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Windows 10 . Anybody downloaded it yet?


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Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3206632)


One of our machines has spent two days and numerous attempts to install this update.  I searched the web for a solution and found a couple of people suggesting - 'stop windows Updater' - 'delete temporay files from the Windows Installer folder' - 'restart Updater'. 


It worked - the machine immediately searched and found the update, downloaded and installed (finally requiring a restart).


A corrupt file do we think?



Had similar problems, then gave up.


Ran free C Cleaner programe http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download then tried again.  Update then downloaded OK.


Then I always run free Malware Bytes https://www.malwarebytes.com/ to check nothing horrible crept in in the meantime.


Then I do an AVG anti virus scan!


Bit OTT I know, but I never got any viruses or malware in the last 6+ years.


PS I have my laptop set to be a "metered connection" so I only download Windows Update manually when I want to.  I hate automatic updates which reduces the laptop to a crawl.

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  • RMweb Premium

Perhaps at 11.25 it was still within the "active hours" window?

I always check during the day when an update is in the offing and Windows will usually either have downloaded it already and is waiting for a restart or I get "Updates are available" message and it will start downloading it with a list of what's coming.

The other three PCs did that Tuesday/Wednesday.



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Cut your losses and get a Mac…you'll not regret it.


To support this have you ever heard of a Mac user going back to Windows?..neither have I. 


Did this 4 years ago after being fed up with continual Windows updates and inevitable issues that followed.


Mac also update their os fairly regularly but its generally sorted before release and rarely causes the issues that Windows updates initially do.



Edited by vitalspark
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  • RMweb Premium

Cut your losses and get a Mac…you'll not regret it.






Three times the price for a similar spec machine (made generally from the same parts) and less compatibility.

I'd rather tolerate a bit of hassle than subscribe to Apple's overpriced products, thank you.



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  • RMweb Gold

Cut your losses and get a Mac…you'll not regret it.


To support this have you ever heard of a Mac user going back to Windows?..neither have I. 


Did this 4 years ago after being fed up with continual Windows updates and inevitable issues that followed.


Mac also update their os fairly regularly but its generally sorted before release and rarely causes the issues that Windows updates initially do.




Ever heard a PC owner saying  "Thanks Microsoft for making it impossible for me to buy substantially cheaper third party hardware products ?"


Let's not turn this into a Mac vs Windows debate.

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Ever heard a PC owner saying  "Thanks Microsoft for making it impossible for me to buy substantially cheaper third party hardware products ?"


Let's not turn this into a Mac vs Windows debate.



No your right lets not but the strength of the Mac is the fact that the hardware and software would appear to be controlled by the same company and as such are much less prone to compatibility issues.

Thats not to say that theres not frustration when after an update you realise that to benefit you might need a faster processor or the like..and its not usually possible then to reload the original.

Apple are particularly bad for this so I agree they're not perfect by a long way but most users know this now and if this would be the case and their Mac is running faultlessly they leave well alone.

After many PCs the Mac is simply better..reliability literally 100% and has never crashed in 3 years..also silent with no fans or the like and runs cool plus starts in seconds..whats not to like. 

Yes the price is higher but like quality cars you get what you pay for and hopefully enjoy a long and trouble free relationship.

Thats it..apologies in advance for stirring up a possible debate..never intended.


Happy Xmas to all



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I have stuck with Windows 7, which I like. I occasionally glance at this thread. Reading about the problems some of you have makes me think I should keep 7. Sue has 10 in her laptop (which was bought with 8 in it) and she seems to have a few irritating problems now and then.


I'm not sure what I will do when MS stop supporting 7. Would continuing with 7 be risky?



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  • RMweb Gold

To support this have you ever heard of a Mac user going back to Windows?..neither have I.

I personally know of several, so that's that argument gone.


also silent with no fans or the like and runs cool plus starts in seconds..whats not to like.


I've had silent PCs in the past (for media servers) and my current PC starts in seconds. That's nothing to do with it being Apple or not and everything to do with having an SSD.


So, back to the thread Topic....

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I have stuck with Windows 7, which I like. I occasionally glance at this thread. Reading about the problems some of you have makes me think I should keep 7. Sue has 10 in her laptop (which was bought with 8 in it) and she seems to have a few irritating problems now and then.


I'm not sure what I will do when MS stop supporting 7. Would continuing with 7 be risky?



Not at the present. W7 is widely used at present and if MS stop supporting it, it will be no different to XP which is equally still used by many. Main thing is ensuring your anti virus program remains compatible and possibly having to ditch IE (if you use it) in favour of another browser that still works.

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I think Win 7 support finally ends in 2020, but that can readily be checked. I still use WinXP occasionally, and will continue to do so until I no longer want to use some very old programs. Would I use the machine for bank transactions, and similar? No, not by choice, as I have more up to date alternatives.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Another update out in the wild this week, interestingly includes an update to Windows Update so it may resolve issues some people have been having just getting an update assuming you can get it installed in the first place. 16GB desktop no problem, 8GB laptop struggled (I set both installing the update at the same time once they had downloaded it and the desktop was miles quicker) and 4GB mini laptop is struggling to find the update.

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  • RMweb Premium

Another update out in the wild this week, interestingly includes an update to Windows Update so it may resolve issues some people have been having just getting an update assuming you can get it installed in the first place. 16GB desktop no problem, 8GB laptop struggled (I set both installing the update at the same time once they had downloaded it and the desktop was miles quicker) and 4GB mini laptop is struggling to find the update.

16Gb desktop about 2mins "preparing to install" another couple of minutes after restart. One of the quickest updates I've had.



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  • RMweb Premium

Looks like I was bowled a googly! The "biggie wasn't the W10 update but something else entirely

The downloads had not included the main cumulative update, which didn't download until after two other sets of downloads, making a total of six altogether.

So after spending 45 mins downloading and updating another hour was required to get all the updates on and installed!



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Last night as my wife was shutting down the computer, it advised not to turn off - updating.  When I tried to sign in next morning the dreaded circle of dots were still spinning around.  As this happens fairly frequently, the only way to get online is a hard start or two or three.  Finally success but what a pain!


Back to W7 soon!



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Yes- Windows 10 has tried to update me again - I'm now on my third attempt with the current jumbo upgrade - It started 5 to 6 days ago and that ended badly after an overnight upgrade  ending with the smiling and spinning dots of death. So I switched on and off manually twice and it re-installed an earlier version - Which version? I have no way of knowing..


Well for the last three days I noticed it had again offered to upgrade me.. So I stupidly thought - Why not have another go? - You think I would know better by now and just completely ignore these sexy offers it makes....  Any way that also ended badly with the smiling and spinning dots of death.. So once again the double restart and the roll back to sunnier days.


Now I have just finished the third attempt at doing Microsoft's bidding - which this time ended with the black screen of absolutely nothing happening - nada - it had even managed to kill the monitor - the only thing working was the on/off button.. Not even a flashing light of hard disc accessing..  Now this might have been some kind of success - This time It took three shots at a restart before it proudly informed it was rolling me back to the previous version of Windows 10... And when I regained some measure of control over the machine - the Apple I cloud screen popped up and also Java wanted to mess around! So maybe - Just maybe, it worked but was too shy to let me know? Anyway my message to anyone who has not yet been tricked into using Windows Ten is - Keep up the fight - Resist - Don't let Windows Ten happen to you - You have a life to live - Don't let Microsoft ruin it! :)

Edited by Bill
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  • RMweb Gold

Start -> settings -> system -> about  will tell you which version you have.   Current version is 1607 which is the Windows 10 anniversary update (1607 = 2016 July).  Good news there's another one coming in April (1704) .....

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Much of what I read on this topic reassures me that I was well advised to stick with Windows 7 which is totally reliable and without vices.


My only concern is that my current laptop is not likely to last forever - what happens when it finally pegs it?



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  • RMweb Premium

Much of what I read on this topic reassures me that I was well advised to stick with Windows 7 which is totally reliable and without vices.


My only concern is that my current laptop is not likely to last forever - what happens when it finally pegs it?

I know the feeling. I wouldn't mind a new computer but Windows 10 is a big offputting factor.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know the feeling. I wouldn't mind a new computer but Windows 10 is a big offputting factor.


Most problems with Windows 10 arise from upgrading an existing computer from Windows 7/8 etc.  A new computer will come with Windows 10 pre-installed and should be absolutely fine.

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 A new computer will come with Windows 10 pre-installed and should be absolutely fine.


Apart from when it heckles you for using Chrome as you browser.


'Oh Edge will improve your battery life by soooo much'



Sod Off.

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  • RMweb Premium

Most problems with Windows 10 arise from upgrading an existing computer from Windows 7/8 etc.  A new computer will come with Windows 10 pre-installed and should be absolutely fine.

My oldest desktop computer (originally Win XP, Athlon processor etc.) has upgraded just fine, via Win 7 where it needed a memory upgrade from 2Gb to 4Gb to function properly.

Running Task Manager shows that Win 10 uses less resources whilst running the same programs than Win 7 did.

It is also usually the second fastest when installing large Win10 upgrades, my ex Win 7 laptop with a much better spec is usually slower

The main problem with an old computer is insufficient USB sockets and SATA connections.

USB shortage overcome by using 2 USB hubs, can't do much with the lack of SATA as there is no more internal expansion room.

(I know you can get external USB-SATA devices)



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