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Return to small things...



I have returned to a little 2mm scale modelling.

I need to add some more stuff to the Glenfield layout as it is looking very neglected, so have been soldering together a station seat and a hand barrow from Shirescenes. Hard on the eyes but I managed to do it ok.

I also gave the track a good wipe along to try to get some of the dirt off and improve running, in the process of which I managed to remove the sign ( again) from the Gents.

I don't think now that the track on this little layout is the best I can do, and I am sorely tempted to rip it up and relay it all. However, if I start this it is likely that I will chuck the whole board and try somewhere different!

The evidence for that is my mark 1 attempt at trackwork, Barnoldswick, the board of which is in my garage propping up a wall, rails rusting nicely..

So instead I chose the option of trying to complete the scenery and put up with the odd glitch - after all, it's never going to be exposed to public scrutiny and is purely for my own amusement.

This led me into running a train behind the converted Union Mills 2F, of which I have attached a couple of photos. I must also get round to changing the couplings to get closer and more even spacing. That has been on my to-do list for over a year, and applies to the older wagons, as I quickly realised it's easier to get it right at the time of construction!





Emerging from Glenfield tunnel...



Shunting the yard....



Shunting as black and white image...


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  • RMweb Premium

whats the problem with the track ? :O


are you sure that some tweeking may solve 90% of the problems

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Hi Nick.


Two things about the track really - I don't particularly like the way I finished it. It looks bit messy to close scrutiny, and has not worn well so far. Mounting the track on sellotape sticky fixer strip as a base was not a good idea on reflection. Some of the track has lifted as I only lightly ballasted the easitrac.

Secondly, the turnouts I can now make now are a lot better, stronger and more reliable.

The running problems are partly in the turnouts and in the stuff I'm running, as well as the dirt which has accumulated over the year and some rail expansion/ movement.

The Union Mills tenders, even though the wheels have been reduced to FS standards, are still occasionally in conflict with the existing pointwork, even though b2bs and rail clearances seem accurate.

A feature of 2mm is that it seems far more sensitive to such things than larger scales.


Thirdly if I started again I would use Templot more effectively for a more flowing and natural look. I would also extend the layout by another foot or so on the tunnel approach and use a lightly curved baseboard.

I also think that other aspects of this build could be improved - my buildings for example, are ok but window frames could be etched and as a result look much neater.


So ripping up the track would be perhaps too labour intensive to justify keeping the layout at all !


Balanced against this however is the amount of research / work put in to make it resemble the prototype reasonably well, even with the usual compromises.The biggest feature for me is the 3D historical reconstruction of a Midland Railway station which no longer exists, which means more or less mission accomplished, as a static model at least.




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It is a problem when you do anything that you realise how it could be improved by using a different medium/method/etc. These are things to memory bank for next time, or it really could become a vicious circle!

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