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Burn brake van Burn


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I've had on my layout a burnt out brake van which had raised much interest at shows we had attended but after seeing some flicking flame modules I  thought it might be worth purchasing one and putting it  in to said vehicle to enhance its interest.


So at a princely sum of £2.50 I purchased one, then my brain clicked in again and thought I wonder if a smoke unit would work in it as well!!!!


So for another £9.50 bought a Suethe unit that was meant for house chimneys.


By the way this is bringing back memories when I was a kid and I had a Triang Brittania that smoked beautifully - oh those where the days - LOL


Anyway I had to create another brake van as the present one had suffered sever damage. Its really easy to do get as cheap as possible brake van and drill holes in it wildly and then attack it with a file to get jagged edges to represent where flames have got hold of the wood then paint it black.


I hooked my flame module to a 12v train set controller and the smoke unit to a 16v a/c supply. Because its an exhibition layout its easier to "plumb" the vehicle in permanently.


All connected the flame unit looked brilliant but I only had some Poundland Johnsons baby oil which i thought should work - big mistake not the right type of oil all I got was just a feeble trickle of smoke.


So I obtained some correct smoke oil and filled the unit up and with fingers crossed switched it on - Boy did it go here's the video to prove it, sorry its on a mobile and first attempt.








Fire Engine at the ready!


OK I do realize that I am a bit reckless in its location right next to re-fueling point with fuel tanks close by but this is where you need a bit of modellers license - sorry guys.


If you do have ago make sure your in a well ventilated room.


See us in action at the Thetford model rail show, Norfolk on Saturday 26th September - you probably won't miss the venue as it will have a Fire engine outside!!!!!

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