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Driving standards


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Jesus Christ is regarded as a prophet in Islam, second only to Mohammed himself.


Though the fish symbol, when translated from the Greek stands for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour", and in the Islamic faith Jesus is only a prophet and not the Son of God. Because that would make him slightly more important than Mohammad.




In driving standards, I did see a mini driver whom I genuinely thought, "you are going to crash and die at some point." Bombing down the A31, turning off from lane two (literally, as if lane one wasn't there), tailgating, undertaking, and then I lost sight of them, so add speeding...

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Though the fish symbol, when translated from the Greek stands for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour", and in the Islamic faith Jesus is only a prophet and not the Son of God. Because that would make him slightly more important than Mohammad.




In driving standards, I did see a mini driver whom I genuinely thought, "you are going to crash and die at some point." Bombing down the A31, turning off from lane two (literally, as if lane one wasn't there), tailgating, undertaking, and then I lost sight of them, so add speeding...

are you sure it was minnie driver and not some other film & tv star ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Came across a minor bump this morning, car turning right and the car behind had ran into it.


Last year my wife had an accident where she was stationary at a narrow bridge where other cars have priority the other way and a car ran into the back of her as the woman was putting her make up on at the time!


Went through the insurance and the other cars insurance admitted liability straight away, they repaired our car (12 year old 200k mile Nissan Murano) and wrote off the offending 6 month old fiat 500


Anyway back to this morning I noticed the offending car was also a fiat 500, I remarked to my wife “what is it with fiat 500s and rear ending people” she replied “wonder if it’s the same girl who ran into me” and low and behold yes it was the same person!


I dread to think what her insurance are going to do this time!

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A mate of used to be a panel beater/sprayer,

he replaced the n/s/f wing on a Honda Civic,

which bolt on, for an elderly lady customer.


The wing wasn't too bad, so he beat it out,

primed it and put in stock, ready to be used.


When that time came, the wing was fitted and 

the one removed was repaired, etc. as before.


4 times that happened where the removed wing

was able to be repaired and re-used, and they

all were for the same driver/same car!

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  • RMweb Premium

Reminds me of a neighbour of the in-laws who crashed a courtesy car from the national accident repair centre....

I know someone who's car was hit on the side by someone pulling out of a side turning. He was given a courtesy car but as he was passing the same side turning someone pulled out and struck the courtesy car.

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  • RMweb Premium

Last night I was waiting at the lights to turn into a shopping centre. Spotted another vehicle waiting to come out.

I wound down my window in anticipation and when I got the green arrow and stopped alongside as nothing about besides us.


He wound down his window & glared at me. I said, 'Don't you think you should put some lights on'?


The penny dropped. Why do these fools buy jet black vehicles and not even notice that the instruments lights, or anything else are off?

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A lot of modern cars have illuminated instrument panels even when no external lights (bar DRLs) are on.


But flimsy excuses apart, you're basically right that some people would do well to pay more attention to state of their own vehicle when behind the wheel.  However, given that far too many of them seem barely able to pay attention to other road users (let alone show them due courtesy and care) that may be too much of an ask, unfortunately.


We are rapidly approaching that time of year when cars being driven without headlights during the hours of darkness will likely become more common, as people are taken by surprise as the nights close in, even though it happens every year.  (Also likely to be seen more frequently are those at the opposite end of the spectrum who feel that their headlights alone just aren't enough, and supplement them illegally with their fog lights.)


If we're lucky it will snow at some point - and then the 'tank commanders' will be out in force.

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My car the dash has to be permanently illuminated because it's an lcd display. It's black too, so I make a point of having the lights on i it gets even a teensy bit dark out. The auto lights don't want to come on unless it's midnight.

Mine come on if there's a tree somewhere nearby.

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Hi, a short tale for you....


Do you ever get those day's when you're out in your car and you notice that every idiot on the planet is picking on you personally ? I can confirm this does happen, usually it's ME they pick on !


I was driving along the A2 London bound some years ago, and as I left the slip road and got to the traffic lights at the bottom, I stopped next to a BMW in the adjacent lane waiting for the lights to change. When they did, I pulled away a little faster than the beemer and ended up a little way ahead, not racing him, he was just taking it a lot more casually with his roof down and attractive blonde next to him. I could see this fella was calm and relaxed without a care in the world. Anyways, for no real reason, I kept my eyes on his car behind me for the next few miles until another set of lights brought us both to a stand. I kid you not, everybody who could upset him, did so! Cars were pulling out on him, cutting him up and doing things that were just blatantly disregarding the fact that he was even there, despite him doing nothing at all wrong in any way to invite trouble. Nothing happened to anybody else, just him in his BMW.


As I pulled up to this next set of traffic lights, a seven seater type thing pulled up behind me and I could hear shouting, really aggressive and threatening some real hardcore 'education' of the occupants within...next to this, our friend in the BMW with his woman. He had obviously lost his temper in the last couple of miles as he'd noticed, as well as I had, that everybody seemed to be intent on ruining his day! The seven seater had obviously been the last straw for him, he'd just offered to "burn them all alive", before rolling forward in his BM and stopping once again next to Me.


Well, I couldn't resist...with the windows already open on my beaten up old car, I looked across at them both with a massive grin, I honestly thought he was ready to kill someone at this point, he was so full of rage. I explained how pleased I was that he was here with Me today. His face dropped as I think I caught him off guard but I continued to explain, how normally it is I who have to deal with these fools as they continually gang up on Me and upset Me, but today, they were leaving Me alone and picking on him instead. I said I had noticed them at the last set of lights and seen just how many people had made a bee-line for him, and, for no reason, chose to massively spoil his day, to which he gave me a massive smile and agreed, it was his turn today at which point the lights changed and off they went with a wave and a laugh, back to being the happy chappy I had seen originally.


The point of my post here is that YOU are NOT imagining this stuff. I have seen with my own eyes that these fools really are members of an elite group, who obviously have a quota for the day, they really ARE out to get you. The best course of action to avoid them is of course subject to some debate, but I know they are definitely hell bent on driving badly and spoiling everybody else's day, just for fun. But it's alright....I'm onto them now - they can't upset Me - I know their game.....


Kindest Regards,



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  • RMweb Gold

Just two words to cover today's tarmac escapades.


Roundabouts. Portugal.






Can only be on par with the Spanish equivalent.

I very nearly broadsided 2 cars ignoring the give way lines last week, this time in the car, not on the bike!



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  • RMweb Premium

Mine come on if there's a tree somewhere nearby.

The auto lights are about the one automatic feature I've encountered that works pretty much as it should, on my car anyway. Still don't really see the point in automating something so basic, but at least they work. There's probably a slight bias towards coming on when it's borderline not quite necessary but better that than the other way around.

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Part of the problem is that it is very easy to get into your car in a well-lit area...... eg a Supermarket car park, and drive off - not realising that your lights aren't on because of the brightness of the outside area - despite the illuminated dash panel - and only realising that you are driving without lights when the external illumination drops -  and Yes - it HAS happened to me!  My current Kia puts the lights on automatically.

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  • RMweb Premium

Part of the problem is that it is very easy to get into your car in a well-lit area...... eg a Supermarket car park, and drive off - not realising that your lights aren't on because of the brightness of the outside area - despite the illuminated dash panel - and only realising that you are driving without lights when the external illumination drops -  and Yes - it HAS happened to me!  My current Kia puts the lights on automatically.

The cops LOVE seeing cars without lights on here, because they reckon the likely hood is that the driver is drunk! Too often, driver is unlicenced, vehicle unregistered and unroadworthy (MOT) for good measure. An expensive night out, to say the least!

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  • RMweb Premium

In my car the dash is back-lit, but if the ambient light level falls it dims, meaning in the dark it's an extra reminder to pop the lights on, as you can't read the dash. You can see it in action if you stop under a bridge whilst in traffic, for example



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My car also has auto lighting and daytime lit dashboard illumination, however like most cars, it has a lit symbol when the external lights are on, be it by auto setting or manual overide. It is good practice to check this at nightime to ensure the auto lighting has operated, before driving off. It also has auto windscreen wipers, and what I like about that function is that after the wipers operate during daylight, for about six sweeps, the auto lighting dipped beam lighting comes on. This function avoids the much forgotten requirement to operate dipped lighting in poor visibility, including rain. While driving up the A1 on Saturday, in heavy rain from Darlington to Durham, it was frightening how many vehicles did not have lights on.

What is a bit of a distraction with my cars auto lighting, is the effect on the level of dashboard illumination when the daylight conditions are changeable from bright to srormy, causing the dashboard to go from dim to bright frequently. When this first happened I couldn'nt work out what was happening.

Edited by rembrow
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I had an amazing experience yesterday morning whilst driving to Ruddington.

I left the A46 at the A606 junction. I went around the roundabout in the correct lanes at a sensible speed when all of a sudden a Silver BMW appeared from nowhere and overtook me, which was no problem. We then joined the A606 which starts as a two lane stretch before rapidly reducing to one lane. I expected the beemer to vanish,but to my surprise he slowed right down,as if inviting me to undertake,which did not happen. We proceeded to travel towards the outskirts of Nottingham obeying the speed limits methodically. In the distance a Transit / Boxer van emerged safely from a side turning in front of BMW "Elsie" 13 CAL. We were approaching a stretch of road with double white lines on our side and two lanes on the other side which were clear of traffic. Just as we got to a right hand blind bend the BMW crossed the double white lines and overtook the van, then proceeded to obey the 40 mph limit. At the next roundabout he used the outside lane whilst the White Van man and myself used the nearside lane and passed him. I turned left ,the van went straight on and I have no idea what happend to the beemer as I was just completely mystified and didn't notice.

Some poor sod overtaking a slow moving lorry quite safely could have been killed,but for what?

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