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P4 - (Another) diesel servicing point diorama - Not completion... but it'll have to do for now



blog-0222751001336494578.jpgThis will be a brief(ish) update as I’ve been trying to spend what little time I’ve had available in actually modelling rather than reading or writing about it... and with a deadline this week time was rather short. However, I’ve drawn a halt now... for the time being and this will have to do. There’s lots and lots to do, but this was never intended to be at a final exhibitable stage, it was actually intended as a work in progress for our local show this Saturday... and that’s what it is. Fortunately, bits of it look ok. I’m reasonably pleased with the ballast although I’d prefer the hard-standing to be a little darker in colour now that the ballast is down. I can work on that at a later date. To carry on, I will add the refuel mechanisms to the hard-standing and I’ll add pipework to the de-fuel area alongside the shed. General detritus needs scattering and I’ll have to add some weeds too. The foreground needs some fencing and some better tarmac surface... the office will probably be moved off this board and replaced with a fuel tank... and then I’ll need to add some lighting poles.... but, as I said, it’ll do for now. It should look ok as a partial board – work in progress.


To be honest, this has taken about 6 weeks... so I don’t think that’s too bad. Nothing like Jon N (Sandhills) standards... but a reasonable start.


It will (the plan) get a board at each end... and one/some behind with main running lines (2 or 4) and some backscene. The (sky) blue board serves for now... although I managed to drop the resin office onto it today and chipped the paintwork in 5 places. That’s been touched up... but it’s no work of art.


There’s a very rudimentary lighting rig that will sit behind to suspend a small tube to provide some overhead lighting; the lighting in the exhibition hall last year was a little orangey... and I’m in the same spot this year.


Ballast is all Carrs. The main depot area is Ash ballast, which is as smooth as it seems to go. All laid as flat as possible and the larger areas tampered with a small piece of packing foam (once I worked out a better way to do it)... and set with Klear... this is ideal for me because it allows me to work a bit at a time. I just wish I could find a stockist somewhere as the old stuff is in short supply. I think the new stuff is ok too... just need to find some somewhere and give it a go.

Ballast comparisons... ash on left 2mm grey on right


Some blending with powders. No, I'm right handed - it's holding the camera.


Blended ballast


The ballast at the edges and on the rear (slightly raised) line is Carrs 2mm light grey, although I mixed some ash ballast in to provide some variety. There is a colour mis-match, but with some blending in with Carrs weathering powders the difference does tend to diminish... or so I fortunately found.


The buffers are modified Peco. I removed all the additional bracing pieces, and assembled them at a slightly wider gauge... by drilling the holes in the front plate out a bit... fitting and filing the ends flush. Several prototype photos showed a bracing piece across the back... so I added this detail with 0.6mm wire – superb as it adds some strength too. I removed the bent-rail bottom ends of the vertical and added plasticard bracing pieces... of the approximate shape from photos... and added some archer rivets to the sheet. To be honest, these are a bit weak for what I needed... but they’re what I had, so they had to do. The finished item was fitted once some chairs had their uppers removed to allow the rail pieces of the buffers to sit nicely on the track. The whole thing was treated to Halfords red primer and then painted with Humbrol metalcoat which polished up nicely (where it needed to).... a white head stock (is that the name?) and lamp finished this off. Weathering was with a mix of brown and black (Sleeper grime and weathered black) daubed over and rubbed off.... and a thin mix allowed to seep into the crevices. A final partial buff gave this result... which will do for now until I can acquire something more finescale.


The inspection pit sans shed


The office is Bachmann Scenecraft with some light Tamiya pastel weathering (tried out) and the paving is of course Metcalfe.


The intent was to have somewhere to sit NIMBUS... and I hope it’ll suffice for now.


I hope it meets the punters wishes on Saturday. If you’re attending, please stop by and say “Hiâ€.

A couple more shots to illustrate my work in progress... an overview or two and a close up with insufficient depth of field... I must download that software! Oh there's so much more to do :( and this evening it was diging the allotment!


Oh, and my powercab will be connected... so if you want to hear a Deltic ... this I can manage (albeit within the limitiations of the scale)

:bye: for now.... Jon

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Very very nice track work there Jon and the whole scene looks great, really nice work.

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks superb Jon - I'm thinking of a plank/dio as a test before I jump in to my full size project in P4 and this one has certainly given me some ideas...


Love the Deltic - my layout is set in the North East in 1980 so plenty of chance for Deltic hauled trains :)



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Almost makes me wish I modelled in the diesel era! Excellent start.



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Well done for meeting a deadline Jon, and it looks very much a presentable whole. I'm impressed! No greenery in sight! :)


In the smaller scale I always found it hard to balance diarama size layouts with practical storage, this seems to be a reasonable size, with a variety of photo opportunities, I think you've made the best of the space available. Great results with the ballast and powders too!

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Lovely stuff jon - those Peco buffers have turned out nice - makes a change from seeing them just used 'out of the packet' . Ive used both the new and old 'Klear' on ballast - with the new version i found the ballast flaked off a little , but a second coat after the first had fully dried did the trick . Wont ever go back to PVA!

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Looks great Jon, plenty of room to park your class 47 when it's done.


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice one Jon - hope our various offline conversations helped in some small way - the blue sky background works a treat :D


Look forward to see you...and this...in less than 72...

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Very very nice track work there Jon and the whole scene looks great, really nice work.

Thanks... I try to get teh ballast and track looking as realistic as possible. I want to give this a going over with an airbrush to blend the colours a little more but that will need to wait until time permits.


Looks superb Jon - I'm thinking of a plank/dio as a test before I jump in to my full size project in P4 and this one has certainly given me some ideas... Love the Deltic - my layout is set in the North East in 1980 so plenty of chance for Deltic hauled trains :) John

John, the idea of a plank was based on admiring Jom S-W's initial plank.. and then some serious discussions with BCN Pete who I have completely failed to credit for all his help on sorting me out with this project... so Pete... thanks so much for all your help, suggestions and warming PMs that helped me get this far. Nowt wrong with Deltics is there ;-)


Almost makes me wish I modelled in the diesel era! Excellent start. Mike

Thanks Mike. The advantage with diesels is that they can be blu, green or any colour you want - so there's no era restriction at all.


Well done for meeting a deadline Jon, and it looks very much a presentable whole. I'm impressed! No greenery in sight! :) In the smaller scale I always found it hard to balance diarama size layouts with practical storage, this seems to be a reasonable size, with a variety of photo opportunities, I think you've made the best of the space available. Great results with the ballast and powders too!

Thanks James. I wanted to go a bit bigger - but space is a problem. The theory is that I can add another plant behind this one and/or one to either side should I wish to continue. We'll see. Yes you're right, greenery is needed.. it'll come, eventually. Just pretend that the depot's been cleaned and de-weeded for an inspection ;-)

Lovely stuff jon - those Peco buffers have turned out nice - makes a change from seeing them just used 'out of the packet' . Ive used both the new and old 'Klear' on ballast - with the new version i found the ballast flaked off a little , but a second coat after the first had fully dried did the trick . Wont ever go back to PVA!

Jon, glad the new Klear works ok... I've used about 1/3 bottle on this and really want to save it (the old stuff) for glazing etc. So i'll hunt around for the new stuff. No problems with a second coat - still better than PVA in my opinion.


Lovely work Jon - very tidy finish and your colour choices are excellent.

Thanks Will... I referred to your Whitemarsh yard blog a few times... and I've still lots to do. Glad to see Whitemarsh back in the forum again! Oh, and I love the Mole!


Looks great Jon, plenty of room to park your class 47 when it's done. Cheers Peter.

The 47 is "in progress" and will come back to the fore before long. I've had some issues putting the bogie frames back on after fitting the new wheel set... and it's too tight for my liking. So there's much to do there.


Fabbo Jon


Nice one Jon - hope our various offline conversations helped in some small way - the blue sky background works a treat :D Look forward to see you...and this...in less than 72...


Ah Pete. Yes your messages were very supportive and I erally should've attributed this to your support... so thank you thank you thank you. I'll let you have first look on Saturday ;-) It'll be good to see you... hope your eJ experience on the way over is ok... and pleae bring some nice BCN weather with you 'cause it's been grim here!


Thanks one and all.



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  • RMweb Gold

so Pete... thanks so much for all your help, suggestions and warming PMs that helped me get this far.


Ah Pete. Yes your messages were very supportive and I erally should've attributed this to your support... so thank you thank you thank you. I'll let you have first look on Saturday ;-) It'll be good to see you... hope your eJ experience on the way over is ok... and pleae bring some nice BCN weather with you 'cause it's been grim here!


Jon, hi - I wasn't fishing...just genuinely pleased to have been of help in some small way - many thanks to write this though, its much appreciated and I really do look forward to Saturday...can't promise on the weather front though...besides you'll be inside for most of the day...:)

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Pete, ah , but you deserve the thanks... honest you do. AND, if you can bring the sunshine... or at least chase the rain away we'll all be very grateful. Oh.... I've got a small pack of das that I picked up last week if you need it... I bought it on spec and don't really need it yet.


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