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So we now have a chassis that rolls. The trouble with it now there are no detailing on at all. But the first thing to sort is to fix the broken coupling rod. When I had this on the bench last time I had to bush the crank pin holes as they were huge. this was done with some copper tube which I had in stock, and was the correct size. I took the broken joint apart, and found both halves broken.The front half I managed to solder a brass bush into it. The rear half needed a piece scarfed in, to make up the fork. This was then soldered back together, yippee it worked, and even better I put them both onto the chassis and it rolled without any tight spots.





I then was under the strange impression that I could find a way to bolt the cylinders onto the front of the chassis. Which is why I have just spent an hours cleaning the parts. The problem was there must of been a twist in them as one side was right and the other was level. This gave me an opportunity to assemble them in a way that makes it easy to make removable from the chassis. I have made a piece for each side behind the cylinders to run outside the frames behind the front wheel. This is soldered to the back of the cylinders and screwed to the frames. This carries the motion brackets. I then find that whoever built this, cut the slide bars on one side short. I think I am getting better at bodging with this loco. The front footplate and widened frame were reattched to the cylinders. This is now whole part is now detachable, motion brackets to buffers. I think it will hold together I have five screws, and it will also screw to the footplate.







It is surprising the front attachment is now 2/3 the length of the main chassis.




I will continue to clean up the valve gear, and it looks like I can see about detailing the the chassis. I can also make the missing ashpan opening leaver, as some kind soul from this manor posted some ideal photos.

Edited by N15class
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Very interesting, Thankyou.

It is very interesting it gets the old grey cells working. I will be honest I willbepleased to get it out of my cupboard.

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