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Ripple Lane BR(E) East London 1980s/90s.

Pete 75C

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No work on Limehouse for a day or two as I've been finishing off the traverser for Darren's new layout (NSE DAZ). I've never built one of these before, but after some teething problems, I'll certainly consider a traverser for any future layout. Just hopefully not as big as this one. At 6ft x 2ft, it's a monster and definitely requires two-person handling! It's certainly a spacesaver and does away with the wasted space of a fan of pointwork leading into the fiddle yard. There will be three entry tracks (up line, down line and headshunt) and 9 storage roads. 7 of these will line up with all entry tracks, but the 8th and 9th storage road will have slightly limited connectivity, with the 9th track lining up with the headshunt only. Darren should comfortably get the loco+5 capacity that he wanted.

I've used 4 of the heaviest-duty drawer runners I could find and I'm indebted to Ian (Temeraire) for advice he gave elsewhere on the forum. To prevent the sliding bed wanting to "tip" or "sag" at full extension, I've used 2 runners horizontally but I've fixed the end 2 runners vertically. This really does solve the problem and it's not something I would have thought of.

The traverser won't have track laid or be wired up until work commences on the first of the two "scenic" boards. For those that aren't aware, it will be a slightly rationalised homage to Minories totalling 18ft x 2ft. If I know Darren, I'm pretty sure it will be set in the SW and feature the odd Class 50 and plenty of NSE red paint.








Fancy a few weeks in Canada ?   :jester:  :jester:

I feel a queue coming on, can you do a production line Pete? hahha

S  U  P  E  R  B  :locomotive:  :locomotive: :locomotive:  

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The traverser looks good Pete. I'm thinking of doing similar at some stage, though my plan is to have the traverser break down into 2ftx2ft sections to be able to shorten/lengthen as needed and make for easier storage/transport. Still to figure out the details of how though lol, but first boards should be getting ordered soon I'm hoping from Tim Horn :)


As for the barrow crossing/join. I'd caution using magnets, it could cause you all kinds of potential problems, as they'll attract all the fillings and other bits of metal that can build up over time, and if you ever go with a train detection system that uses magnets it'd interfere, could interfere with speakers in sound fitted locos too possibly.

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As for the barrow crossing/join. I'd caution using magnets, it could cause you all kinds of potential problems, as they'll attract all the fillings and other bits of metal that can build up over time, and if you ever go with a train detection system that uses magnets it'd interfere, could interfere with speakers in sound fitted locos too possibly.


Ah, the barrow crossing... I got sidetracked again, didn't I? I have such a big "to do" list and such a short attention span! I did kind of go off the magnet idea, especially after causing that short circuit (duh). I've just moved the traverser into the next room out of the way for the time being, so I can continue tinkering with Limehouse. I do certainly seem to be avoiding that barrow crossing...

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Ah, the barrow crossing... I got sidetracked again, didn't I? I have such a big "to do" list and such a short attention span! I did kind of go off the magnet idea, especially after causing that short circuit (duh). I've just moved the traverser into the next room out of the way for the time being, so I can continue tinkering with Limehouse. I do certainly seem to be avoiding that barrow crossing...

Another option of course is to move it slightly so it doesn't need to straddle the join line.

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Fancy a few weeks in Canada ?   :jester:  :jester:


They go Pete,

Business class seats......Hilton suite.......ride through the Rockies.......


No more beer and curry , your moving up in the world !

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They go Pete,

Business class seats......Hilton suite.......ride through the Rockies.......


No more beer and curry , your moving up in the world !

Ah but I am English so plenty of beer and curry !!!!! too far from the Rockies though, the Hilton could be arranged haha 

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Fancy a few weeks in Canada ?   :jester:  :jester:


Haha... that's a nice thought. Certainly an upgrade for someone that's more used to a coach trip to Blackpool or a package holiday to Benidorm!


Now that the traverser has been moved out of the way, I want to crack on with some station details. I must turn the footbridge around and see what it looks like. To be honest, I'll position it whichever way looks best to me, regardless of prototype accuracy. That said, I googled "station footbridge level crossing" and in most instances the footbridge does appear to be the other way round (see below). In both these examples, the footbridge is right on the ramp though, and in the case of Limehouse, it won't be.



© Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.


© Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.


Little details like name boards, litter bins and lamp posts usually start to bring the platforms to life. I've ordered a selection of modern (non-working) lamps from a couple of different manufacturers. At the moment, they're likely to get a coat of NSE red paint. I know that ties me to a definitive timescale so we'll see how that pans out. I still have to do soemthing about the barrow crossing (thanks for the reminder Kelly). Lots to do, but it's getting there slowly.

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Now that the traverser has been moved out of the way, I want to crack on with some station details. I must turn the footbridge around and see what it looks like.





How dare you!! Put Limehouse away and crack on with my layout!!!  Haha 


Pete that traverser is a fine piece of engineering I take my hat off to you. For your first ever traverser build that will take some beating I am one happy bunny with this.


Sorry to hi-jack the Limehouse page! 


All the best 


Darren NSE DAZ


PS I think a new thread with this build may be in order

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PS I think a new thread with this build may be in order...


Good idea, Darren. Not my place to start it, but no doubt I'll fill it up with my usual drivel and some progress shots as the boards get built and the track goes down!


I don't usually "do" blogs (probably because there always seems to be more interaction and "banter" in a topic) but this caught my eye when logging into RMWeb this morning...




Interesting to me, because it's the same station building that will no doubt appear on Limehouse at some point in the near future. It does look rather good with a splash of NSE colour and detail. I think the canopy is an optional extra to the Scenecraft building and one that I'll probably skip. The wonky uprights would annoy me and need to be sawn off and replaced. If going to all that trouble, I think I'd rather make any canopy from scratch.

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Limehouse has grown a bit. 50cm, to be precise. Whilst I still had my woodworking head screwed (and glued) on, it made sense to knock up the little extension board that I've been meaning to add. 50cm might not seem like much, but it should be ample room to add the station building, platform ramps, level crossing etc. This board won't weigh much, so no point in adding another set of legs. It's joined with brass dowels and a pair of coach bolts. The minimal weight is carried by a couple of cantilevered timbers rising up from the adjoining baseboard's legs. It seems sturdy enough.

I still see Limehouse being operated as a terminus, but this will give the illusion that trains can actually continue on somewhere. I couldn't reconcile having a small branch terminus that close to the city... it just didn't make sense to me. Some more Exactoscale sleeper bases ordered, so I'll get those laid when they arrive. With that done, marking out the position of the station building and roadway should be a doddle. As for the scenic break, hoping to be able to disguise that somewhat with possibly a pipe bridge and a roadside advertising hoarding. It may not work, but you don't know 'til you try.




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  • RMweb Gold

That looks good Pete.


I've done something similar on a layout I'm building (still not started the thread yet, but will do soon) and like the idea of the cantilever brackets. I'd thought about a pair of legs, but this is a much simpler design.

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Firstly, note the name change! Yes, I know, I'm the most indecisive creature alive. More about the name change and why? later...


I've been playing around with a little station furniture... name boards, bins, benches, lamp posts etc. What an amazing difference. It really does seem to come alive. I've only "dressed" Platform 2 for now and there's still more to do. I just wanted to see what it looked like. The painters have only just left and the bins are still yellow (for now). The last picture (below) really shows how the extra space can be used to develop the station building and entrance, so I'm looking forward to mocking that up and seeing how it works.










So. Why change the name??? I mentioned yesterday that the location of Limehouse Basin (the model) was bugging me a little bit. I couldn't reconcile why there would be a relatively small urban terminus that close to the city. As soon as you use a real place name (Limehouse), even if the model is totally fictional, you've stuck a pin in a real map and everyone knows where it's meant to be set. Shifting the location eastwards by a few miles, beyond the terminus of the North Woolwich Line, seems to make more sense. Although Limehouse Ripple Lane is technically a through station, I'm imagining only a very limited passenger service over the level crossing but plenty of freight serving industry. Platform 1 (high level) is obviously a dead-end, but most passenger services will also terminate on either Platform 2 or 3, with just the occasional service meant to run through Platform 3 and across the road and then back into Platform 2. Where and what is meant to be on the other side of the level crossing, I haven't decided yet.

Also, why Ripple Lane? Although a real place, there was never actually a station there... the nearest passenger station to the yard was/is Dagenham Dock. Potential there for some automotive traffic and also lots of other industry. I do have a tendency to make things up as I go along. I'm actually quite happy doing that and have come to accept the compromises! I won't change the name again now, as I've printed out the signs. I'll get around to changing the thread title shortly. Indecisive... me? Surely not...



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Hi Pete,

Your woodwork looks great you have a definite skill there. Have you decided to leave the bridge that way round? I do think it looks better that way. 


The platform detail is looking good too who does the seats and bins and the little ticket booth.


Thanks Peter.

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I was wondering why I hadn't noticed this topic before then it dawned on me.....


Looks like an interesting development, will your fiddleyards be extended to cope with freight trains?


Yes, I know! Final name change, promise... Creating a new fiddle yard to the left of the station (as viewed from the front) would be excellent. I can imagine through freight trains appearing right-to-left under the road bridge, snaking across the pointwork, through the station, over the level crossing and then disappearing off-scene again. Alas, that won't be done by me. I'm pushing space limits as it is. I know what I'm like... as soon as this layout is finished it may be moved on. Great potential though for someone with the space and it might make a decent exhibition layout for someone. As it is, freight arriving won't be able to go anywhere except back out or into the exchange sidings far-right. I'm seeing the left-hand extension board as more of a diorama or perhaps an illusion of another destination.


Have you decided to leave the bridge that way round? I do think it looks better that way. 


The platform detail is looking good too who does the seats and bins and the little ticket booth.


Hi Peter. I think the footbridge will stay that way round. It faces the station buildings so seems to make sense that way.

The little ticket booth is Bachmann (I think?) and the yellow wall-mounted bins by Auhagen. The round litter bin by the footbridge is one of the ubiquitous Skaledale items. The benches are by Faller, repainted red. Good value at 20 in a box. The station lamps are also by Auhagen. A little surgery to the wall-mounted lamp heads has created a double lamp standard with heads at a different height. I thought it suited the height difference between Platforms 1 & 2.

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You must feature the famous "G. Davis is innocent" graffiti of that period somewhere on the layout, as real examples still exist in the area today.






Maybe try a slightly later version. After his hearing some wag crossed through Innocent and painted Guilty!


PS A great layout - well done!



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Yes, I know! Final name change, promise... Creating a new fiddle yard to the left of the station (as viewed from the front) would be excellent. I can imagine through freight trains appearing right-to-left under the road bridge, snaking across the pointwork, through the station, over the level crossing and then disappearing off-scene again. Alas, that won't be done by me. I'm pushing space limits as it is. I know what I'm like... as soon as this layout is finished it may be moved on. Great potential though for someone with the space and it might make a decent exhibition layout for someone. As it is, freight arriving won't be able to go anywhere except back out or into the exchange sidings far-right. I'm seeing the left-hand extension board as more of a diorama or perhaps an illusion of another destination.



Hi Peter. I think the footbridge will stay that way round. It faces the station buildings so seems to make sense that way.

The little ticket booth is Bachmann (I think?) and the yellow wall-mounted bins by Auhagen. The round litter bin by the footbridge is one of the ubiquitous Skaledale items. The benches are by Faller, repainted red. Good value at 20 in a box. The station lamps are also by Auhagen. A little surgery to the wall-mounted lamp heads has created a double lamp standard with heads at a different height. I thought it suited the height difference between Platforms 1 & 2.

Thanks Pete,

I will have a look not heard of Auhagen before.


Cheers Peter.

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I certainly would. A couple of cartics full of new Fiestas/Escorts/Sierras and a couple of flats with Transit vans would be right up my street. My only worry would be compression. The platforms can only hold 4 coaches, so any freight train arriving then propelling into the exchange sidings couldn't be any longer than that. I'd worry it might look too short to be realistic. That's why parcel and van traffic usually appeals to me... more opportunity for shorter rakes.

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Flats with Transits on you will need 3rd rail and move close to Southampton............ Another name change.......


I will get my hat and coat...


No... no more name changes! Yeah - you're right. Transits were a Southampton thing, weren't they? I need to find out what was coming out of Dagenham circa 1987. Even a couple of empty cartics and a few empty flats would do, but a shame not to add a splash of colour and give them a load. We used to go over to Ripple Lane with a Crompton or 47 light engine from Norwood circa 1985-89 but the dreaded memory fog means I haven't got a clue what we used to come back with!


Edit: I'm 99% sure it wasn't vehicles... probably vans or aggregate.

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No... no more name changes! Yeah - you're right. Transits were a Southampton thing, weren't they? I need to find out what was coming out of Dagenham circa 1987. Even a couple of empty cartics and a few empty flats would do, but a shame not to add a splash of colour and give them a load. We used to go over to Ripple Lane with a Crompton or 47 light engine from Norwood circa 1985-89 but the dreaded memory fog means I haven't got a clue what we used to come back with!


Edit: I'm 99% sure it wasn't vehicles... probably vans or aggregate.


Probably Mk2 (possibly some Mk1 still as Mk2 was start of 87) Sierra's, Sierra Saphire's started appearing around '87 too. (Orions and Escorts were Halewood), and the Fiesta (mk2 until '89) were produced at Dagenham around that time.


There might have been models produced as export ones after the previous generation model had been replaced for a few years either side too. A lot of engines were made there too iirc.

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