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Well, I have completed the rear lamp irons, this has been a lot of guess work. In the photo's I have you can only see the one behind the buffer. The position of the others is pure guestimation. On the A1 A1X the middle lamp irons are generally an extended one. Fixed just behind the buffer one. So if anyone can prove my positions right or wrong I would be grateful. I also fitted the toolbox behind the bunker. I am very suprised I could find no photo's of one with a hasp on the lid to keep it shut, must rely on the weight of the lid. The only detail to be seen is a weather strip at the top, so I added this using a piece of brass shim



Next job was the cab hand rails. These are going to be a bit vulnerable while the engine is being finished. They are soldered at the cab beading, but only located in a hole in the footplate. So I am going to have to be really carefull when I have it in it's component parts,or I will pull the cab beading out. I had thought about fixing them after painting, but I dislike glueing onto a painted surface, it can ruin everything. I think I will be alright for now, as most of thework needs it to be on one piece.



Also I have made are new clack valves. The kit comes with white metal ones, which are not cast very well. Plus the fact I seem to have lost one. These are assembled from tube, copper wire, and washers. I am lucky with these ones as all of the flanges are round. I am pleased with the way they turned out, 100% better then the cast ones.




The next part of the process is the hand rails. It was an interesting job working out what length handrail knob went where to get them straight and level. I think I have managed. The hand rail itself needs to be trimmed very slightly, and split at the front knob. It then can be fitted after painting. Yes I know I just said I do not like doing it after painting, but here I just cannot see any other way as the smokebox and boiler barrel are seperate parts.



Next came a bit of luck studying the only photo I have of 735 left hand side, I manage to spot the vacumn injector pipe. So I have now been able to fix this on. The brake valve in the cab is an educated guess after looking at about five other A1 cabs. If it is not right I will change it, but I doubt I will find anymore photos before painting. Mind you it is yet another sticky out bit to be carefull of when I take apart for painting.





Next the footsteps to the cab. Used straight from the kit. They are supposed to be bent under the footplate, but I have a feeling the rear wheel crank pin will foul. I think I need to try and get the bent a little, as they seem to protrude to far, at the moment.



The only brass work now left to solder on are the buffers, and the cab roof gutter, which I think I will use to the roof casting on. Did not work the roof casting is to small the gutter would not sit around the out side of the cab. Rethink time, gutter soldered to cab and roof sitting inside? Will have to try. Not east to solder clips to whitemetal so the roof can clip into placethe way I normally do.

Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Gold

Wonderful work. Those clack valves are very neatly done. Quite amazing how much better they are than the w/m ones when you see the comparison! Great photos too, btw.

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Very nice work, your comment about the rear toolbox is correct - it stays shut by the weight of the heavy wooden lid on a full width leather hinge (what you have called a weather strip).

With regard to lampiron fittings, any reference photos that I have (including some rarely published) tantalisingly don't show this fixing, so they might not have even been fitted?

The two considerations I think would be practical, can you get the lamp on with the overhang lip of the bunker and do they foul the toolbox lid?

I think that the vacuum ejector pipe may be carried closer to the boiler, although on te photos that I have it varies at different stages of its life and in Southern days there are two pipes into the cab - but at the earlier stage it is carried tight to the smokebox and then straight back. Will you be fitting the pulley system on top of the cab roof? This seems to have arrived with the Drummond boiler which started with a flared chimney but got changed to a stovepipe by early Southern days. The detail on this engine seems to be ever changing through its life.

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Thanks I am glad you like it.

The photos I have show the most of the A1's with a tall lamp iron at the rear, for the middle, on 735 I can see the lamp iron behind the buffer and that is it. There is no tall one. I would of thought that it needs the two centre ones for running bunker first. I would think there is room for the lamp, but it would need to be removed to open the toolbox.

I am doing 735 with the stovepipe chimney, with pull push gear on the roof, this was made early and is shown in No 8 blog. It would be nice to if I have got that correct as it is very promenant stuck up on the roof.

I had I like the loco with the flared chimney too, the pull push was also set for running bunker first at this time, as it had a hoop on the dome, an pulleys on the cimney to carry the wires forward.

I see what you mean about the vacuum pipe being closer to the boiler. They must of kinked it around the dome. I will adjust mine I think it looks better closer to the boiler.

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Coming along nicely Peter.

Through builds like this I get more positive thoughts by the day on my ACE J52.

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Thank you Rob. Kits like these just need a little more user input. What I have seen of your work you will have no problems.

I had a good day with the detailing today. I should be in a position by the end of play on Monday, to get the primer out. No playing with trains at the weekend:(

Then what to do next.

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