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Ripple Lane BR(E) East London 1980s/90s.

Pete 75C

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Hello Pete 


Firstly I feel so bad!! Please please please don't stop work on your layout on my behalf!! I will start receiving hate mail haha  :mail:  But honestly there is no rush with my build.


Secondly If you was not constructing Upton Parkway for me I would have snapped up Ripple Lane - A note for any potential buyer you will not be disappointed with Pete's work I still receive positive feedback on Pete's old layout Croydon North Street that I purchased last year at every exhibition we have attend (By the way croydon North Street has an invite to Warley 2018)


Lastly thanks for picking up the headboards for me  :D


Speak soon


Darren NSE DAZ

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Sorry to see you being forced to sell rather than complete this. Hope you find a good home for it.


I could store it Kelly, but sometimes a clean break is better than a prolonged separation!


I'll start the ball rolling at a fiver :)


Done. Best offer I've had. PM me your address and I'll wrap it.


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Firstly I feel so bad!!


Rubbish! Upton Parkway will give me plenty to do and you know what I'm like... once a layout is built (or nearly built) I'm always looking forwards to the next one... I am stupid for attempting to build layouts that I don't really have the space for. Plus, if Ripple Lane was finished, I'd no doubt be looking to sell it on anyway. If I'm honest, I'm more swayed by roundies than end-to-ends, which is one of the reasons I don't seem to keep any of them!

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I assume delivery is included in that.


Oh, now that's just -------->TIGHT<-------- !

Go on, then. Diesel's still a penny a litre, isn't it?


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Rubbish! Upton Parkway will give me plenty to do and you know what I'm like... once a layout is built (or nearly built) I'm always looking forwards to the next one... I am stupid for attempting to build layouts that I don't really have the space for. Plus, if Ripple Lane was finished, I'd no doubt be looking to sell it on anyway. If I'm honest, I'm more swayed by roundies than end-to-ends, which is one of the reasons I don't seem to keep any of them!

I know what you mean, I'm selling Porth Merryn, and later in the year West Shed after its last show and Pencarne after its Photo Shoot in October.

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The problem is there is another great layout up for sale. It also has the slight advantage of an extra rail....... I just wish I could manage both......


Keith HC


Ps I am thinking of Newhaven Town

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I know what you mean, I'm selling Porth Merryn, and later in the year West Shed after its last show and Pencarne after its Photo Shoot in October.


You're a serial killer builder, Andy! I thought the Pencarne thread had gone a bit quiet, but hadn't dropped in for some time. Good luck with the shoot. Who's it for?

I would have liked to have seen Ripple Lane in a mag, like North Street, but that dubious honour can go to the new owner if it sells!

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You're a serial killer builder, Andy! I thought the Pencarne thread had gone a bit quiet, but hadn't dropped in for some time. Good luck with the shoot. Who's it for?

I would have liked to have seen Ripple Lane in a mag, like North Street, but that dubious honour can go to the new owner if it sells!


I'm sure it'll sell. It looks great. I'd offer, but a) I'm building a big layout of my own b) I'd have to rip up the track and replace it with P4 c) I'd have to move it to SR 3rd rail territory. So not a lot would survive ;)

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If? I've already made an offer....


After careful consideration and checking the price of diesel to leafy Surrey... I sadly arrived at the following decision...

Fu.... I mean "No".


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I'm sure it'll sell. It looks great. I'd offer, but a) I'm building a big layout of my own b) I'd have to rip up the track and replace it with P4 c) I'd have to move it to SR 3rd rail territory. So not a lot would survive ;)


Kelly, you'd be daft to make an offer with plans of your own for a P4 Woolwich! I see it maybe going to someone who hasn't the time to get a layout this far and just takes pleasure from adding details and running their own stock. Adding a 3rd rail shouldn't be an issue, or indeed changing the location to almost anywhere in the UK but overhead AC wouldn't fit through the tunnel leading from Platform 1 (I had thought of that in a mad moment).

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Kelly, you'd be daft to make an offer with plans of your own for a P4 Woolwich! I see it maybe going to someone who hasn't the time to get a layout this far and just takes pleasure from adding details and running their own stock. Adding a 3rd rail shouldn't be an issue, or indeed changing the location to almost anywhere in the UK but overhead AC wouldn't fit through the tunnel leading from Platform 1 (I had thought of that in a mad moment).

Exactly. I suspect I'm going to have 'fun' storing the woolwich p4 layout as it is lol, never mind the other items planned (LT steam depot, military exchange sidings and a few others, though they're more diorama/small sized compared to the woolwich plan).

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You're a serial killer builder, Andy! I thought the Pencarne thread had gone a bit quiet, but hadn't dropped in for some time. Good luck with the shoot. Who's it for?

I would have liked to have seen Ripple Lane in a mag, like North Street, but that dubious honour can go to the new owner if it sells!

Thanks Pete, Its Steve Flint, Railway Modeller. I did my own shoot for Porth Merryn and West Shed as they were smaller and I could get more in focus.

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Ok so lack of 3rd rail not an issue but must take into account the cost of adding that. Alright I will better Comptonnut's offer, then a tenner. Its not that far to Gloucestershire.


Keith HC

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