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Andrew P

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Hi Bodge


Another layout? You don't let the flockage grow under your feet do you!!!!!!!!!



Hi Jeff, Cheers, Its all your fault, that Burton North Layout of yours is so inspirational. Cheers for letting me copy it, well half of it anyway.

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Whist up at George T's yesterday he needed to dispose of a Road Bridge, and not being one to say no when he INSISTED that I take it home I thought it might just fit on West Shed. I have had to take the supports off as there in the wrong place , but with just a little work, I'm sure it will serve the purpose of hiding the Fiddle Yard Entrance, AND also somewhere to put a BUS.











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Get that bus off double quick. You have seen what George's bus done, its weight made his bridge sink into the baseboard so the bridge was so low it nearly took your class 37s horns off.  :read: :sclerosis:

Hi Clive, Thanks, I've just RUSHED out into the shed and removed the Bus, checked for clearance and were still fine, I think George must have dodgy footings, hahahha :no:

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Hi Clive, Thanks, I've just RUSHED out into the shed and removed the Bus, checked for clearance and were still fine, I think George must have dodgy footings, hahahha :no:


l have always had dodgy footings, hahaha

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Hiya Bodge


" for another little Layout that I have planned"


Yikes! how many layouts have you got on the go, I've only one http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/94488-charn-mhoir/&do=findComment&comment=1731470


regards Jeff

Thanks Jeff, I only have Pencarne Junction which is a fairly long term project, it will then have Trewenn, a small BLT running from it in front of the fiddle yard.


West Shed is just a bit of light relief to run different Locos and the next small project will be an Inglenook Shunting Plank which will be none descript Rural.


So the simple answer is just TWO at the moment.

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Andy, I've no wish to be critical but that stone wall at mid- point of the bridge span looks to my eyes a little odd,


It's adding weight where none would appear to be required and adds an additional burden to the bridge girders.


How is it supported ? What is it's purpose?

Edited by john flann
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Andy, I've no wish to be critical but that stone wall at mid- point of the bridge span looks to my eyes a little odd,


It's adding weight where none would appear to be required and adds an additional burden to the bridge girders.


How is it supported ? What is it's purpose?

Hi John, The Bridge was one of George T's cast offs, I cut off the three supports and just put them loosely onto the Layout to see if the Bridge would work, as I said in my post, with just a little work, I'm sure it will serve the purpose, and that's the plan, I have the basics of a Road Bridge, it will need new supports, (BRICK not Stone) and the top structure will be positioned so that the Brick / Stone section will be over the supporting pillar.



They were in the correct positions relative the upper structure before I cut them off.


PS. The Bridge will need shortening and straitening to fit the end Back Scene hiding the Fiddle yard before finally fixing. 

Edited by Andrew P
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So I've just been out and modified the Bridge to fit the location and now it looks better. I also cut and sprayed up a bit of backscene to go behind the Bridge.


Its so strong now it takes TWO BUSSES.


The next job now is to cover the Bridge Supports in a Red Brick Plasticard to match the Boffey and Shed.









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Dear Andy,

I think you need a new moniker mate - how about "Prolific of Swad"   :jester:

Great work as usual and I'm looking forward to picking up a few tips for dealing with my own loco shed area.

Best Regards,


Or "Prolific in Southern Swad" or "P1ss" for short !

Edited by ChrisB
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Hi Andy


Glad to see the bridge is now able to take the weight of two buses and the supports are looking a lot better now they have been repositioned. As for changing the stone work to brick to match the shed etc. I would leave things as they are. There must be hundreds of places around the railway system where stone and brick have lived alongside each other for many years.

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Hi Andy


Glad to see the bridge is now able to take the weight of two buses and the supports are looking a lot better now they have been repositioned. As for changing the stone work to brick to match the shed etc. I would leave things as they are. There must be hundreds of places around the railway system where stone and brick have lived alongside each other for many years.

Your absolutely right Clive, and I have some Slaters 7mm Dressed Stone that I used to make the Viaduct at the Club and also some Peco sheets that I used on the Platform edging on Pencarne so I will have a look at both, it will as you say look OK.

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O.K. another small mod to the Bridge, I have moved the end pillar in about 3 inches and I think it looks much better.


This is how it was.



And now.



Now I need some help please.


Should I or should I NOT add the Wing Walls?






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Hello Peter,


I think the outer wingwalls looks good, but I would remove the wingwalls in the middle.



Hi Markus, I think your right, that would look much more open whilst still giving a stronger look.




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Remove them all Andrew! The one at the front of the layout makes it look too 'busy'. Perhaps a small group of tree's or bushes would help fill in space here or perhaps a hut/oil store/bunker. At the back use a, perhaps sloping, retaining wall the same height as the buttress flush with the backscene to lead the eye in which will help disguise the join!





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I think I prefer it without the wings.



I'm with the remove all the wings, looks wrong with the type of bridge your building, if it was all brick bridge then the wings would look the business.


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