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  • RMweb Premium

Clean because its new.... !

Waiting for the rumours to start about 67s on the Night Riviera !

Would they be any more reliable than present traction?????
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  • RMweb Premium

Would they be any more reliable than present traction?????


Possibly a little less reliable.  But then there are lies, darned lies and statistics and locomotive availability is a statistic ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Please list all class 57 failures over the last 12 months, and yes I do know the answer!

Sorry, couldn't find the tongue in cheek emoticon

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Every time we've returned to the B & W, the tracks at Bodmin Road station have always been in need of the weedsprayer train, going back many years.  Can't comment on the rest of the railway obviously but this is what the average passenger sees.  A far cry from when the neatly ballasted track was raised and a cess  alongside.



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  • RMweb Premium

The acceleration on those HST’s must be even quicker now they have half the load to get going.


Didn't notice how quickly it left but they do still have to come up the hill with a fair bit of power on, then stop fairly abruptly when it levels off pretty much at the end of the platforms - same at Liskeard.


Wasn't just Bodmin looking green - was the same pretty much everywhere I went in Cornwall over the weekend!

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  • RMweb Premium

 A far cry from when the neatly ballasted track was raised and a cess  alongside.




And we routinely spayed toxic chemicals about with little thought to their effect on wildlife or the carcinogenic proprieties they posed to staff involved in their handling.


That said a dose of weedkiller now that there is leaf growth to absorb it wouldn't go amiss at Bodmin, etc - but then again for it to be effective you do need a period of dry weather, not lots of rail to wash away the water soluble and non polluting active agent before it can be absorbed through the leaf structure.

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Every time we've returned to the B & W, the tracks at Bodmin Road station have always been in need of the weedsprayer train, going back many years.  Can't comment on the rest of the railway obviously but this is what the average passenger sees.  A far cry from when the neatly ballasted track was raised and a cess  alongside.



Unfortunately the weedkillers (using the term very loosely) that Network Rail are allowed to use are next to useless.

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  • RMweb Premium

Unfortunately the weedkillers (using the term very loosely) that Network Rail are allowed to use are next to useless.

Indeed. I'm not sure they work at all TBH.

Think ive written similar before about weed killer, but with the litigious society we now live in, it'll take a very brave man to spray anything that does work on Network Rail infrastructure.

Think water courses, streams, rivers, neighbouring gardens etc etc.

Edited by Gary H
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  • RMweb Premium

Kernow tomorrow?


The summer timetable is now available which includes the VegEx St. Erth - Exeter - Penzance. But will it be 57+NR sitters or the 2+4 HST?

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Don't know now about back home, but over here country roads are sprayed routinely at appropriate time to control weeds, etc.  Also volunteers take care of litter tossed out of cars etc, while on the railways, weed killers are employed and in most cases seem to do a better job which may depend on the type and brand used.  While every care should be taken to protect the countryside, the railways themselves need protection also, otherwise the alternative is to employ gangers as in days of old but very expensive today!



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Kernow tomorrow?


The summer timetable is now available which includes the VegEx St. Erth - Exeter - Penzance. But will it be 57+NR sitters or the 2+4 HST?

I will give you a clue-


It wont be the GTI because that will be under exam at Laira.

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  • RMweb Premium

I will give you a clue-


It wont be the GTI because that will be under exam at Laira.

Have seen the 4 car out impressive sight. Seems strange only seeing short form. Good for the difference it’s gonna make to local services I guess.


Is gti 2 on the horizon yet?

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