into, if the brexiters win it could be very costly or complicated to relocate there.

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PS How far is it from Dorset to Spain thats going to be one heck of a drive collecting Upton Parkway  :D


1329 miles, mate. At least there'd be a beer at the end of the journey! Might be easier if I finished the layout first, though...


Kelly, I appreciate the caution but I'm afraid it matters not one bit to us whether the UK stays or goes and I don't believe half the scaremongering on the telly anyway. Whichever way the vote goes, equilibrium will eventually return and any changes made or enforced will simply have to be adapted to. If the UK leaves the EU, it won't affect our plans at all. In fact, I already have my 2019 RMWeb avatar on standby!



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Lots of people moved to Spain and other european countries before we joined the common market, so I can't see there be too much grief if we decide to leave. The biggest thing about moving out there is too make sure that all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed in the fine print and all the bills and fees paid.

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Lots of people moved to Spain and other european countries before we joined the common market, so I can't see there be too much grief if we decide to leave. The biggest thing about moving out there is too make sure that all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed in the fine print and all the bills and fees paid.


They'd be able to apply for Spanish citizenship is the big difference, anyone else planning to relocate there would be treated like anyone outside the EU and thus would require a Visa (the same would apply to any EU country or anyone from an EU country moving to the UK). Though it is rather a unknown as to how it might work out. There are suggestions that the bigger EU countries would become rather anti-british if we vote to leave, and thus make life difficult, of course until the vote that is speculation really and going way off topic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As feared, progress on "Ripple Lane" has been painfully slow/non-existent (delete as appropriate). In the last 3 weeks, I've found the time to cut the track infill for the level crossing and weather about 3ft of track. Oh dear!

In that time, a trip to Spain has been made and an offer placed on a rambling rural bank repo. A "For Sale" sign has appeared outside the Norfolk abode. I'm knee-deep in pots of paint and skirting board offcuts in a last-ditch attempt to finish this place and find a buyer.

Ripple Lane may need to be disassembled into individual boards and stored for a while as it dawns on me that there is more to life than model trains. I seriously envy those that are retired and can potter about in a shed all day!

An apology to Darren. I've yet to purchase the timber for his baseboards but that will be done on Monday and I'll get them built by the end of next week. That has to take priority as he's giving me a few quid beer money!

When the Norfolk house sells, we'll rent in Sheringham for a couple of years and split our time between here and Spain, before moving full-time. I'm now having my annual crisis of confidence about space... I certainly don't think I'll have the room to keep two layouts on the go (mine and Darren's). I do hope I can resurrect Ripple Lane and get it finished as I've put a helluva lot of effort into it and it's close... very close. Worst-case scenario - it'll be offered for the cost of materials in the hope that someone else can finish it and take it on the road one day. If that happens, I shall give myself a good virtual slap and promise not to bite off more than I can chew (been there, done that). A return to N gauge on a 6ft board may be the best I can hope for in the short term! The good news is that the house in Spain we've made an offer on has a garage as big as a 1 bedroom bungalow. You seriously don't think I'd be daft enough to keep a car in there, do you...?


I'll keep you posted.

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Bit worried where you might stick a stamp...


If you knew the name of the Spanish house we'd made an offer on, you probably wouldn't ask that...




Stop sniggering at the back...

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Just wondering if there was a funny smell at this Finca Pete? :jester:


The pool was half-empty and green. I *think* it was that. At least I hope it was... :O

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An apology to Darren. I've yet to purchase the timber for his baseboards but that will be done on Monday and I'll get them built by the end of next week. That has to take priority as he's giving me a few quid beer money!




Hi Pete good to hear from you again, I thought you had done a runner with my hard earned cash!! Me and some hardened RMWebber's was just about to board a plane to Spain!!  :rofl:  I bet you will be sleeping with one eye open at nights now haha  :no:


Pete no need to apologise take as long as you need......... like I have said before no pressure honest.


Speak soon


Darren NSE DAZ

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OK. Just testing the water here...


Offers invited for Ripple Lane in it's current state which is, tbh, almost there bar some scenic work on the two end boards. With Darren's layout to build at a monster (for me) 18ft length, I shall be having some severe (lack of) space issues very shortly. A shame, but as ever, I'm philosophical... With a UK house move and also a Spanish property purchase on the cards, getting Darren's layout sorted is all I will have time for in the near future.

For anyone that's interested and to save wading back through the thread... Ripple Lane is a total of 12' x 2' on 3 x 4' x 2' boards. The fiddle yard has 5 x storage roads that will each comfortably hold a 4-car. A mix of Peco Code 75 points and Exactoscale flatbottom and bullhead trackwork has been used. A DCC bus runs the length of the layout and is ready to accept the DCC controller of your choice. Gaugemaster solenoids to all points and a fully working analogue mimic control panel. The centre board has demountable legs at either end and the two outer boards piggy-back off this with one set of legs each. A start has been made on a short cosmetic board for the left-hand end to feature a level crossing and this will be included too. If used, it pushes the layout to approx 13'6" x 2'. Scroll back to the last pictures I uploaded and everything that isn't fixed down is included... building site steel frame building and concrete footbridge etc. Track plan attached for reference. There is still plenty to do and of course, the era and location can be changed to suit.

I've already had an expression of interest from an RMWeb mate, even before I'd made my mind up for sure but I just wanted to make the decision to sell public. If, however, there are no takers, I will need to break the layout down and store it for some time, possibly with a view to finishing it in a year or two, once all the continental house-hopping has been done and Darren's layout has been signed off.

Any questions, do feel free to ask. I'd like to recover the cost of materials (I haven't worked it out - don't ask!!!) but I'm not greedy and don't want to make anything in addition to that - I've had a ball building it and that's payment enough. I don't see this as the end of Ripple Lane, more a hibernation then the start of a new chapter for a new owner! If anyone's interested, send me a PM and make an offer.




Edit: Darren... I made the trip down to Norwich to collect your timber this morning. I combined the trip with collecting a van-load of cement leaving not a great deal of room for your plywood. The ply sheets spent most of the journey back banging against the side of my head. I need a bigger van!

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