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Driving standards


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In common with many horse riders, I use one. Hertfordshire Constabulary don't seem to have a problem with it. If you don't like it, then I'll stop using it. Hopefully when you then collide with my horse and me, you'll wish I had been wearing it. I do hope you'll contribute towards the cost of my funeral and burial of my body in County Clare.


I notice motorcyclists use the same "Polite" hi-vis vests as well. The Police don't seem to have a problem with them either.

Any hi-vis vest would suffice. The word 'polite' has no meaning without any context. Polite to whome exactly?

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  • RMweb Gold

Any hi-vis vest would suffice. The word 'polite' has no meaning without any context. Polite to whome exactly?

Does it matter ?  I give horses a wide berth as they are unpredictable, if it makes someone else give them a wide berth too then it's worked.


I think of them in much the same way as the HA Traffic Wombles in the black and yellow battenburg 4x4's. People slow down for them as they think they are the Police, if they can't see from a reasonable distance that they aren't then they need to pay more attention anyway.

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I think of them in much the same way as the HA Traffic Wombles in the black and yellow battenburg 4x4's. People slow down for them as they think they are the Police, if they can't see from a reasonable distance that they aren't then they need to pay more attention anyway.

Yes. They are effective only on a narrow range of twonks who can see you but don'r actually care unless they think you might have the power of arrest.

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The other day, I felt awful!  sad.png


Outside during the morning, doing car stuff..[as I do]...horse with gentleman rider {!} clip-clopping past my gate....gentleman calls out a cheery 'good morning' to me.


I respond with an equally cheery 'Good morning'....


And his horse ups and bolts down the road!   sad.png

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Yes. They are effective only on a narrow range of twonks who can see you but don'r actually care unless they think you might have the power of arrest.

The main clue is the black and yellow squares of the HATO vehicles as opposed to the blue and yellow of the Police.

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At the same time I had a Fiesta 1100 and I had both vehicles when the government decided that cars under 1100 cc would pay less tax as they used less fuel and would be less polluting, the Fiesta actually had 1117 cc so did not qualify but the Suzuki, which used nearly twice as much petrol did.

From memory there was a bit of a media stink at one point when it was realised just how many supposedly 1.1 litre cars were a shade over. 1.1L K series was 1120cc and the 1.1L Fiat Fire engine (used in Puntos and the like) was 1108cc.


The main clue is the black and yellow squares of the HATO vehicles as opposed to the blue and yellow of the Police.

Trouble is that from the angle you see them from behind when a few hundred yards away the black and the blue squares look much the same.


All the best



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Any hi-vis vest would suffice. The word 'polite' has no meaning without any context. Polite to whome exactly?

Polite to those who drive too close? Close enough to be able to read the script?


Whilst on the subject of impersonation, why not suggest that the Jewish community stop impersonating police (Shomrim) and ambulance (Hatzola) services, whilst you're at it?





Edited by Horsetan
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From memory there was a bit of a media stink at one point when it was realised just how many supposedly 1.1 litre cars were a shade over. 1.1L K series was 1120cc and the 1.1L Fiat Fire engine (used in Puntos and the like) was 1108cc.





It depended very much as to what was put on the V5 documents. If the dealer when the car was first registered conscientiously put the exact engine size, in the case of the Fiesta 1117 cc, the DVLA deemed it as liable for the full tax whereas  if the dealer had put down 1.1 litre as was on the badges the car was liable for the lower rate.

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Polite to those who drive too close? Close enough to be able to read the script?

Whilst on the subject of impersonation, why not suggest that the Jewish community stop impersonating police (Shomrim) and ambulance (Hatzola) services, whilst you're at it?32729shomrim2.jpg3316346949.jpg

Yeah but these motors are OK Guv'. Honest, they're kosher.....

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You say fail but but I assume the Astra driver isn't still in there. That's quite an achievement.

As a matter of fact, the driver was in there. She smashed the cover off her door mirror on her way out, then claimed it was my fault for parking properly between the lines.


Never really understood female driver logic (sic).

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Dubai plates, that's a pocket money toy; new one next Saturday!


True. And the the number resembles the acronym "Isis".... :butcher:


....although I seem to remember that there was a brief problem with a particular Lamborghini model - not sure if it was the Aventador - having a tendency to catch fire. That, plus the rather high ambient temperatures in Dubai, plus idling at the lights for a considerable period, can't have helped!


The rich are different to you and me....

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True. And the the number resembles the acronym "Isis".... :butcher:


....although I seem to remember that there was a brief problem with a particular Lamborghini model - not sure if it was the Aventador - having a tendency to catch fire. That, plus the rather high ambient temperatures in Dubai, plus idling at the lights for a considerable period, can't have helped!


The rich are different to you and me....

I believe the Ferrari 458 Italia had a fire issue as well, caused by the glue inside the rear wheel arches igniting when it got too hot. And they say Top Gear isn't a factual programme...




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I had a good one yesterday.


I was travelling along the A45 (eastbound) in Northampton yesterday, and I caught up with a low powered moped, so I signalled to change lanes, and once the white van had passed me, I moved out to overtake the moped, I hadn't cut in front of anyone -in fact the only vehicles I could see behind me were a good 1/2 mile back - as I moved back into the left hand lane I heard an Italian sounding car horn, and as a rather old Ferrari passed me, the driver waved his arm out of the drivers window and roared off in a very unimpressive manner.


For the record I was in my company vehicle, a 360HP Scania, 12 Tonnes un-laden (and quick with it) 32 Tonnes laden, and  bit slower getting to go - but she will get going.


P.S. I'm not sure what my trucks Gross Train Weight (GTW) is, but it is greater than that allowed by the UK law.

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Hmmm..I think i'm going to be getting what passes for 'hate' mail?


Went into Pocklington this morning....in my DAihatsu Fourtrak.


Parked up straight away without needing to lurk, in the main square...[spaces at a premium...car in front of me drove off, I drove in...job done!!]


Went off round the [small] town for half an hour, came back, and drove off........without buying a damned thing!!



For those not in the know..Pocklington is a small East Yorkshire town, a bastion of Conservatism, and represents all that is good...or 'bad', about middle england-ism.


Full of pretentious small cafes and coffee shops, with menus equally full of pretentiousness.  Several over-priced jewellery shops, etc.


Ask for a bacon sarnie, and one is treated with the same contempt as rabbit poo in the soles of an over-paid farmer's boot!


Also, a very bad town for finding a parking space.


How dare I....who cannot even be considered for joining the middle england club, dare to drive in....in ....that...thing...[uurrgghhh!]....park straight way, without any sort of waiting around.....get back into my 'car' without having bought a single thing [ie, spent absolutely no money whatsoever in the town]....when the good local folk, whose fingers bleed to the bone [making obscene amounts of money, I hasten to add...at everybody else's expense]...and don't need the 'State' to support them in any sort of way shape or form [aside from the very generous tax relief scams that no-one is allowed to talk about....like.......mortgages?]...struggle to drive the 1/4 mile into town, to park, for a 'nace coffee'....?


Even more annoying for the BMwobbly drivers was....as I backed out of the parking space [they're herring-boned in Pock square]....I positioned my backside in such a way, that only one small car [with a polite young driver], could immediately drive into the vacated space...with a smile, and a cheery wave to say 'thank you'.....and it was a cheapy Kia to boot...Then it was a crunch of gears [yup, it has a clutch pedal too]....and a cloud of dark smelly smoke [no lying through the teeth for MY daihatsu!].....and I rattled off in a manner that would be the envy of a London cab driver!


Went home & made toast.

Edited by alastairq
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I'd forgotten a couple of items so I went out about 7 this evening to get them before the supermarket closed. At the bottom of my street is a small row of shops but including a kebab shop and a chippie. The road also curves quite sharply and the customers to the fast food outlets park on the outside (right) of the bend reducing the road width to that of a single vehicle. Also there is a hedge on the inside of the bend that makes it difficult to see traffic approaching. This evening as I entered the part of the road  where the cars were parked an a*** hole in a BMW came swinging into the road, straight onto my side of the road expecting me to back up, instead of which I stood my ground and moved forward until we were almost bumper to bumper. After a few seconds he realised I was not going to back up and he backed up. I could see he was yelling something at me but I couldn't hear it as I had my windows closed and the radio on.  The cause of the problem is the parked cars, despite there being a perfectly adequate car park behind the shops, they park between two road junctions about 40 metres apart so are illegally parked anyway.

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