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Driving standards


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  • RMweb Premium

Truck got totalled last year when parked, the claim was settled with the other insured picking up the tab and no cost to me. My renewal came a month ago and had gone from £300 to £867 even though I had maximum NCD and protected.  As Polybear says the Full premium had gone from £750 to £2200. 


Changed insurer and paid £300 again.



They claim its because statistically your more likely to have another accident. Why when its not your fault and not in the vehicle at the time I have no idea.





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  • RMweb Gold



They claim its because statistically your more likely to have another accident. Why when its not your fault and not in the vehicle at the time I have no idea.






Presumably they work on the theory of magnetic attraction!



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  • RMweb Premium



They claim its because statistically your more likely to have another accident. Why when its not your fault and not in the vehicle at the time I have no idea.





I had a similar thing with my income protection. I had my appendix removed & so my premium went up. Why I asked, as it can't happen again? Made no difference.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had a similar thing with my income protection. I had my appendix removed & so my premium went up. Why I asked, as it can't happen again? Made no difference.


That's ridiculous, there's less of you to insure.

Just as well they didn't insure the Black Knight!



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  • RMweb Premium





They claim its because statistically your more likely to have another accident. Why when its not your fault and not in the vehicle at the time I have no idea.






Because you park in a place where it's likely to be hit?

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  • RMweb Premium




Because you park in a place where it's likely to be hit?





I see your point but I have witnessed it happen in a car park. Somewhere you are supposed to park repeatedly.





I know of someone who's car was hit whilst on his drive (the driver of the car that did it was drunk). And another incident where a chap drove onto his drive and collided with another car belonging to a complete stranger who's excuse was "There was no other parking space." I don't know the outcome of the second incident but the woman who'd parked her car in the chaps drive threatened to claim against his insurance!

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I know of someone who's car was hit whilst on his drive (the driver of the car that did it was drunk). And another incident where a chap drove onto his drive and collided with another car belonging to a complete stranger who's excuse was "There was no other parking space." I don't know the outcome of the second incident but the woman who'd parked her car in the chaps drive threatened to claim against his insurance!


That does remind me of that old insurance claim joke of, 'Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I haven’t got:jester: 

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...They claim its because statistically your more likely to have another accident. Why when its not your fault and not in the vehicle at the time I have no idea...

 Sometimes it will be true. Your previously quiet location has had a many-fold increase in population or employment activity over the past three years, and the road system hasn't been improved at all to cope with the much increased use. Directly proportionate increase in collisions  - including with with parked vehicles - on those roads results. (This very thing is happening in the once quiet location where my in-laws live, pressure on parking so great that driveway access is regularly blocked by parked vehicles, and no driver to be found among other nuisances.)


And then again it may be false, nothing has changed to increase the risk, it was a random event unlikely to recur in the next 100 years.


But all the pressure within the insurance business is to increase premium income, an insurer is not going to spend underwriter analysis pounds on working out why a premium shouldn't increase!

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  • RMweb Premium

I was on the same round about as the previously shown range rover lorry incident. A same model range rover Same colour came round the roundabout.... He was using his indicators.. pity he indicated right and turned left....

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  • RMweb Premium

he ?   is that not sexist ?   :triniti:

Well if it wasn't a he, I really wouldn't want to get too involved with the woman..

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he ?   is that not sexist ?

Well if it wasn't a he, I really wouldn't want to get too involved with the woman..


Ha! Isn't it ironic that duncan was the one making the assumption!! Perhaps he should think about that before accusing someone next time...

Edited by Titan
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  • RMweb Premium

I love driving in bus lanes in my car. But only when the sign says that they aren't buses only - such as a Saturday.

If everyone else wants to be a Lemming a queue in the other lane because they can't read the signs, then crack on......

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I love driving in bus lanes in my car. But only when the sign says that they aren't buses only - such as a Saturday.

If everyone else wants to be a Lemming a queue in the other lane because they can't read the signs, then crack on......

do the same in my truck morning  before 7 all the lemmings queing down oldham road look on there faces as a get way ahead of them down the empty bus lane croydon has it right they have bus& truck lanes 

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  • RMweb Premium

I love driving in bus lanes in my car. But only when the sign says that they aren't buses only - such as a Saturday.

If everyone else wants to be a Lemming a queue in the other lane because they can't read the signs, then crack on......

This morning I was approaching some traffic lights on a road with a bus lane but stayed in the other traffic lane as I was not familiar with the area and wasn't sure if I could use the bus lanes or not. As I approached the traffic lights those for my lane turned green but the bus lane stayed red holding a couple of cars using that lane. Apparently cars are not big enough at those lights to trigger them.

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  • RMweb Premium

My house is in the middle of nowhere in particular, black car pulls up at T junction outside adjust after 07:00, and beeps it's horn there is no other traffic around, it then sits there for ten minutes before driving off... Most odd...

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This morning I was approaching some traffic lights on a road with a bus lane but stayed in the other traffic lane as I was not familiar with the area and wasn't sure if I could use the bus lanes or not. As I approached the traffic lights those for my lane turned green but the bus lane stayed red holding a couple of cars using that lane. Apparently cars are not big enough at those lights to trigger them.

theres one the other way around just before the start of curry mile stays red changes enough time for three cars to get through then back to red for three mins bus lane next to it is the opposite whether there is a bus there or not very frustrating 

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Back in the mid 1970's when we lived on a council estate, we were awakened in the night by an almighty bang outside, then a weird scraping sound. The bonnet of my Capri was on the roof of a council van so it was obvious someone had back-ended it. I always left cars parked in first gear, which is why the front of the car lifted up instead of simply being shunted forward. The impact took a tooth off first and reverse gear and ruined the winding mechanism of the drivers window. About dinnertime the police arrived and told me who had done it, that the culprit had no insurance and had driven his car down the coast to a crusher so it couldn't be examined. Furthermore, he lived down our street, clearly new his rights (on benefits too) and that I should stay away from him because if he was 'smacked', I would be prosecuted! On top of that, the council sent me a bill for damage to their van, which was later waived, but the rest I had to stand out of my own pocket. 

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My house is in the middle of nowhere in particular, black car pulls up at T junction outside adjust after 07:00, and beeps it's horn there is no other traffic around, it then sits there for ten minutes before driving off... Most odd...


You forgot about that taxi you booked, didn't you?

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  • RMweb Premium


 The left hand entry lanes on many of the round abouts are marked left and straight on, if you approach from the right you cannot see any indicators (if used )and have no idea what a car from that lane is going to do..

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  • RMweb Gold


 The left hand entry lanes on many of the round abouts are marked left and straight on, if you approach from the right you cannot see any indicators (if used )and have no idea what a car from that lane is going to do..


Unfortunately even when the left lane is clearly marked left-turn-only people still go straight on, so even properly marked lanes can't be relied on... In that case though, the black car clearly should have eased off and passed behind the white one, thus removing any potential conflict...


I had one idiot the other day, tailgating me in a 40 (I was doing 40), then undertook me on the approach to a roundabout and shot off at 45-ish into a 30 limit. What made it amusing was that he had a dashcam - so would be incriminating himself if he got stopped...

Edited by Nick C
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One thing I do notice, travelling around the NW in recent months, is that the practice of passing by swerving wildly from any lane to any other lane at high speed, seems more common there.


Perhaps it’s because the standing tailback of HGV on the A14 discourages it..


Speaking of HGV, the more challenging route profiles of Northern motorways don’t seem to discourage the practice of HGVs pulling in front of you, a cars length in front and 25mph slower..

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