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Sounds good...



Well, I've done it.


For some time, ever since I bought into the potential of DCC in fact, I've been hankering after having sound in a loco. I have never been really taken thus far with the quality of steam recordings I’ve heard, so have been tempted more towards a throaty Sulzer on a class 24.


The problem is, 2mm just doesn't lend itself. Even if you could crank the sound up loud enough, it would somehow be disproportionate to the size of the models in the general context of the landscape.


So as the small 2mm layout is approaching completion, I've been thinking what to do about sound for some time. At

this moment in time, I fancy doing something a little different which doesn't involve having to make stock always from scratch or kit, and which runs well straight out of the box and is easy to see!


O gauge appeals, but aside from the expense, and the kit building issue, I knew that I could never do it justice without converting a spare bedroom into a railway room, which I am reluctant to do, as we often put up visitors,and because I don't know anyone with an O gauge layout !


Then a few weeks ago a friend invited me round to play with his (OO) trains.


As soon as I saw and heard it I knew I was going to buy one.


I'm talking about the exquisite Bachmann Robinson 04 in weathered finish. The sound quality and synchronisation are just amazing and blew me away - I could have played with it all night, and very nearly did! It is absolutely what I was looking for, I just wasn’t thinking in 4mm.


As a result, I have now installed a Howes’ programmed ESU sound decoder and speaker in an 04, and set it up on a rolling road which I have borrowed, and I think it must be the ultimate executive toy! It is simmering gently in front of me as I type, and lo: The fireman has just begun to shovel on some coal!


The Howes chip also features a shunting mode, and all the clanks and hisses I could want, so I mayset up a small shunting board for home use, though the intention is to keep it on my windowsill on a rolling road of my own.

Of course, a bonus is I that I can take the loco elsewhere to give it a proper run out with all the animation that the sound brings to this model.



(Tried to add a video clip but couldn't get sound on my phone for some reason.)






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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Chris, couldn't see the forest for the trees, eh? :-) I know what you mean about hankering for something different, and I can see how DCC and sound could add that. The 04 is such an attrative loco as well, and it looks really good sitting there on the rollers. I'm curious about the perspex screen?

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  • RMweb Premium

You're on a slippery slope, Chris.


I bought a second hand P4 loco years ago just for a little 'dabble' in 4mm scale. These days nearly all my modelling is in 4mm (with sound). Getting decent sound in 2mm would be near to impossible because it's difficult enough in 4mm, and I don't think I'd ever be happy with a quiet train set again, so that leaves 2FS very much on the back burner for me.



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You're on a slippery slope, Chris.I bought a second hand P4 loco years ago just for a little 'dabble' in 4mm scale. These days nearly all my modelling is in 4mm (with sound). Getting decent sound in 2mm would be near to impossible because it's difficult enough in 4mm, and I don't think I'd ever be happy with a quiet train set again, so that leaves 2FS very much on the back burner for me.David


Well I have to say my other half for the first time looked a bit worried when she saw the size of it ( boom boom!) - and imagined the space a layout might take up :D

There is something quite magical about seeing a dumb beast come to life. The sync is astonishing, and could not be achieved in 2mm as technology stands.

It won't stop me modelling in 2FS - I have too much of an investment now in Little Midland, and that railway will always be number one for me - but I am happy to sit and play with this and allow myself a little pleasure from it.

Tha advantage of modelling 2FS is that this loco looks massive, so there is less temptation to do the same in O gauge!!



Hi Chris, couldn't see the forest for the trees, eh? :-) I know what you mean about hankering for something different, and I can see how DCC and sound could add that. The 04 is such an attrative loco as well, and it looks really good sitting there on the rollers. I'm curious about the perspex screen?


Seeing is believing Mikkel. I would never have thought that a steamer could sound this good, and the 04 is a great looking engine - even if it is from foreign parts.

The weathering is also well done I think, I have been given a couple of wagons which I've also been weathering, though I can't see yet whether they will get used.

The screen? A simple device for making sure my two little grandsons don't get too near!


I am also considering extending it into a case to keep dust off, so the loco can remain in situ.



ps keep up the postings on Farthings - loved the last one!

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