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Windows 10 . Anybody downloaded it yet?


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  • RMweb Gold

Anyone else had a huge update today? Taken an hour so far and only 47%




There was the usual big update last Tuesday (13th September) KB3189866.  However there were some network issues with this and many users were unable to download it.  What MS have done is to correct that and re-ship it this week as KB3193494.  If your update last week of the original KB3189866 was successful (all of mine were) then the replacement will not be installed. See http://windowsreport.com/windows-10-update-kb3193494/

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This was not some little update of KBxxxxxxx or whatever - It was a wholesale upgrade of many big KBxxxxxxx's for Windows 10 of the most ambitious kind..

Since it failed absolutely to install on my machine - I notice they have so far not tried again..

Perhaps the failure somehow gets reported back to Microsoft and they now know what a bunch of monkeys their programmers are?

And hopefully they will now know, and are trying to find a fix for went wrong before they try again..?

Who can possibly tell what goes on in t he mind of Microsoft...?

It must be a great mystery even unto themselves..

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I have machines running Win versions 7, 8, and 10. Up to version 7 and to date, the MS update system seems to work pretty solidly - as it did with XP before that. My Win 8 machine is a slow tablet pc and I think it is the machine rather than the MS update software which occasionally causes problems. Win 10, though, feels far from solid. Updates are notified but do not seem to consistently install automatically or not. Reboots as part of the process seem to be more frequent than previously and, more frequently than in the past, the machine takes off on its own with disk activity, and hangs or black screens for no obvious reason. I think I have less confidence in Win 10 keeping working reliably than most earlier versions and I'm really relieved that as I've retired, I don't have to rely on this version for my living.


As an aside, if MS do start to charge in some way for "Windows as a service", I will definitely be seeking an alternative.



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  • RMweb Premium

I thought I was doing well with virtually no problems with Win 10 so far.


Just switched on my railway room PC and it doesn't recognise any of the USB devices.

NO Sprog, NO Lenz-USB & NO Digikeijs DR5000 which were all working fine before the latest update!


Got me at last :sarcastichand: 



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  • RMweb Premium

I think the problem is to do with unsigned drivers.

The DR5000 re-installed it's drivers after I unlpugged it and plugged it back in again, but the Sprog and Lenz kit (both unsigned) needed the drivers to be re-installed.

All now working fine again.



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  • RMweb Gold

I think the problem is to do with unsigned drivers.

The DR5000 re-installed its drivers after I unlpugged it and plugged it back in again, but the Sprog and Lenz kit (both unsigned) needed the drivers to be re-installed.

All now working fine again.




I have both the Lenz-USB (later version with LAN interface) and the Lenz decoder programmer (which uses the same driver as the earlier LI-USB) and neither stopped working after the latest updates.

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  • RMweb Premium

Folks, you'll never know how relieved I've been to read the last few posts on this thread, having had my laptop neutralised and my brain reduced to mush over the previous 24 hours, trying to deal with this upgrade. Convinced I was incompetent , Wife convinced I must have done something wrong.


The constant prompting to do the upgrade, starting it , then the caution from Windows themselves that * I should not proceed because I may lose functionality in playing music or video, had me confused enough. So I dismissed the upgrade (so I thought) only to be notified it was available again, plus being nagged to install it by my Internet Security on the grounds that not doing so might leave vulnerabilities to cyber attack.


There then followed the 24 hours of my life I'll never get back, back everything up to a remote hard drive and to 'One Drive',  start the download, MS notify 'they' had a problem, permitted the fix, download took 2 hours, then the fun really began : 'Working on updates, This may take a while (Define A While ??) Your PC may restart several times.3 hours and one restart later, 42% complete and the circling dots indicate that work continues.

3 hours later 42% complete and the dots have not moved for 2 hours - obviously not progressing.


So, despite MS exhortation "Don't Turn Off Your Computer" I decide enough is enough and switch off. With great trepidation, switch back on again and eventually get message : "Restoring your previous version of Windows". As has been said above, no indication of which version, so another anxiety added to the mix, I wouldn't want 8.1 back at any price.

The circling dots again suggest something is working as I decide I need to sleep for the night.


7:30 am the following day and the same message with the same circling dots are still on my screen - the question 'how long can this take ?' drifts constantly through my mind and I reach for the power button.


As I switch back on , I'm grateful to be prompted for my password and to find that I have a working Laptop and some version of Windows 10 is working.

Then 'Audible notification alert' reveals a message from Windows : "We were unable to complete the update" .( Tell me something I don't know MS), then another notification prompt : 'Updates are available'  AAAUUUUGHHH ! (sorry).


Can anyone, in simple words suitable for a simple and currently fragile mind, say how I can dismiss this prompt to update so that it stays dismissed especially when I know that if I start it again MS themselves will recommend I dismiss it for the reasons stated above*


As I type, I'm now getting notified that I've used all the space in One Drive, can this get any more complicated and confusing ?


Thank you for your patience if you've read through this, I don't need any ratings, just had to get it off my chest.





Edit to correct App name

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi John


What version of Windows is it showing?

Open a command prompt window and type in "winver" (no quotes!)


The latest one comes up as version 1607 (build 14393,187)




BTW I don't use Onedrive or any other of the MS add-ons that we can't remove easily.

I back up to a seperate back up disk.


You could do a search on the MS windows forum to see if it a common problem or if there is an easy fix.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have both the Lenz-USB (later version with LAN interface) and the Lenz decoder programmer (which uses the same driver as the earlier LI-USB) and neither stopped working after the latest updates.

Apparantly I'm not alone as there is some chatter on 'tweb about MS trying to enforce signed drivers and updates removing/disabling unsigned ones.


It's a simple process to redo them but a bit annoying.



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Keith/ Melmerby,


The winver command result was Windows 10 version 1511, so the update has definitely not taken effect.

I searched for the problem and got lots of references to peoples previous experiences with earlier updates which, so far as I know, my laptop has successfully processed without any difficulties.

I suppose I could try the MS/ Windows forums or help, but I think in my current state of mind about this I'd probably get very impatient at the first hint of technicalities or complicated procedures which I won't understand anyway.

What I really don't understand is why MS are warning me and recommending I dismiss the update, then persistently prompting me to download and run it again. Why won't my dismissal register ?


The really annoying thing is that I was quite content with how Windows 10 was performing on my laptop to meet my own very limited requirements. If this is the massive Anniversary Update and its meant to be some prestige step change in the OS, then its not impressing me.




Edit typo repetition

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Thanks Keith/ Melmerby,The winver command result was Windows 10 version 1511, so the update has definitely not taken effect.I searched for the problem and got lots of references to peoples previous experiences with earlier updates which, so far as I know, my laptop has successfully processed without any difficulties.I suppose I could try the MS/ Windows forums or help, but I think in my current state of mind about this I'd probably get very impatient at the first hint of technicalities or complicated procedures which I won't understand anyway.What I really don't understand is why MS are warning me and recommending I dismiss the update, then persistently prompting me to download and run it again. Why won't my dismissal register ?The really annoying thing is that I was quite content with how Windows 10 was performing on my laptop to meet my own very limited requirements. If this is the massive Anniversary Update and its meant to be some prestige step change in the OS, then its not impressing me.JohnEdit typo repetition

Go to https://catalog.update.microsoft.com/

Let it scan the pc and it will come up with what updates are needed.

Select as appropriate to your pc (32 or 62 bit) and download as per any other program download

Run the downloaded file(s) and the updates will install and update the Windows Update record on the pc as appropriate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Butler Henderson and thank you for your suggestion.


When I tried that however, after seeking my consent to access and change Apps etc, it just presented a search box, finding no result after I typed in 'scan for required updates'

I'm afraid its this kind of digression from what I think I should expect that leaves me 'none plussed' about these matters.


As to whether I'd be inputting 32 or 62 bit if I'd got that far, Properties of my PC says its 64 bit ?




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Butler Henderson and thank you for your suggestion.


When I tried that however, after seeking my consent to access and change Apps etc, it just presented a search box, finding no result after I typed in 'scan for required updates'

I'm afraid its this kind of digression from what I think I should expect that leaves me 'none plussed' about these matters.


As to whether I'd be inputting 32 or 62 bit if I'd got that far, Properties of my PC says its 64 bit ?




Try this.

Go to this page:



Download and save the program by clicking "get the anniversary update now"

Run it and it should do a full update

(It's effectively a new program)

I've done 4 PCs that way





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks again Keith, hope I'm not imposing on your good nature, but just a couple of questions you might be able to clue me in on before I try again:


1 About how long should this actually take please, I spent hours getting to the point where the update was downloaded, then up to where 42% had been processed before the whole thing ground to a halt. The laptop then ran all night (about 15 hours) supposedly restoring my W10 OS back to square one.


2. MS recommended I decline the update because it might stop me being able to play music or videos due to some rights protection issue, which they say will be fixed by a patch at an unspecified future date (months). After all the problems I was inclined to decline the upgrade.

Do you know if my closing the window with the X should be sufficient action to decline the update at their suggested stage in proceedings, or is there something additional I need to do to 'bail out' if I decide on that course of action ?





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks again Keith, hope I'm not imposing on your good nature, but just a couple of questions you might be able to clue me in on before I try again:


1 About how long should this actually take please, I spent hours getting to the point where the update was downloaded, then up to where 42% had been processed before the whole thing ground to a halt. The laptop then ran all night (about 15 hours) supposedly restoring my W10 OS back to square one.


2. MS recommended I decline the update because it might stop me being able to play music or videos due to some rights protection issue, which they say will be fixed by a patch at an unspecified future date (months). After all the problems I was inclined to decline the upgrade.

Do you know if my closing the window with the X should be sufficient action to decline the update at their suggested stage in proceedings, or is there something additional I need to do to 'bail out' if I decide on that course of action ?





1. It seems to vary as mine have taken from less than 2 hours up to nearly 4, surprisingly not related to the computer spec.

The oldest PC with an AMD64 and 4Gb of memory which started life with Win XP was the quickest, my "best" computer with a SSD for C: and 16Gb of memory was almost the slowest (SWMBOs Celeron laptop was just the slowest)


There were periods in all the updates when it seems to have come to a standstill but it did eventually burst back into life!

(I've got fibre broadband so the actual download itself was fairly quick)


2. I don't know about usage rights problems but if you close a window with the X it should stop any action taking place and any preceding action towards installing should be undone.


(I have seen dodgy websites however that clicking the X actually runs an unwanted, usually malicious, program. Typically the "Your computer is at risk", "Click OK to run boggit's scan to correct" etc. type messages. 

Bailing out of the website smartish is the best thing to do, without clicking anything

I'll blame Google Search for ending up there in the first place :jester:)





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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks again Keith, hope I'm not imposing on your good nature, but just a couple of questions you might be able to clue me in on before I try again:


1 About how long should this actually take please, I spent hours getting to the point where the update was downloaded, then up to where 42% had been processed before the whole thing ground to a halt. The laptop then ran all night (about 15 hours) supposedly restoring my W10 OS back to square one.


2. MS recommended I decline the update because it might stop me being able to play music or videos due to some rights protection issue, which they say will be fixed by a patch at an unspecified future date (months). After all the problems I was inclined to decline the upgrade.

Do you know if my closing the window with the X should be sufficient action to decline the update at their suggested stage in proceedings, or is there something additional I need to do to 'bail out' if I decide on that course of action ?





When I saw this message I did a search for the file types that might be affected.  I found a small number of files and a few spot checks confirmed they would not be affected by the licensing problem.  I therefore continued with the installation and so far everything is OK.

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  • RMweb Premium

Try this.

Go to this page:



Download and save the program by clicking "get the anniversary update now"

Run it and it should do a full update

(It's effectively a new program)

I've done 4 PCs that way





I will try that later, I'll set it up to do that just before I go out for the day.

I'm confused by the fact that it hasn't updated to the Anniversary Update already.


I have run a program Belarc Advisor (with latest updates), which tells me that Win 10 is up to date, yet Windows tells me that the windows version is 1511, build 10586 so clearly isn't.

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  • RMweb Premium

I will try that later, I'll set it up to do that just before I go out for the day.

I'm confused by the fact that it hasn't updated to the Anniversary Update already.


I have run a program Belarc Advisor (with latest updates), which tells me that Win 10 is up to date, yet Windows tells me that the windows version is 1511, build 10586 so clearly isn't.

Well that did the trick - thank you Melmerby.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have Office 2007 and Adobe 8.3 (well past its sell by date) but supposedly all compatible.  After this latest update pdf maker within Word will not make the 'all singing and dancing' pdf - just the basic.  It still seems to work for Excel - most odd.  I have the same problem in three different machines and have wasted most of today trying to understand the issue.  I wonder if anyone else has noticed.  As a trial I have reinstalled Office and Adobe on one machine - all to no effect.  I did notice that Microsoft issued a 'patch' this afternoon which corrected some oddities in 'Settings' on the machine I was working on.



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  • RMweb Premium

I have Office 2007 and Adobe 8.3 (well past its sell by date) but supposedly all compatible.  After this latest update pdf maker within Word will not make the 'all singing and dancing' pdf - just the basic.  It still seems to work for Excel - most odd.  I have the same problem in three different machines and have wasted most of today trying to understand the issue.  I wonder if anyone else has noticed.  As a trial I have reinstalled Office and Adobe on one machine - all to no effect.  I did notice that Microsoft issued a 'patch' this afternoon which corrected some oddities in 'Settings' on the machine I was working on.



Libre Office ( a full office suite) does a pretty good job of creating pdf files from the various type of documents and its free.

Worth a try.



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  • RMweb Gold

Having an absolute nightmare with Win10 on this computer today, it's an HP laptop with the awful unlistenable BeatsAudio crap software. So far I've managed to uninstall BeatsAudio three times, once when I get the laptop, once when it upgraded to Win10 and once when a big update put it back again. This time the Anniversary update has put it back yet again and I am having real difficulty getting rid of it. Anyone got any "useful" suggestions. By useful I mean how to actually get rid of BeatsAudio without changing laptop or operating system. Suggestions of Apple or Linux will be taken as trolling, please don't bother.



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  • RMweb Premium

Having an absolute nightmare with Win10 on this computer today, it's an HP laptop with the awful unlistenable BeatsAudio crap software. So far I've managed to uninstall BeatsAudio three times, once when I get the laptop, once when it upgraded to Win10 and once when a big update put it back again. This time the Anniversary update has put it back yet again and I am having real difficulty getting rid of it. Anyone got any "useful" suggestions. By useful I mean how to actually get rid of BeatsAudio without changing laptop or operating system. Suggestions of Apple or Linux will be taken as trolling, please don't bother.



What actually is BeatsAudio software and what does it purport to do?



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