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Driving standards


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  • RMweb Premium

Tonight driving home, I was crossing a long bridge across a river. It has double white lines. Woosh went a red ute, about 30kmh over the limit, past me & about 4 other vehicles. Oncoming car so he pulls back in, once past out again, over more double white lines for a bend.

Go round a series of bends & see him way up front, about 12 vehicles in front. Obviously he went in left turn lane to go straight ahead, as he flies past more cars.


The red was fire engine red, so off to a fire, maybe :-(



Victoria has about 7 million people. This year so far 23 motorcyclists have died, up from 7 at this time last year. Something is going wrong there.

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Experienced the blue light panic a couple of weeks ago. Ambulance came up behind me. I started slowing to allow him to overtake but then realised that with the narrow road and heavy slow moving oncoming traffic that the ambulance would be unable to overtake. So I continued at the limit (30mph) for all of about 50 yards when the car that had been some distance in front of me stopped. The road in front of him was clear. Neither myself or the ambulance could get past and no amount of light flashing or horn blowing would persuade him to move. Eventually the heavy traffic in the other direction managed to shunt itself so the ambulance could drive around both myself and him, but time was lost.


The other panic I see is at queues at traffic lights. People freeze - they can't go anywhere. Maybe they try to maneuver  to the side, but when the light turns green instead of just driving off and clearing space for the vehicle to get through they stay where they are. In numerous occasions the ambulance would have made faster progress if they had left the blues and twos turned off!!!

you will notice that of late they have been partialy doing this by turning the siren off when stopped at traffic lights and just leaving the blue lights on  apparently this is to stop drivers going through  the lights 

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  • RMweb Premium

you will notice that of late they have been partialy doing this by turning the siren off when stopped at traffic lights and just leaving the blue lights on  apparently this is to stop drivers going through  the lights 


They've been turning the sirens off for awhile at red traffic lights - it's all in the video uploaded nearly 5 years ago.

Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Premium

In the words of one of the ER crew.


What in the name of hoofw*nking aresbiscuit is this truck driver up to? From my dashcam today.






I experienced a similar incident on my first driving test. It was the main reason that I failed, (for braking and steering at the same time). My instructor said afterwards that some examiners would have made allowances and given a pass but not the one I had, this was nearly 50 years ago. My second test was abandoned when the car broke down but I passed on the third attempt. By then I was a bundle of nerves but largely due I believe to my thinking that I had made a mistake and failed early in the test and I then relaxed and was surprised and delighted when I passed. A few years later I was discussing driving tests with my boss and he said it was exactly the same for him, he thought he must have failed and then he was relaxed and passed his test.

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  • RMweb Premium

I experienced a similar incident on my first driving test. It was the main reason that I failed, (for braking and steering at the same time). My instructor said afterwards that some examiners would have made allowances and given a pass but not the one I had, this was nearly 50 years ago. My second test was abandoned when the car broke down but I passed on the third attempt. By then I was a bundle of nerves but largely due I believe to my thinking that I had made a mistake and failed early in the test and I then relaxed and was surprised and delighted when I passed. A few years later I was discussing driving tests with my boss and he said it was exactly the same for him, he thought he must have failed and then he was relaxed and passed his test.


The driver in the video is actually a learner...... Coincidentally our topic today was "meeting traffic"........  This was extreme meeting traffic.

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I am seriously considering fitting a dashcam after this mornings experiences...I usually let things like this pass me by but encountered 3 serious idiots within 20 miles this morning.


*Leaving my dental appointment I had barely got back in the car when I was confronted by the sight of a Ford Focus reversing toward my front wing in an alarming manner, I hammered on the horn and it stopped barely six inches or so away before I could even get my key in the ignition...the elderly driver then refused to acknowledge my obviously concerned presence as I edged out of my space to avoid him, with hindsight I wish I'd got out and had a word but doubtless would have ended up painted as the villain of the piece...


*Joining the M27 at J5 shortly afterwards a white van drifts in front of me on the 2 lane slip for no reason and without indicating causing me to brake...this was 10 O'Clock and we were the only 2 vehicles within 100 yards or so including a clear lane 1 of the motorway...I'd imagine he was totally unaware of my presence judging by his actions clearly not using mirrors.


*Most concerning of all was down by J7 at Hedge End when an HGV with a 40 foot container on the back moved rapidly from lane 1 to 2 which was already clearly occupied by the Astra in front of me.

Luckily lane 3 was clear and the rather frightened driver of the Astra was able to move across as the lorry was by now in her lane (2) less than a foot away from the passenger door.

A blatant case of bullying if ever I saw one, the move was unnecessary in the relatively light traffic conditions and not what you expect from a supposedly professional driver?


Rant over...happily home stuffing my face with cheese on toast now...my daily 50 mile commute is usually fine, today has been a tad disappointing :butcher:  

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You know how you see the after impact of an accident and think how the **** did that happen. The A661 and A59 in were Harrogate was brought to a standstill in the morning peak by this yesterday



Edited by Butler Henderson
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  • RMweb Premium

The driver in the video is actually a learner...... Coincidentally our topic today was "meeting traffic"........  This was extreme meeting traffic.

In my case I had just come over the brow of a hill to be confronted with a speeding lorry coming up the hill. Cars were parked either side but if he had been going slower and kept to his side of the road there would have been enough room for us to have passed slowly but it was obvious that he was neither going to slow down or move over. If there hadn't been a gap in the parked cars on my side of the road I would not have been able to avoid a collision.

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  • RMweb Premium

I had 4 numties yesterday, one in afternoon and 3 on way home.


1) Person on bycycle going slow, caught them up and they pulled to centre of road to stop me passing,and kept at 10-15mph down the hill, (long and very open, if it was me I would go fast I like going down hill - no pedalling), anyway moved to left and overtook them on the verge (flat grass, know it well as I sometimes park there for a walk). I hit the high speed of 25mph. (My car has 4WD, AT tyres and is designed for it)


Did not recognise them, not a usual lane user, no need for them to block the lane.


Going home really puzzled me, my more usual commute.

2) Car in front of short queue, had great difficulty working out how to turn right at a T junction, positioned to left hand side of road pointing left!!!!!!!!! Pity the person following them! I took a side turning to avoid them.


3) Couple of miles on a van pulled out close in front of me, had to brake hard, they hit the high speed of 5 mph, then stopped to let no 4 out, went 5mph again, I pulled out to pass them, they started to accelerate, I managed to get in front of them, NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE. 100m down the road, no sign of them.


4) A small car, drove along the dotted line, except when cars came the other way, 20-30mph,  I did manage to overtake after they did a slow down, else I would not have got home for ages.


What were they all on?


Was there a mass pee up around there?


Was it direct the numpty down the lanes day?


Never saw any of the 4 before. 1 road I have driven down over 5000 times.


I need a dash cam!

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the cyclist will have been riding how they are now advised to which is to move to the center of the road in a "command " position so as not to be forced into the gutter by any cars that pass to close . means you now have to overtake like you would any other vehicle rather than squeezing through no matter what supposedly safer for them 

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the cyclist will have been riding how they are now advised to which is to move to the center of the road in a "command " position so as not to be forced into the gutter by any cars that pass to close

But you do that when it would be dangerous to try and squeeze past. Otherwise you don't go out of your way to obstruct traffic but you give yourself wiggle room away from the gutter.

Out in the centre at 10-15mph on a clear road is a bit off.

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But you do that when it would be dangerous to try and squeeze past. Otherwise you don't go out of your way to obstruct traffic but you give yourself wiggle room away from the gutter.

Out in the centre at 10-15mph on a clear road is a bit off.

and therein lies the problem too many of the lycralouts see it an opportunity to establish their rights so as to piss off other road users then post the resultant camera footage on thier youtube channel 

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  • RMweb Premium

I had 4 numties yesterday, one in afternoon and 3 on way home.


1) Person on bycycle going slow, caught them up and they pulled to centre of road to stop me passing,and kept at 10-15mph down the hill, (long and very open, if it was me I would go fast I like going down hill - no pedalling), anyway moved to left and overtook them on the verge (flat grass, know it well as I sometimes park there for a walk). I hit the high speed of 25mph. (My car has 4WD, AT tyres and is designed for it)


Did not recognise them, not a usual lane user, no need for them to block the lane.




the cyclist will have been riding how they are now advised to which is to move to the center of the road in a "command " position so as not to be forced into the gutter by any cars that pass to close . means you now have to overtake like you would any other vehicle rather than squeezing through no matter what supposedly safer for them 



MJI, sorry but thats probably not a good strategy to adopt, for many reasons.  I'm a little shocked that you posted it openly on a forum.  As a professional driver of large vehicles on busy streets, I often find myself stuck behind cyclists etc.  Being in a hurry is no reason to drive badly, whether you car is fitted with big tyres or not.  Think about it - would other road users be expecting you to be in that position, driving down the verge?  If another car had given the cyclist cause to move left, s/he may not have been expecting you to be there either.  Whatever vehicle you're driving, be it bicycle or abnormal load, you should always leave yourself space to manoeuvre, including between you and the kerb.  OK, some may take the mick, but still, no need to be driving down the grass verge.  Also a bit of consideration for the environment around them is something that many drivers lack - see the number of roundabouts for example where one car will go on the kerb to get up the inside to turn left, which over months becomes many cars driving with the wheels right on the grass, which becomes a muddy unsightly mess,... 


Patience.  No matter how frustrating it is, be a patient, safe driver.  As irritating as these militant cyclists are, frustration causes accidents.  He shouldn't be obstructing you, but nor should you be driving down the verge to pass...  The roads are there for everyone, not just for car drivers to get where they are going as quickly as they can at the speed limit. 

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  • RMweb Premium

the cyclist will have been riding how they are now advised to which is to move to the center of the road in a "command " position so as not to be forced into the gutter by any cars that pass to close . means you now have to overtake like you would any other vehicle rather than squeezing through no matter what supposedly safer for them 


All they had to do was pull over up to the verge OR coasted fast and no issue

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  • RMweb Premium

MJI, sorry but thats probably not a good strategy to adopt, for many reasons.  I'm a little shocked that you posted it openly on a forum.  As a professional driver of large vehicles on busy streets, I often find myself stuck behind cyclists etc.  Being in a hurry is no reason to drive badly, whether you car is fitted with big tyres or not.  Think about it - would other road users be expecting you to be in that position, driving down the verge?  If another car had given the cyclist cause to move left, s/he may not have been expecting you to be there either.  Whatever vehicle you're driving, be it bicycle or abnormal load, you should always leave yourself space to manoeuvre, including between you and the kerb.  OK, some may take the mick, but still, no need to be driving down the grass verge.  Also a bit of consideration for the environment around them is something that many drivers lack - see the number of roundabouts for example where one car will go on the kerb to get up the inside to turn left, which over months becomes many cars driving with the wheels right on the grass, which becomes a muddy unsightly mess,... 


Patience.  No matter how frustrating it is, be a patient, safe driver.  As irritating as these militant cyclists are, frustration causes accidents.  He shouldn't be obstructing you, but nor should you be driving down the verge to pass...  The roads are there for everyone, not just for car drivers to get where they are going as quickly as they can at the speed limit. 


Country lane about 1/4 mile visibilty and I was not going to follow a slow bicycle for a mile when they got arsey. No danger and the only vehicles which damage the verges are road cars which get stuck in places on the other side.


In last ten years have come across 4 arsey cyclists playing road blocker when safe to pass.


Two got an earfull. One was so agressive as I was already along side he nearly rode into the side of me, I almost was in the other hedge trying not to hit him, he had a real mouth full. None were lycra squad. One of the others was just annoying to the car in front of me.


I have a lot more time for the lycra squad as they are 95% of the time safe, fast, courteous and well lit.


Narrow roads the LS get a move on or will allow you room to manouver. They do not bother me in the slightest as they are sensible and safe.


What is telling is that these are all one off cyclists and not regular users of these roads, non were lycra squad.


Anyway not bothered if what I did gets out as I was safe and endangered nobody at all. If it had not been safe I would have pipped my horn to warn him I was there.

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This is what I mean about the resolution of my dashcam.

That minibus which didn't look like it was going to stop. The white blob just visible in the driver's window is a mug of coffee.



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But you do that when it would be dangerous to try and squeeze past. Otherwise you don't go out of your way to obstruct traffic but you give yourself wiggle room away from the gutter.Out in the centre at 10-15mph on a clear road is a bit off.

Try cycling along many roads, the inside half is often impossible to cycle along due to the amount of humps, bumps and potholes compared to the centre of the road.

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  • RMweb Premium

Try cycling along many roads, the inside half is often impossible to cycle along due to the amount of humps, bumps and potholes compared to the centre of the road.


And Maccy D (other fast food outlets are available) detritus chucked from passing motorised traffic




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  • RMweb Premium

Try cycling along many roads, the inside half is often impossible to cycle along due to the amount of humps, bumps and potholes compared to the centre of the road.


I prefer to go along the cycle paths, more relaxing

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  • RMweb Premium

I will generally try and stick close into the side of the road when cycling however on many roads it is just plain dangerous to ride within about 25% of the side as a result of the appalling road surface which forces you to move over into the central part of the carriageway. If I'm aware I'm obstructing traffic I will try and make room or move over.

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