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Driving standards


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  • RMweb Premium

I'm amazed that folk ask what 3 fingers means..... 30mph!


In some areas I drive in (or get driven into) , they have 6 fingers........................ national speed limit, here we come.......




Edited by newbryford
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In some areas I drive in (or get driven into) , they have 6 fingers........................ national speed limit, here we come.......




In Norfolk and out on the fens of North Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire you can go up to 500mph. Difficult to count all the fingers and thumbs though.

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Oldham was once full of holes. Now its all humps. Some bus routes must be a right jacksy.

nice unmarked speed bump on the pelican crossing as you enter the square in uppermill catches a few out as its a thirty limit still

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I find the maneouvre easy. I cannot fathom why so many drivers have so much trouble doing reversing maneouvres.

It's called practice, you don't wake up one morning and say to yourself "It has come to me in a dream, I can reverse park, back around a corner, estimate the width of my car/van etc, etc!" You practice until you are happy.

Hull is a very flat city, the story was that driving tests had to be conducted to include passage over certain roads which had a climb upto over bridges along them. My wife told me that her ability to do hill starts were of no use to her, because Hull was flat. I had to choke back a sinigger when she could not control her car at a road junction where a minor road joined a not so minor one just outside Hull on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds.  Now if it had been my clutch sending out smoke signals, that would have been a different matter but it wasn't.  :onthequiet:

Edited by Judge Dread
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  • RMweb Premium

The best thing to do in my book if someone gets arsey with you is put up your hand in apology if you are in the wrong, but do not react in any way which could aggravate the situation into road rage. If your apology is not enough and they continue to act aggressively, turn off down a road that you know is not a dead end and see if they follow. If they do, a couple of circuits of the nearest roundabout should definitely confirm your fears. Call the Police using hands free, keep moving and stay in an area where there are other drivers/people around and tell the Police where you are and where you are heading so they can intercept you and the other driver.


I had this once on a bike (returning from NYMR to Gloucester)


Car up my bum would not drop back (nor overtake) so I took a roundabout flat out, inches from left hand kerb, almost touch the roundabout, almost touch the exit, I straight lined in.


Did not see them again.


I was on a non sporty 250 which topped out about 90

"Reversing around a corner" it would seem to have dropped out of favour if my observations are correct. I live in an end house at a junction and the number times I have seen a vehicle arrived to drop off a passenger right on that junction. Then it's a pull forward, turn to the right across the road and do a three point turn. The only drivers doing a reverse around the corner are those receiving expert tuition.  Test passed, now forget that manoeuvre it seems. 


Easy way to turn around

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nice unmarked speed bump on the pelican crossing as you enter the square in uppermill catches a few out as its a thirty limit still

Thought it was 20 from New Street (i.e., before the pelican) to the other side of the bus turnround? I'll have a look Wednesday evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to congratulate all the members of the center lane cruising club on making it impossible to use an empty lane one of the M66/60!on my journey from bury to Hyde yesterday evening without slowing to below 55mph absolute numptys the lot of them

Edited by peanuts
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  • RMweb Premium

Overtake middle lane muppet. Move to inside lane. Drop back. Repeat manoeuvre.


Hours of entertainment. Should be punishable by having your radio permanently tuned to Liza Tarbuck.

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Overtake middle lane muppet. Move to inside lane. Drop back. Repeat manoeuvre.


Hours of entertainment. Should be punishable by having your radio permanently tuned to Liza Tarbuck.

problem was they were an almost continues chain of middle lane hogs would be in lane one for less than five seconds before having to come out again to overtake the next one if i could get back into the outside lane again

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So if I understand this correctly.


Another car was trying an aggresive overtaking manouvre which you didn't like, so you take your attention from the road and him and reach down into the passenger footwell (which I am unable to do easily from the driving seat)  and pick up a hammer (weapon) and then proceed to threaten his passenger with it when he was beside you.. 

For some strange reason you seem to have it in your head that this behaviour on the road is acceptable and that somehow you weren't in the wrong. I would love to see you in a court of law defending your position as although the other driver was stupid in his driving behaviour you were using the threat of violence against a person to achieve what? a road position. 


Although the other driver sounds like a tw@t you are actually far worse and should certainly not be on the road except as a passenger in a prison van.

  OOOOHh! Absolutely spot on...yup, I should be locked up in an asylum, with the keys thrown away!!


Better still, not fed or watered for 65 years!


Your comments are fatuous in the extreme...


Perhaps, whenever you turn on your radio, or pick up your mobile phone whilst driving, you should also drive straight to jail,do not pass 'go', etc?


Maybe...just maybe, it was your Discovery that did this?


One question trumps your argument..prove it!!


Your problem is...I will STILL be out there driving....and seriously influencing the attitudes and skills of thousands of others..long after you have had your licence revoked, one way or the other!


Frightening, isn't it..to think there are actually drivers/riders out there like me.......?


And, you'll never ever know for sure what vehicle they are in/on?


So, you'd best either [a], stop driving, and travel by train, or ensure your driving complies with the Law, and teh Highway Code.


If the latter, you'll never ever have any issues with me or my ilk.

Edited by alastairq
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OOOOHh! Absolutely spot on...yup, I should be locked up in an asylum, with the keys thrown away!!


Better still, not fed or watered for 65 years!


Your comments are fatuous in the extreme...


Perhaps, whenever you turn on your radio, or pick up your mobile phone whilst driving, you should also drive straight to jail,do not pass 'go', etc?


Maybe...just maybe, it was your Discovery that did this?


One question trumps your argument..prove it!!


Your problem is...I will STILL be out there driving....and seriously influencing the attitudes and skills of thousands of others..long after you have had your licence revoked, one way or the other!


Frightening, isn't it..to think there are actually drivers/riders out there like me.......?


And, you'll never ever know for sure what vehicle they are in/on?


So, you'd best either [a], stop driving, and travel by train, or ensure your driving complies with the Law, and teh Highway Code.


If the latter, you'll never ever have any issues with me or my ilk.


No you really don't frighten us.


Anybody who comes on here and admits to threatening another driver with a hammer is just an idiot.


For somebody who tells us their job is in driver education some of your attitudes and actions quite frankly beggar belief.




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Coming home down the A38 yesterday there was an crash near Newton Abbot so I skirted around it and on rejoining the A38 there were 2 lanes of slowish (30-40mph) traffic so everyone was keeping a good distance from the car in front and being sensible, except for the dopey 20something bint behind me who thought that she was going to force her way through the traffic. Wrong!


She sat there about 2 feet off my back bumper waving her hands in the air expecting me to move over so she could get one car length further forward instead of sitting in the slow moving traffic like everyone else was. It was at that point an animal of some description decided to dart across the road in front of me in the gap I was leaving between me and the car in front, meaning I had to stamp on the brake quite hard to avoid it, bint behind suddenly didnt look very happy but did decide to drop back a bit.


What she thought she was going to gain was beyond me, everyone else was doing the exact same speed which obviously wasnt fast enough for her!


With the exception of dopey 20somwthing bint it was probably some of the most polite driving I have seen in ages, everyone was allowing the other cars plenty of room and there was none of the speeding up just to slow down again a few hundred yards later, it was pretty much a steady, constant speed.

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  • RMweb Premium

You just cannot tell anymore


Seen loads of dithery slow 30-40 something men.


Wrinklies bombing along


Young people driving very well.


Long queues used to have wrinklies at the head, now it is men just hitting middle age. Later middle aged have either given up or are going faster again.

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 I think you will find that they refer to themselves as the centre lane owners group, or CLOG.

I seem to remember a traffic police officer, whilst being interviewed on TV, used this name. These are the same people who when spotting a patrol car coming up behind them will move over to lane 1 and back to the "centre" lane after it passes. I have asked the question of drivers I have been with, "Why the centre lane?" and received the answer, "Because I may not be able to change lanes when coming up behind a slow moving vehicle in lane 1". To my mind they are unable to judge the speed whereby they approach a vehicle ahead of them and the same with a vehicle approaching them from behind. Signal your intention to change lanes early enough and wait to see what the driver behind you does to let you. (or not!) complete that manoeuvre. 

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....they are unable to judge the speed whereby they approach a vehicle ahead of them and the same with a vehicle approaching them from behind.....


Or more likely they just can't be bothered. Anyhow, being in the centre lane means that they can veer into either the slow or the fast lane when they fall asleep at the wheel.

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Or more likely they just can't be bothered. Anyhow, being in the centre lane means that they can veer into either the slow or the fast lane when they fall asleep at the wheel.

ah you mean a form of russian roulette as to whom they take with them ?

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I seem to remember a traffic police officer, whilst being interviewed on TV, used this name. These are the same people who when spotting a patrol car coming up behind them will move over to lane 1 and back to the "centre" lane after it passes. I have asked the question of drivers I have been with, "Why the centre lane?" and received the answer, "Because I may not be able to change lanes when coming up behind a slow moving vehicle in lane 1". To my mind they are unable to judge the speed whereby they approach a vehicle ahead of them and the same with a vehicle approaching them from behind. Signal your intention to change lanes early enough and wait to see what the driver behind you does to let you. (or not!) complete that manoeuvre. 

would put the inability to move out and pass a slower moving vehicle to be down to poor planning and very poor use and observation of mirrors or as stated they are just to damn lazy and self important 

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ah you mean a form of russian roulette as to whom they take with them ?

There is also a variation on the centre lane "owner", and that is the one who straddles the dividing lines, so partly in the slow or - more uncommonly - the fast lane. That looks like either the driver is unable to judge the width of his/her vehicle, or is dozing off. Either way it is a variant of motorway roulette.

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